Obama's Inauguratio...
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Obama's Inauguration

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Three days left before we have a black president of the US and I'm still feeling in awe of the American people who voted him in. The inauguration of US Presidents usually occurs on the same day 20 January with a few exceptions and at the same time. That means that each astrological chart will have the same position for the degree of the sun and the ascending sign, and houses of the chart, only the remaining planets differ.

This time around we have a Mercury retrograde and Saturn Retrograde - and as this is an event chart and should tell us about Obama's term as President I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to interpret these two planets. Saturn is the planet of responsibility, duties, boundaries, authority, the establishment. Mercury the planet of communication, travel, ideas, thoughts. Will Obama have the voice (Mercury) of authority (Saturn) or will there be unexpected frustrations, delays in his administration.

This man has against all the odds inspired the nation with his rhetoric, I do pray that there are not too many obstacles and will keep sending the light to him.

Love and Light

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On a lighter note, as Mercury is only fleeting.....it could be nothing more than a little stutter on his acceptance speech :rolleyes:

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I wish it were that way Fleur - it is an event chart and in that respect it has a longer lasting effect - that is why astrologers particularly in India pay great significance to the aspects presenting at the time of say for example a marriage - often they will elect a time when the planets are in a favourable position for the type of event.

Love and Light

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Dear Binah,

Mercury retrograde isnt said to be an easy time to start any thing new and something so big...well what was said to me was that if you do have to start something new in Merc rx then be prepared to review it...so it looks likely that he may have to perhaps rethink maybe his cabinet or plans he has made and I guess that could lead to frustrations.

Saturn retrograde I dont know as much about the effects of but yes i can imagine it could present restrictions,delays etc but then the state of the US economy wise etc it doesnt seem too surprising...I did have a look on the net and Obama himself has Saturn rx and supposedly if you have a planet retrograde natally then the effects of the transiting planet going retrograde actually bring good results for you...I wonder though how that can be interpreted for Obama and the US??


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Just googled and found this...

I was not going to write an article on the inauguration, but a fellow astrologer emailed me all aflutter because the chart featured a Mercury retrograde plus a void-of-course Moon. To me, Mercury retrograde signifies trying to undo all the destructive acts and executive orders of the previous occupant of the White House (who shall not be named here). Perhaps we can look forward to this former law professor, Obama, restoring much of the integrity of the original Constitution. As for the Moon being voc, I started one of my better jobs under that aspect, and had to learn to ignore it as one year after another rolled by.

I think in a Horary chart the VOC moon means that the matter cannot be clearly commented on??or something along those lines..

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Hi w*w

I know astrologers were hoping that the inauguration ceremony would be delayed till the Moon entered Sagittarius. I have to say that using horary rules if it had been in the via combust I would have been a bit more concerned than it being void of course. Just to explain what void of course is to non astrologers it means that the moon is not applying to any aspect before she leaves the sign she is in, in this case Scorpio. I'd be happier if it were delayed, but will watch and keep my eye on the clock!

Thanks for your thoughts on Mercury Rx and Saturn Rx - it will all become evident soon. I'll give it more thought tomorrow as I must get some sleep now.

Love and Light

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There certainly was a little stutter Fleur - it was a right muddle for a while when he was being sworn in, hinging round the word faithfully, I believe. He got there in the end. Local time was 12.05 so still have void of course moon in Scorpio.


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One of my favourite astrological sites is Planet Waves - is what I've got bookmarked, and Eric Francis has written a lot around the astrology of America in the last few months.

My take on the moon being "void of course" is that Obama, America and everyone else has the chance to write their own history, there being no aspects. It literally is a new start.

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I am feeling a bit more optimistic about the Mercury as it holds a very strong position called cazimi, that is within 17 mins of arc of exactitude of a conjunction with Sol. This according to some indicates brilliance.

Thanks for the link Chris I'll be scouring through it to find any gems. I like the title Planet Waves - I've got an old vinyl by Bob Dylan with the same title.

Love Binah

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I've just found out that Obama had to swear the oath again today - I suppose it was done to avoid anyone challenging the legitimacy of the original one.

It certainly looks like it wasn't Obama's fault the first time.

Now I have to find out the timing for the second swearing in. Great, this one won't have a void of course moon and will probably throw astrologers into a tiz with two charts to choose from.

