I rarely remember dreams, so when I do, I tend to take note!
I had a dream the other night that was very vivid, on the whole it was lovely, filled with a sense of love and connection and joy, then at the end it all got a bit disturbing, with me crying out in the dream and in real life and waking myself up!
I've tried analysing it myself with all the info in the stickies in this section but it's not something I do often so I'm concerned that I might be taking things too literally or trying to make it fit my life at the moment. I'd really appreciate it if anyone out there felt able to take an objective view and give me some help/pointers in analysing it.
Thanks in anticipation,
I'm walking through the dusty streets of a shanty town, hand in hand with a man. We pass street vendors and beggars but there is no menace, the mood is light, this is everyday life. We're heading to the edge of the town and as we come around a corner there is a view across the hills. There are three trees silhouetted in black against a sky turned orange by the sunset and suddenly one of the trees seems to explode with sparks shooting into the air and off at angles, looking like a roman candle, except the sparks don't fizzle out, they rise higher into the sky. I suddenly realise that the sparks are a flock of birds, probably startled out of the tree, lit up by the evening sun glinting off their wings as they lift into the sky. The effect is stunning and we stop to watch this marvel of nature, the man standing behind me, arms around me, in quiet communion.
When the show is over and the birds have finished swooping and returned to their roost, we carry on walking until we get to my house. House is a grand word for it, it's a one or two room shanty, and the room is so small that the bed is against the wall. We climb into bed and fall asleep in each other’s arms, happy and relaxed.
The room is dark and I'm woken by a cat on the bed. I assume it's my cat and she's got into the room somehow, and I reach out to her. As my hand touches the fur, I realise that it's not my cat. I turn the light on and turn to see 6 or 7 evil looking feral cats , most of whom are on the body of my man, and it looks like a fight was about to break out. I try to shout at them and scare them off but it feels like I've been throttled and my cry is hoarse, strangled, in a voice that I don't recognise as my own, but it is enough to scare the cats away. As they leave the bed I realise that the one on his chest was eating something, and with horror it occurs to me that they might have been eating him.
The dream ends there, I woke up have actually cried out, and I have no idea whether they were eating something they'd caught elsewhere or were eating him.