I thought I'd bring this topic up for discussion as not much is ever mentioned about the retrogrades of planets other than Mercury.
Venus is in Aries at the moment and it goes retrograde every couple of years it turned retrograde on March 6th until April 17th. Like most other retrograde planets its not a good time to start off any new projects.
Venus rules creative projects, art, romance, luxury goods and sweet foods. As Venus is in Aries an impulsive sign, it may be an idea to think before you buy and try to avoid the chocolates.
Like any retrogrades its a good time to review things. I don't have any artistic projects on the go at the moment, but I do have some redecorations to finish off and a few other projects that have been on the back burner.
I do have a meeting to go to at the end of March to renegotiate terms of a contract and money will be on the agenda, an unfortunate time for this - i don't hold out much hope for any increase in prosperity at this time.
Interesting post Binah.....:)
As a Taurean with Venus as my ruling sign....shall have a ponder 😎
Hi Fleur
If you take a look at the attached link it may give you a few clues as to Venus retrograde for Taureans and Librans and explains this far more clearly than I could. The article gives the analogy of Sleeping Beauty. Another interesting point is made about this happening every 8 years - so what happened 8 years ago. (Ignore the bit about Venus in Virgo/Leo out of date info.)
I think I've got a sleeping beauty syndrome (my venus is in Taurus) - I'll have to wake her up in April.
Thanks Binah. Very interesting. Unfortunately we are in the middle of decorating our bedroom, at least I now have some idea why it's taken my husband a week and £350.00 to sort out the ceiling!!
My Venus is in Capricorn.
I do have a meeting to go to at the end of March to renegotiate terms of a contract and money will be on the agenda, an unfortunate time for this - i don't hold out much hope for any increase in prosperity at this time.
[Preparing for the flack, as this is after all on the astrology forum 😮 :]
But it depends on what you give strength to, or what you consider to be the more powerful, surely? The movement of stellar objects, or the simply illimitable, indomitable power of God-in-you, your Real Nature or Higher Self.
I'm just trying to imagine figures such as Jesus or the Buddha thinking, "Erp, not a good time to begin my teaching. Venus is in retrograde, so I'll put it off for two months". Or Buddha: "Hmm, I was going to sit under this tree and not budge until I'd achieved Enlightenment. But in this cycle, I'll fail anyway. So I'll come back and try it next year." Somehow, I don't think so. 🙂
I once knew a well-known author on the astrology related to feng shui. He told me that on certain days it was OK to travel in one direction (e.g. West), but foolish to travel in the opposite direction (e.g. East). I wondered - :p - how he got to work ... and back!?
IMHO astrological influences are there to be aware of (if we care to) and then, in that awareness, to assert dominion over them - not they over us - and to succeed all ways anyway. 😉
Power, IMHO, is always within, not without. And the former must win out utterly over the latter in the path toward self-mastery.
Edit to add: My core point is that we are a part of God (by whatever name). I know people find it hard to get their head around, but as such, we are the Being that created the Universe. We are not pawns of stellar objects, but ultimately, their Creator. Re-assert one's real nature within the Godhead, and astrology has no power - no more than it does over the One. For we are that One. We surely are not pawns to the very objects we Ourselves created? Otherwise, an alternative view is that we are not part of the All, the One, or that it's only a theoretical concept, not real or realised. IMHO it's real, here and now, if we make it so. 🙂
Believing in God and astrology are not mutually exclusive. I also believe in freewill. There are quite a few theologians that are also astrologers and probably quite a few theosophists too after all Bessie Leo was the first President of the Astrological Lodge of London.
as of the time of this posting, the next programme scheduled is about Venus retrograde, possibly about 8.00PM
I was out last night, did you catch it Fleur?
hi Earthbabe
Only taking a week to finish it. My OH started off the kitchen before Christmas and its still unfinished, but I live with Mr Perfectionist and everything has to be done to the finest detail and only when he wants to do it. I would lend a hand but he won't let me near the paintbrush!!!
Now I must control my urges to allow the less acceptable face of Venus to emerge in my relationship and just be a bit patient and keep it schtum.
Love Binah
No, I actually missed it Binah ...got tangled up with something else .. but they often do repeats so I expect it may be on again 🙂
Hi 🙂
How has everyone found this Venus retrograde?? I was wondering if I'd have some ex-boyfriends calling declaring undying love hee hee none so far...someone on another forum mentioned that sometimes old loves/friends come back in to your life at the time of Venus retrograding and sure enough had two old friends get in touch and someone on facebook suggested I add someone I had lost touch with...
Hows your kitchen coming along Binah? Does your OH have some Virgo influences going on?!(sorry-those astro stereotypes!)
Happy Venus Retrograde 🙂
So far no progress re kitchen white*willow and yes OH has two planets in Virgo including Saturn explains his perfectionism.
Well I have met up with an old astrology friend of mine last week - I hadn't seen her in years. But no return of old lovers yet, though I did think I saw someone an old acquaintance at a distance in the park yesterday afternoon, but I wasn't sure enough to make contact.
As with most things in life there's some irritations but balanced with plenty of good stuff too. Especially this wonderful Spring weather so the garden is getting a clear up.
