Saturn Neptune Oppo...
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Saturn Neptune Opposition

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Today marks the last 'hit' of the opposition between Saturn in Leo and Neptune in Aquarius - this has been a major aspect pattern for almost the last year. These two planets are so different - Saturn is limiting, controlling, authoritarianwhereas Neptune is transcending, refining, escaping.
However, Neptune seems to be stronger in that it is blessed with what we astrologers call a mutual reception with the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus currently transitingPisces.

One of the very early astrologers said that what is above in the macrocosm is mirrored here on earth in the microcosm - so by looking at events happening in the world around us we can understand more about the celestial influences.

One event that has happened today is that we have a new leader of the Labour Party (shortly to be made prime minister). At the moment we don't quite know how or whether politics in the Uk will be affected by this change.

I hope to read a few other interesting perceptions of this aspect pattern.

Luv Binah

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RE: Saturn Neptune Opposition

Hi Binah

Im taking an intermediate astrology course at the moment and my astrology teacher was saying that this Saturn/neptune opposition is all about Saturn- Structure, discipline,the old school-being washed away and broken down by neptune-spirituality,dreams,dissolving. the way i see it these are boundaries that need to be broken down so that new more positive ways can take over from old, outdated ways of being. She said that its very important to truly know who you are and to stay grounded at this time.

In a physical sense my teacher said that she thinks these floods are an expression of this opposition as Saturn rules houses and Neptune water! Fascinating stuff... Neptune has definately been winning out.



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RE: Saturn Neptune Opposition

Hi Anna

I quite agree - I thought the same too about the floods, the fluid element of Neptune, breaking through the boundaries of the river banks. My thoughts go out to all those affected by this natural disaster.

Luv Binah

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RE: Saturn Neptune Opposition

Hi Binah

I know...mine too

love anna

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RE: Saturn Neptune Opposition

hello again

just a quick Q what do you see will be the spiritual outcome of this transit? do you see it as a needed cleansing/burning off the dross?



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RE: Saturn Neptune Opposition

Hi Anna

Yes, there will be an elevation and refinement occuring on the emotional and spiritual level - for Neptune raises our consciousness to the mystical and transcendant aspects of the human condition. It will be dissolving the crystallisation that Saturn represents in Leo the sign connected to joy, the heart, children, and creativity. Saturn can be the blocks in the way, what we are afraid of, it isa planet of opportunity to grow (tough love) and can be quite painful its going through a fixed sign, which doesn't like change. and prefers things to stay as they are even though it is intolerable often.

Neptune is transiting the sign of Aquarius, the water carrier, the sign of fellowship, not personal love but humanitarian love, and compassion for our fellow men. Leo the sign of personal love v Aquarius love of humanity. As this is an opposition there is the tendency to swing from one to the other, too disciplined, rigid emotionally contained when Saturn has the upper hand and becoming overly idealistic, and wanting to save everyone and everything, and not getting very far because of the boundaries are stretching too far and the focus and discipline is lacking. Occasionally we may get to the middle of the see-saw aspect and achieve a balance, but its so tricky maintaining that.

Luv Binah

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RE: Saturn Neptune Opposition

hi binah
thank you for p.m on this opporsition,have sent p.m back but you box is full,busy bee,thanks again,very helpful.
regards carol xx
