Sanctity of birthda...
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Sanctity of birthdates

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Just a general question here:

Is it always wise to disclose one's birthday when asked by another? I've had some pretty bad things happen on my birthday that some highly toxic people knew about and I am starting to wonder if I am better off not mentioning it to anyone

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Well if you're have an astrology reading done, then it requires your date of birth to be able to do the reading as the alignment of the planets etc. needs to be determined from it.

If you're not happy with the person doing the reading, don't get the reading done.

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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Are you suggesting that they might have calculated your birth chart, and then used this information to guide them in some magickal working against you? They would need your time and place of birth for this, not just the date. And very few people have this kind of knowledge and experience, anyway.

In astrological terms, your birthday is the day when the sun conjuncts your natal sun. There's nothnig in Astrology to suggest you'd be more vulnerable on that day.

There may be other reasons for the run of bad luck on birthdays. Or the coincidence may be an illusion. I mean, how many birthdays have you had and how many of them coincided with bad events?

I was once on a counselling course where the tutor privately calculated charts for everyone, their birth dates being on the application forms. And on at least on one occasion, she made a comment about someone, based on knowledge of their birth chart, but implying that the knowledge was obtained through psychic powers!

Fortunately, the tutor's astrological knowledge was as superficial as her counselling knowledge.

You need to put your real birthdate on legal documents, but there's nothing to stop you adopting a new date for your public birthday celebration, just like people change their name to make a new start in life. After all, the Queen has an official birthday as well as her real one, so why shouldn;t you?
