Dear all,
In the face of the horrendous tragedy that has happened in the Indian Ocean, I have been mulling over some of the warnings that have been told through channelled information that I would like to share.
A little over a year ago in Peru, I was present at a channelled session of the Elohim, where we were told that the earth (gaia) would be expressing her anger on her mistreatment, and the advice we were given was to move away from coastlines and work on our own vibrations - to keep them high and to assist in the healing of the earth. Now, in the wake of this tragedy I can see that the climate may not be as gradual and predictable as I had previously thought.
Seperately, I wanted to share a channelled exerpt from Patricia Cori's book 'Atlantis Rising' that seems particularly relevant at the moment:
Firstly it mentions that there are a great number of Atlanteans reincarnated at this time, and that the human race feels fear growing within which it says is due to 'recalling the violence of the global cataclysm and enslavement of the race is surfacing within you at this time'. Also that there is again a clashing of the dark and light forces for at this time in our progression towards the 4th dimension, (end of the Mayan Calander), the Earth's emotional body is swinging wildly between the poles and we can help to still the pendulum.. to assist in the rebirthing of Gaia.
"You of the light have returned to calm the waters. The time is upon you and most of you are aware that you are being stirred into action. Unfortunately, the Dolphin Beings and Great Whales are being systematically exterminated and you may no longer count on their assistance. This is of grave importance for, without their sonic weaving of the oceanic frequencies, you are finding yourselves at the mercy of Earth's angry seas.
Once again, as in Atlantis, Gaia's rage is crashing upon your earthly reality with a vengeance.. reminding you that human alteration of her energies has surpassed all the limits and she is, once again, forcibly taking command. The negative vibration of human abuse is like a deadly bacterial infection, and like the human auto-immune system, Gaia's self-healing emotional body is rushing into action so that it can fight off the disease. This, the replaying of the Last Generation of Atlantis, will be humanity's final conflict in the material realm. This is as it was intended."
In light of current events I am beginning to sense an urgency that I, (or we?) need to help more by sending healing to the earth and to the victims of this tragedy. The compassion around is incredible at the moment and I do sense that we are on the brink of what could be a real shift towards positivity that could make a real difference to humanity and the earth in future. So my New Year resolution is now to work on keeping my vibration high (love, happiness vs. fear, shame, guilt etc) and to help by sending healing to the earth.
What are other's thoughts on this?
RE: Tsunami - Atlantis rising?
Interesting that you posted this Maya, as I must admit the thought occured to me that this also might have something to do with Atlantis. The grief that some people seemed to experience at the number of lives lost, seemed almost to me as if for some people it was triggering memories of that time and the dreaful devastation and loss of life that also occured at that time.
RE: Tsunami - Atlantis rising?
This is interesting as I only just came across a website today which suggests Atlantis was actually under the South China Sea:
[link= ][/link]
The author of the website has commented on the tsumani here:
Very interesting
Not sure what to think of it but thought you would like to discuss?
RE: Tsunami - Atlantis rising?
Firstly it mentions that there are a great number of Atlanteans reincarnated at this time, and that the human race feels fear growing within which it says is due to 'recalling the violence of the global cataclysm and enslavement of the race is surfacing within you at this time'. Also that there is again a clashing of the dark and light forces for at this time in our progression towards the 4th dimension, (end of the Mayan Calander), the Earth's emotional body is swinging wildly between the poles and we can help to still the pendulum.. to assist in the rebirthing of Gaia.
"You of the light have returned to calm the waters. The time is upon you and most of you are aware that you are being stirred into action. Unfortunately, the Dolphin Beings and Great Whales are being systematically exterminated and you may no longer count on their assistance. This is of grave importance for, without their sonic weaving of the oceanic frequencies, you are finding yourselves at the mercy of Earth's angry seas.
Once again, as in Atlantis, Gaia's rage is crashing upon your earthly reality with a vengeance.. reminding you that human alteration of her energies has surpassed all the limits and she is, once again, forcibly taking command. The negative vibration of human abuse is like a deadly bacterial infection, and like the human auto-immune system, Gaia's self-healing emotional body is rushing into action so that it can fight off the disease. This, the replaying of the Last Generation of Atlantis, will be humanity's final conflict in the material realm. This is as it was intended."
This concurs almost completely with the information I received regarding this time and certain events. However, I disagree with the 'rage' of Gaia being personally directed at humanity. I think there are few places closer to home to look than Mother Earth for the very definition of unconditional love. Her activity is her own, and in line with the flows of life around her, and in line with her own evolution. We are part of that, and subject to the impact of the same flows. I do not believe our healing should be directed outwards towards the mother exclusively though.
The adage 'as above so below' comes in handy here, because the Earth is dealing with the 'bacterial infection' on her - if that is us, then so be it - who knows though? however, if she is dealing with hers, isnt our energy better spent healing our own 'bacterial infections' both individually and as a race? If we focus on that, surely we are enabling the best healing for the mother as possible (since by doing this we eliminate our impact on her so she may complete her own healing) as well as ourselves.
this quote :
where we were told that the earth (gaia) would be expressing her anger on her mistreatment, and the advice we were given was to move away from coastlines and work on our own vibrations
supports that IMO - note that 'expression of anger' is very different from 'anger directed at X because of Y'. If you have an itch on your back you cant get to, is your frantic clamouring around to get to it personally directed at the little gnat that caused it? or simply at the itch itself?
