The Crystal Skulls
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The Crystal Skulls

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Hi i thought i would start a new topic on the crystal skulls, has anyone seen the one in the British museum?
What do you feel about them?

I personally was scared of them a couple of years ago but have now become interested, i just read an amazing book by Drunvalo Melchizadeck, called The Serpent of Light. and i am like WOW!! this book is fantastic! it has made me realise that i do not need to fear something that to me looked scary, just because the image of the skull is associated with death. It is also connected to Knowledge and wisdom.:) Ancient crystal skulls are going to be revealing themselves more now i feel as we approach 2012-2013.

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Hi Angel Aurora ,

I went to the british museum years ago to see the Skull but it was down in the basement. I was told that it had disturbed so many visitors that the museum had decided to keep it in the basement! When I first joined HP there was a member who collected Crystal skulls and was writing a book about them and she used to post such interesting things here about them. Sorry, menopausal moment because I can't remember her name at the moment (maybe Holistic might remember lol).
I have read articles about these wonderful skulls and am fascinated about why they are here and the fact that they 'talk' to each other when in the same room.

Love and light



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Hi hun, yes i remember it was Talisman 😉 is she still a member here?

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Hi ladies

I read a book about them years back, and I recall there are several, maybe a dozen of them, around the world. Someone was trying to get them all together but failed due to red-tape and not being sure if they were all the genuine skulls, as there are so many copies around.

Apparently the real ones have been polished so finely that it would take years to do even with todays tools!

Some people think they contain the knowledge of everything that has ever been! One would think that difficult to prove though!

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Hi Caveman it doesn't need to be proven, all we need is faith and trust.... to believe is a great gift from the Divine don't you think 😉 many blessings.

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It's also funny that they are now bringing a new Indiana Jones movie out about the Crystal Skulls.

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Personally I find it hard to believe things just because someone says it's so. I need some kind of evidence, but that's just me.

Can't wait for the Indy film 🙂

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.....I can't remember her name at the moment (maybe Holistic might remember lol).

A search on Crystal Skulls will reveal a number of previous threads, right across the boards. 😉


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Well we are all different and that is what makes us all so special and unique, we each must follow our own intuition , what works for some doesn't necessarily work for others.:)

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Scientists have proven the 2 main skulls to be modern fakes...

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Talisman was indeed the lady who collected the crystal skulls, she doesn't come to HP anymore though. It was as a result of meeting her that I obtained some skulls and did some work with them.

This is her site:

Shakti is the skull which made the impact on me, although looking at the site, Stargazer is really rather beautiful.

I have since stopped working with them, but oddly, this week I started to take them out again as I feel there is some work needing to be done.

It is disappointing that the two at the British Museum have been proved to be fakes, although I admit I am not 100% convinced by the stories told about how they came into being.

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I personally was scared of them a couple of years ago but have now become interested, i just read an amazing book by Drunvalo Melchizadeck, called The Serpent of Light. and i am like WOW!! this book is fantastic! it has made me realise that i do not need to fear something that to me looked scary, just because the image of the skull is associated with death. It is also connected to Knowledge and wisdom.:) Ancient crystal skulls are going to be revealing themselves more now i feel as we approach 2012-2013.


This is something I know quite a lot about. I was in the late 90's channeling various angels and so called ascended masters, and I was teaching a meditation called mer ka ba. I was taught not by Drunavalo but another, however, it was the same thing only taken a bit further than Drunavalo was publicly teaching at the time. I can say without any confusion that the energies and multi dimensional beings promoting that sort of thing are not working for the best intrests of the angelic humans on this planet. Drunavalo was being tricked in to causeing quite a lot of harm to the planetary templar as, was I.

I was saved in the summer of 2000, when my higher self pulled the plug due to my karmic cycle with these beings over, and various other multi dimensional changes. So my trust levels of an thing drunalvo has written is non existant.

The ancient skulls that are spoken of are physical expressions of beings. There bodys being made of crystal is not to say they are higher spirtual being than anyone with a flesh body. Crystals have energy like this whether they are made into skulls or not.

My partner and I Claire have lots of crystal skulls and they bring in to our space energies which we have attuned them to to help hold the balance for us.

I feel like I have ranted on this subject, and I dont really want to sound like that I just feel strongly about the unturths in the new age movement.

thanks for listening

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I just wrote a post on crystal skulls, in celebration of the new Indiana Jones movie that has just been released:

The many stories and controversies surrounding the skulls are fascinating.