Of course for astrology to really work the planets/angles need to contact sensitive points in the birthchart.
Have a good Venus Rx - review how you relate to others what has worked and hasn't and what could have been better.
Love Binah
Hi Binah,
Ah well you shall have the most perfect kitchen around when its finished 🙂
I have been clearing out cupboards and drawers full of unwanted stuff it does feel like the right time for that and hopefully it will bring harmony.
One thing I have really felt positively with this Venus rx is connection to nature and really feeling the beauty of nature it has been a nice reminder of that.
Thanks for the tip it has really got me thinking and trying to honestly analyse my interactions with others...I am taking some deep acting flower remedies which seem to be shifting things very quickly.
This retrograde doesnt really touch on many important points in my chart...it does oppose my ascendant at some point though maybe that is significant its hard to tell as venus moves quite quickly...hows about you?
white willow
Venus Stationary Direct
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Apr.17 – Venus Stationary Direct (29:11 of Pisces) (Apr.18 in AU)
For up to a week before and after this date, you may experience or witness a shifting of energy affecting finances, relationships, love, resources, values pleasure, beauty, harmony and/or balance. Situations or issues related to these areas that have been occupying your attention during the past 6-7 weeks (while Venus has been retrograde) may reach a turning point now. It is a time when decisions and choices could be made—perhaps out of necessity. .
If you have felt unusually introverted or extroverted during the retrograde period, this could shift back the other way again. If you have experienced difficulties or challenges in close relationships, this may be a time when decisions can (and perhaps must) to be made about them. Adjustments, compromises or renegotiations may be necessary; and if this is not possible or tolerable, it might be necessary to consider ending the relationship. During the retrograde phase, you may have encountered people or social situations from your past, and now it's time to decide if you want to continue with the contact or to bring closure and move on. You might have experienced a change in your finances—for the better or worse. This change could simply revert to its previous state, according to a natural cycle of ebb and flow. Or, you might be faced with a choice of what to do from here—to change something in your life so that your situation improves (or so that an improvement continues), or to let go and move beyond this period of temporary change.
Whatever you have learned, embraced, questioned or invested your time in during the last 6-7 weeks, you will begin to apply and integrate in a new way over the next 4-5 weeks (while Venus is in the Shadow). This has been a detour allowing you to explore hidden territory, complete unfinished business or reconsider possibilities in the affected areas listed above. It's time to come back to the main path again, bringing with you new learning and values that will gradually be integrated into your life. The Direct Station is another shift in your life's balance point that enables you to keep moving, changing, growing and evolving.
When Venus stations this particular time, she is conjunct Mars. Mars takes 4 days to catch up (exact on Apr.21), but is just 3 degrees away when Venus stations today. This puts an interesting spin on the Venus station! It underscores the possibility that this is a time to make decisions and put those decisions into action. However, both the Venus station and the exact conjunction take place in the final degree of Pisces, which is also the final degree of the Zodiac – another intriguing quality of this station! Venus remains at this degree for almost 2 weeks (Apr.11-24), so this period is likely to be quite intense and powerful.
The Sabian Symbol for the last degree of Pisces is "The Great Stone Face" which alludes to the story of the same name by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The symbol reflects the magical moment when all preparation, development and manifestation come together to form the result, which then becomes the beginning point of a new cycle. It is the creation of a seed, produced by its parent tree which itself was grown from a seed, and this new seed will go on to produce a whole new tree. The fact that Venus stations on this momentous degree indicates not just a time of fresh beginning, but also of selecting carefully and wisely which seed you choose to plant, since this will largely determine what kind of results are possible. The Venus station brings you back to a point where you can double-check the decisions you have or are about to make. It's a second chance to consider whether you are making the best choice for all concerned.
With Mars conjoining stationary Venus on this degree, it suggests there is great power in your desire, intuition, decision or compulsion about which fork in the road to take. Caution is advised, however: although this impulse could feel like the Hand of God propelling you in a certain direction, it could just as easily be colored by your own unconscious motives, yearnings or fears. It's always a good idea to acknowledge and work with those unconscious feelings, but it might not be wise to equate this with "what is meant to be." This is a time when self-honesty and self-integrity (consistency between inner motives and outer intent) are important assets.
Lynda Hills Sabian Symbols Venus Direct Newsletter
Life is a quarry, out of which we are to mold and chisel and complete a character. Goethe
For a man to achieve all that is demanded of him he must regard himself as greater than he is. You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold them in your mind until they become second nature. Les Brown
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be. Kurt Vonnegut
I always wanted to be someone, but I should have been more specific. Lily Tomlin
After some forty days, Venus is now going direct and there's the promise of moving forward after this recent rather long period of retracing our steps in so many ways. To recap, I said in my [url]Venus Retrograde newsletter[/url]:
Venus is retrograde for 40 days. This reminds me of the "40 days and 40 nights" story from the Bible. Jesus wandered in the wilderness, fasting, after which he is said to have been tempted by Satan. It was the number of days in Noah's flood. For more information [url]click here[/url] for a Wikipedia page on the number 40.