To me, the tsunami was something else anyway - a part of the Earths growth, and part of our own: and, i'm afraid to say, there will be more 'waters surging over land' to come because of this - and you can quote me on that in years to come (if im right :D)
In terms of Atlantis Rising though, Edgar Cayce was right (although many say he was not) about Atlantis rising again in the late 60's, but it is not a physical reappearance, it is the reappearance of the Atlantean learning, and certain Atlantean masters coming back in for the last battle, as described above as 'humanitys final conflict in the material'. Which did begin back in the 60's. Of course, that is my opinion based on my own research and experience.
excellent post though Maya. Thank you for it. Its funny how you can quote books and other people and suchlike here on
RE: Tsunami - Atlantis rising?
I'd agree that in the end there is a trend toward positive consciousness.
I also, like Magpie, don't relate to the "rage" idea. The Earth responds like a knee-jerk IMO. Then again, the manner of its response can depend upon peoples' karma, though that may be a hard thing to say. The Old Testament refers to God's 'wrath', meaning natural karma IMO, so I guess 'rage' could mean this, and not emotionally-based.
We hear of returning Atlanteans, but if Atlantis was as significant and around for so long as said by so many, just anybody is a 'returning Atlantean' as we were all once there. I guess it means more like the 'return to a Golden Age'.
The tsunami itself was nothing unusual and seems to have no inner significance. I note that it was "the fifth largest such event" since 1900. In other words, it happens regularly, always has. It's the only way we know that tectonic plates can keep moving as they have for untold millions of years. (Reference to "Earthquake" thread on the Science forum.)
I wonder if you have access to the Cayce book, Darren, which records his statements on that. I do understand what you mean, and wondered about that too, yet I seem to remember he said something about rising in the Atlantic in the 60s? Maybe I'm wrong. 😉 It's recognised now that his accuracy was maybe 75-80% with errors.
Maybe I'm wrong on this too 😉 but I've never gone in for the 'get away from the coasts' idea. The tsunami was just a series of large waves - I've heard of it penetrating a kilometre inland on very flat land (which that area is), but a friend of mine just stood on the beach and watched it stop 20 feet from him. I'm always reminded of someone I know who panicked about global warming way back in 1987 and sold all his possessions and home to move, though he was 150 feet above sea level and many miles inland.....(How did he feel later? 😀 )
RE: Tsunami - Atlantis rising?
just anybody is a 'returning Atlantean' as we were all once there
i agree with this. Which is why i dismiss it as a 'special event' and took the meaning as related to the reappearance of the Atlantean teaching style which was allegedly toltec, which was first made public in written form, albeit in an impure fashion, by Carlos Castaneda (Teachings of Don Juan published in either '68 or '69, followed by another 9 or 10 books).
there is only one teacher (and he is toltec) I know of who even refers to Ibez and Atlantis in such a fashion as to be related to this, and while he does not claim to be an Ibezhian, the cover graphic on his book 'Return of the Warriors' refers to Ibez (so this is an ambiguous leap on my part) and he speaks of the end of Atlantis in his introduction of that work - his name is Theun Mares, and I'd highly recommend, without reservation, any of his work for those interested.
this is backed up by reference in Alice Baileys work to the return of 7 Ibez-hians (who were apparently last around at the culmination of the Atlantean civilisation) who would be coming to assist in the guidance of the race as we go through elements of the transition from Pisces to Aquarius.
I only pieced that lot together myself, mind you, so i know its thin 😉
I dont have access to the Cayce records, so i too was running off memory, so you could well be right that he specified the Atlantic.
I've never gone in for the 'get away from the coasts' idea. The tsunami was just a series of large waves - I've heard of it penetrating a kilometre inland on very flat land (which that area is), but a friend of mine just stood on the beach and watched it stop 20 feet from him. I'm always reminded of someone I know who panicked about global warming way back in 1987 and sold all his possessions and home to move, though he was 150 feet above sea level and many miles inland.....(How did he feel later?
couldnt agree more - is there any point in reacting to a fear-based assumption? I dont think so... in terms of being nailled by natural disaster, I think theres a lot of merit to not worrying about that which is really, really REALLY out of our individual control - i know its easy to say, but its also an easy way to live. As you said, you could have been in the tsunami zone and unharmed, or you could have been wiped out - does anyone think any decision they made beforehand could have changed the outcome? Im not certain....that becomes a fate/destiny question...and thats a personal belief/opinion.
if everyone is going to steer clear of the coasts for fear of recurrences, should we not also be leaving the vicinity of all fault lines and volcanoes? I think it was the time of year that made this event as big as it was in media and reaction terms and the fact the area is so ill-equipped to recover and handle it (not that there would not have been a reaction at any other time, but i do think everyone reacted that bit more because it was christmas)
PS went over to the Cayce site to see what i could find - didnt know it was a membership thing now - i thought there was a site where you could just look up his readings - anyone know the url?
RE: Tsunami - Atlantis rising?
Hmm, I hadn't heard of Theun Mares. I guess there's so much to know in this world a human can't embrace it all. Will remember the name though.
I made a side-comment on Castaneda which became quite long, so I'll make it a new thread under, where? Let's say Psychic and Paranormal.
RE: Tsunami - Atlantis rising?
Psychic and paranormal sounds good!
Theun Mares is a far more clinical, efficient and technical author. Blows Carlos Castaneda and any other toltec author out of the water with his excellent ability to convey abstraction. Nowhere near the emotional rendition of CC's work so expect no comparison.
Books are:
The Return of the Warriors
The Cry of the Eagle
The Mists of Dragon Lore
Shadows of Wolf Fire
(More general but with toltec undertones, but no technicality)
The Quest for Maleness
Unveiling the Mysteries of the Female
This Darned Elusive Happiness
There are only a few authors I recommend WHOLE-HEARTEDLY and he is one of them.
Anyway, off to Psychic and Paranormal to pick up the Carlos Castaneda thread now...:D