Did anyone ever hear anything of the US University professor that was diving off the coast of Bimini in the late 60s and came across underwater pyramids there – which had become exposed as a result of the seabed becoming disturbed by a recent storm? He found an opening in one and entered a room (wearing an aqualung…) and found an unusual crystal – which he retrieved and took away, only to find it to possess strange powers? On the 2 occasions it was stolen from him, it strangely reappeared in his possession again within a short time.
He was at Chigago Uni I think, wrote a book about it all… He also said that he’d been ‘told’ never to return to the area of the pyramids, advice that his fellow divers / researchers didn’t adhere to and they all disappeared when returning to that area of water…
Any takers on that?
RE: Underwater Pyramids at Bimini
Is this what you are referring to Sol?
RE: Underwater Pyramids at Bimini
Thanks for the link, Talisman. Looking at that site, the Ray Brown episode could do with being much better referenced and seems fishy to me. Apparently he found the crystal when separated from the other divers and alone. Hmm. So why not go back to the same place again?
Mention is made of Kirlian photography of the inside of the crystal. I think this is impossible. K photos only take impressions of surfaces...
Much is made of the crystal as we didn't have the technology to cut crystal so well until 1900. I'd say, 'Well, yes, and this was 1970.' 😀
RE: Underwater Pyramids at Bimini
I tried to do some research on that story about 2 years ago but i came up with nothing.
RE: Underwater Pyramids at Bimini
Thanks for the link, I've copied that text and will read it later. It may be a hoax story, but I remember someone giving me a tape of a radio interview done with the chap and I think they were discussing the crystal they had there in the studio. It may lead to nothing - but its an interesting story, not least because I have heard of another (completely separate from the first) diving exploration / find in the same area in the late 70s... again with submerged buildings and the like...
RE: Underwater Pyramids at Bimini
Talisman's link has a whole list of interesting stories, but all only mentioned in passing. If only each were referenced with sources, and more detail. Hard to know what to make of it as it stands... I'm not sceptical of the concept: the buildings off Japan are certainly there. But all the many mentions of things on the Atlantic floor? Source material needed.
RE: Underwater Pyramids at Bimini
I tend to be very sceptical about things like this where no source is quoted, and personally would steer well clear of this type of thing in my own writings for those very reasons. In the absence of this, it all has to be taken with a very large pinch of salt.
There was a photo of an ET in one of my crystal skulls also.
Yes, I have read about the find of the crystal in a structure under the sea off of Bimini. It is very interesting. I wish I could see a photo of the crystal he found. I have a lot of crystal skulls and am a crystal skull keeper. One of the smaller ones I have had a picture of an ET in it. So, I think it is possible he also saw photos in his. The photo in the one I had could only be seen if you turned the skull in a certain way and looked at it at just the right angle. Just looking at it sitting on the table you would not notice it though. Unfortunately it is made of soft stone and not real crystal and it tends to chip easily. So the part with the photo in it chipped off. I wish it were still in one piece because no matter how many times I saw that photo I still was in awe of it. It did sort of look Kirlian as it was a perfect photograph of an ET. How it got inside I have no idea. But, even now I am still amazed it was in there. I wish some of my other skulls had such a photo in them but none of the others seem to have one.
Parts of a road believed to be from Atlantis off coast of Bimini also.
There is something also very interesting is in the waters off of Bimini. From the sky can be seen parts of a stone road that does not seem to be naturally formed. Many think it may be a road that was part of Atlantis. And, also on the island of Bimini is an underground spring that appears to have healing properties. They tested the water and found it to contain high levels of something that is in use today to treat depression. They claim it has other healing properties also.
RE: Parts of a road believed to be from Atlantis off coast of Bimini also.
Here is an article from one of the largest Atlantean research team.
[link= http://atlantisrising.com/issue14/ar14bimini.html ]http://atlantisrising.com/issue14/ar14bimini.html[/link]
note at the bottom of the article, where it mentions they are getting more and more evidence.
Love and Light
RE: Parts of a road believed to be from Atlantis off coast of Bimini also.
Hi all,
I just find all this so fascinating:D - I know very little about it though. Apart from the links already given (thanks) can anyone recommend some easily understandable sites for beginners! Has anyone come across the term sequence stratigraphy? Might be of interest to you folks. It's about sea level changes. Also, I seem to remember from TV a while ago that there's a website that shows an animation of sea level changes over millions of years - does anyone know about that?
Cool stuff!
RE: Parts of a road believed to be from Atlantis off coast of Bimini also.
Hi All,
If anyone is interested here is a link with some pictures of the Bimini Road.
[link= http://www.subversiveelement.com/BiminiRoad.html ]http://www.subversiveelement.com/BiminiRoad.html[/link]
It doesn't say anything about pyramids but i have heard that there are some....
also, Silverdawn, not sure about books directly realted to this topic, but in reference to Psychicwitch's crystal skulls, read "The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls" its an amazing book that I really felt activated me in some ways. Its all about the skulls and how they are encoded with information. It is based on a documentary that was on the bbc so it is all researched etc.... Very Interesting...;)