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Tonight Drunvalo Melchizadek came into the conversation on two separate occasions - once because of the course a couple of the members did several years ago and the second time when the book The Serpent of Light was discussed.

Now reading this thread it is the third time in the last few hours - so I am going to get the book and see what happens next.


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I'm probably going to go see the new Indie film today ... but of course that's fiction.

Speaking of which, it's interesting as always how people differ, and I was wondering if we are all on the same planet. :p:p Caveman has given a link indicative that even the most well-known crystal skulls appear to be modern fakes. In particular there seems to be no record of them actually being found as archeological artefacts - but then there's the modern method of manufacture as discovered by researchers as well.

There are only a handful in the world ever thought to have been genuine in the first place (before now appearing to be faked), so it got me to wondering what all this was about, that the ex-HP member, Talisman, "collected crystal skulls"! So I couldn't resist a look:

Well, I've often corresponded with June in the past, so I trust she'll forgive and know me well-enough that I always speak the truth of how I feel. Is it only me (surely not), or are those "crystal skulls" not pretty much of a giggle? I mean really - take a look. I can't in all honesty say they "speak to me" apart from a bit of the old ROFL. Someone somewhere continues to make a tidy buck, and isn't putting too much work in to do so either! 🙂


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Caveman has given a link indicative that even the most well-known crystal skulls appear to be modern fakes. In particular there seems to be no record of them actually being found as archeological artefacts - but then there's the modern method of manufacture as discovered by researchers as well.

I did some research on crystal skulls for a recent blog post and it was a fascinating few hours reading through all the many facts and fictions out there on crystal skulls.

Most of the skulls out there are in private ownership, and as a result most of these have not been subject to rigorous scientific testing. Those that have been, were discovered to have been produced by methods far too modern for the times in which they were alleged to have been made.

As far as I can see, there are a few options regarding the skulls' authenticity:
1. The legends surrounding the skulls are myths - there are no skulls coming to save the world 🙂
2. The legends are true, although the current skulls in existence are fakes (made by those who know the legends and want to exploit them for their own gain), and the real skulls have yet to be discovered.
3. The legends are true, and the current skulls in existence are real, but were made by aliens or an ancient yet advanced civilisation with access to tools and methods that we as yet do not know about (hey, if the ancient Egyptians can make the pyramids...!).

I'm not entirely sure what I believe yet. I'm skeptical about the skulls that are out there at the moment, but I'm willing to keep an open mind!

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I do love crystal skulls. They seem fascinating and far from scary.
Sorry to hear that the one in the British museum was a fake. 🙁
Anyway, I don't believe they are magical YET...but maybe were made by aliens. 🙂

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Hiya, well i believe that many skulls out there are modern made fakes no, all are real just different, and that there are a small number which are genuine ancient skulls and as such made by skilled craftsmen that as yet we don't know who or how this was done, we always seem to believe that only modern mankind is able to do such beautiful work,

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Hiya, well i believe that many skulls out there are modern made fakes no, all are real just different, and that there are a small number which are genuine ancient skulls and as such made by skilled craftsmen that as yet we don't know who or how this was done, we always seem to believe that only modern mankind is able to do such beautiful work,

I wonder if anyone can name or give a link to allegedly ancient crystal skulls which haven't yet been discredited, and how many there are? I'm starting to suspect it just might end up being all of them being fake.

that many skulls out there are modern made fakes no,

It isn't clear to me what these words mean, yes or no. But if it means that modern fakes are legitimate, may I then make some and sell them on? 🙂 Surely this is bizarre and wacky?


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It seems that all of them are fake.
Have any been proven to be real?

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No, none have yet been proven real. There are 2 skulls owned by museums (Britain and France) - these have been tested and found to be fake. The rest of the skulls are in private ownership, and only 1 of these has been scientifically tested, although these tests (conducted in the 1970s) were limited and raised doubts about the skull's authenticity. Since then, the owners have refused to allow the skull to be subject to any further testing.

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The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls is on in the UK on Sci-Fi channel, 7th June at 2pm and 10pm Radio Times says "Sci-fi action. On an adventure that stretches from ancient Mayan ruins all the way to the moon, one man attempts to find the fabled lost Crystal Skulls."

looked as if it was a documentary from the trailers.