Retrograde Venus can feel like a time in the wilderness. Whether it's around the issue of money, spending, earnings, direction, possessions, integrity, beauty, attractiveness, love, romance, or all of those things put together, it's a time for changes, reflection, going inward, revisions of attitude, revising the past and plotting the future, it's a time when things come up for some kind of inspection and realization. It's interesting to note that the glyph for retrograde, Rx, is also the glyph for prescriptions.
Venus is now stationing (apparently standing still) on Pisces 30 for several days from approx. April 12 to April 24. The Sabian Symbol for Pisces 30 is A Majestic Rock Formation Resembling a Face is Idealized By a Boy Who Takes it as His Ideal of Greatness; As He Grows Up, He Begins to Look Like it.
This is a wonderful degree of self actualization and realisation. There is little doubt that Nathanial Hawthorne's story of [url]The Great Stone Face[/url] was what inspired this Sabian Symbol. In this story, a boy, Ernest, grows up under a wonderful rock formation that resembles a face. The people in the valley where he lives are inspired by this wonderful figure who looks so grand, wise and kind. For generations, going back to Indian lore, the people believed that one day someone would come that looks just like that face - someone big, successful, someone to be admired and respected. Over the years, people come into the valley, people who've somehow "made it" in life and the villagers would faun over them. Ernest, as he grows up, can see through these people who come by with their big successes and egos. It appears he doesn't so much judge them, more that he sees through their facades. The prophecy of someone manifesting themselves to be just like The Great Stone face appears to be just an empty promise until Ernest, now grown into an older man, is seen by a visiting poet to be the embodiment of those wonderful ideals. The man has grown into those ideals through holding them close to his heart and mind.
The promise of Venus being on the last degree of Pisces, The Great Stone Face, for 14 days is one of choosing who we want to be, how we want to actualize ourselves, what our profile is. How do you see yourself? This degree brings to mind the lyrics of a song from the wonderful band Talking Heads - [url]Seen and Not Seen[/url].
'He would see faces in movies, on tv, in magazines and in books... he thought that some of these faces might be right for him....and through the years, by keeing an ideal facial structure fixed in his mind....or somewhere in the back of his mind....that he might, by force of will, cause his face to approach those of his ideal....the change would be very subtle....it might take ten years or so....'
As I write this, on April 15 in the US and April 16 in Australia, Mars and Uranus are conjunct (aligning with each other) on Pisces 25: The Purging of the Priesthood. This brings a very strong, ambitious and determined energy to this degree. The "purging of the priesthood" speaks of sorting out who is worthy of being in our lives and who is not. Who (and what) contributes to our spiritual, emotional or material lives in ways that further us? Who (and what) should not be given this position, responsibility or privilege of being in our lives? Seeing through how some manipulate, use or push you into places you don't want to be can be very freeing. With this degree so strongly amplified, some will fall from grace, be pushed out or otherwise shut out of our lives.
On April 16 and 17, Mars moves onto Pisces 26: A New Moon Reveals That it's Time for People to Go Ahead With Their Different Projects. This is rather self explanatory, especially coming after The Purging of the Priesthood. Of course, this parting of the ways can come without people actually leaving your life - this can happen on emotional or mental levels where we have strong insights on how to move forward in our lives, leaving behind mental, emotional or spiritual constructs that haven't been furthering us. We are then freer and can move into new realms of being.
[DLMURL="http://f454.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f725308%5fAE%2fFtEQAAUllSebcSQ5%2bvUcr9%2bk&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1"] http://f454.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f725308%5fAE%2fFtEQAAUllSebcSQ5%2b vUcr9%2bk&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1[/DLMURL]Then, on April 22, Venus and Mars collide on Pisces 30: The Great Stone Face. This is a wonderful time that really, truly, pushes us to reconcile with ourselves what our projections of ourselves and our futures are to be. Do we see a great vision? How can we sculpt one so it more reflects our potentials, instead of outlining our deficiencies?
Mars then moves onto Aries 1 for a few days, and Venus then occupies Aries 1 until approx April 28. Aries 1 is the emergence. The Sabian Symbol is A Woman Has Risen Out of the Ocean, A Seal is Embracing Her.
Keywords for this degree are: Cycles starting. Beginnings. Emergence into concrete manifestation. Embracing and honoring the shadow. Recognizing our animal side. Tropical islands or lands. Rocky shores. Seals. Oceans and water. Shedding skins. Transmutation. The Selkie myth. The Sedna myth. Grounding one's energy. Stepping between the sea and the shore. Androgyny. Love and its embrace. Finding your feet and your voice. Mermaids.
To recap - the message is emergence - we've been through trials and tribulations lately - some excrutiatingly so. Now we are to focus on the future. What would your future look like if you had to paint it?
In my writing I am acting as a map maker, an explorer of psychic areas, a cosmonaut of inner space, and I see no point in exploring areas that have already been thoroughly surveyed. William Burroughs
Check out Lynda's blog [url]www.sabiansymbols. typepad.com[/url]and Sabian Symbol Oracle [url]www.sabiansymbols.com[/url]