Ok peeps this is going to be a long post so i am going to do it in sections. I know that I am connected to Atlantis or it could be a civilization way before Atlantis. I also know I was a high priestess there and did something witht he crystals there. Healing withthe large blue crystal that was in the centre of Atlantis. This crystal was misused by the Belsybob high priests and Some of us chose to leave Atlantis because we would not have anything to do with it.
So alot left in ships with white sails.
I have met posiodon many times as well as swimming with dolphins/mermaids etc. ( no I am not going mad)
So ia m going to ask a couple of things
Who of you were given a necklace. wand?
What colour was it
What was your name and responsability there?
This will help me upon my path and in return I am very happy in helping any of u out there with this.
In other communitys I have posted whole pages on my meditations, visions and feelings I get associated tothat of atlantis.
When we sailed from Atlantis most of us went into rain forests ( incas) were we the incas too?
Hope this helps
RE: Remembering Atlantis
Ithar, interesting posting! I just happen to read a fiction book by Clive Cussler named Atlantis. So far, very exciting..
Anyway, I hope you will tell us more about your impressions.
A few years back I held a guided meditation with a group of 10 people to go in our thoughts and guides back to Atlantis. The music we listened to was from Kamal "Whale reiki healing". After the meditation we shared our experiences which were astonishing. A city with strange buildings like upside down wineglasses and huge stone walls. We saw peasant scenery, then some sort of balloons that took the people away from the floods. We were all left with a sad feeling about the tragedy but also glad that many had managed to escape
RE: Remembering Atlantis
Ok this is long but its all about Atlantis and what I have seen
Ok what you see here is my encounters and experiences with Atlantis ( that if it is Atlantis) There is alot to go through and it starts with my first encounter through to the fall of atlantis. The other two are to do with what the blue heart represents and why we antlanteans left.
Walking along side my Guardian angel, his features still obscured by the etheral light that surounds him, He leads me to a beautiful beach, the sand clean and soft under my feet as i walk along it. The Water of the sea laps over my toes and up to my ankles, and it feels great.
As i look to my Guardian he holds out my Spiritual clothes, I disrobe from my earthly clothes and dress into my spiritual clothes.
As I look around there is a beautiful water fall cascading down over roaks in a lush pool of green.
Looking out to the tranquil see I spot two Dolphins, (feeling a little anxious)
The feelings of intigue curiosity and desire over take me and I swim out to them, the water is not cold around me very peacful and calming.
The dolphins come up and meet me, i am a little optomistic as i have had not had this experience before in this life time.
I get the feeling that everything is well and that i should follow them, which i do
Following swimming imbetween them, water reflecting and sworling around me as the sun above reflects of it. ( soo beautiful)
We come to a abyss in the water and looking over it I see a city, which I know to be Atlantis, Its all lit up in etheral/spiritual light, Blues mistly.
I am there withthe dolphins in awe and the vision given to me, my face curls into a soft smile.
I am lead to a collaseum, Collums of marble at either side of me, The floor is mosaiced, but as yet i have not looked down at it, I am more entranced and captivated by what is about to happen to me The waters reflections are cast upon thr marble around me.
I meet Posidon, Father Healing, The fish tail he has the most awsome, Blues, greens ornages and yellows, all combined into one,
He looks ot be 50, but his eyes hold the wisdom and the insight, which captivate me, All my feelings of doubt are removed as he talks to me,
All i know is that he is reasuring me that everything is ok and it will not be the first time i would visit and surly not be the last. HIs hair is a mixture od white and red,
I hear children laughing around me., they hid behind the colums,
Posidon introduces me to another,
Ahead of me a flight of stairs the toips of which are coverd by a beutiful light, Decending them comes a lady, her beauty the most breath taking, She has angel wings but a fishes tale, her hair long and flowing in a beautiful mass behind her. She too embraces me and tell me all will be well,
The colours of the sea and the hall around me is exquisite, i know this to be some enchanted realm of Atlantis....
A child comes up to me and pulls at my hair soon to be swimming of, I am not botherd by this,
I am aware of a whale behind the coloums in the open sea, (white and balck)
The two dolphins behind me
All is calm, all is tranquil, and i feel uplifted to say the least
And now it is time to go home I follow the dolphins back up to the surface and say goodbye, My guardian angel is there to meet me and hold out my clothes, i disrobe and now put on my eartly clothes on once more.
she is caling us back and i do not want to go
But go i must to be told i will return soon When i awake i am afresh and revitalized
I am looking forward to going to Atlantis again and unlock some more of its mysteries.
Atlantis Part II (the turtle)
As i prayed and asked for my Guardian angles protectoon, A golden light was filling me from my crown centre, and as it did i felt at peace with myself, The light went dow to the crystal caverns of Mother Gaia and I asked her permission if I could Partake of her essence, which she glady acepted me to do so
As this energy filled me it went along the l
RE: Remembering Atlantis
Atlantis Part 2!!
Well what can i say I never have any problem vizulizing and meditateing but tonight went a step beyond.
We all did a mediation on the venus transit asking for our angelsm and gudes to come forth to cleanse all 12 chakras including gia gate way, potal of heaven earth star etc. The rays were beautiful as they came out of the base chakra and into the earth beofore going up to venus.
Down through earth you say before going up you say. Well this was to ground us as we would of completly left out bodys if the rays went strait up.
Anyway this is not the meditation I want to talk about
The meditation we do when we have been through one as hard working as the one i above mentioned.
Swimming with the dolphins....Well I was there before she took us. Drawing symbols in the sand and the going swiming with the dolphins, though nit the usual three but seven. Then i went swimming with a whale, looking eye to eye with it.
Then I was taken down into some crystal caverns, Under water, taken back up, and when i came out I was there infront of Neptune and his bride? The energys were amazing I was hot all the way through though not sweaty.
The place I was in was that of marble and crystal, water at either side where the dolphins continued to talk to me, Neptune came down the stairs, in which i bowed and knelt on one knee, He in tuen placed his hand on my head, His hand so hot and this heat filled the very core of me. I then stood up with him, where he embraced me and called me daughter.
His bride which I knew to be a merangel when in water came down to me and took hold of my hand (she is soo beautiful, her eyes that of pure love) Where she took me down the hall, There she gave me a necklace Placing it over my neck. The chain made of gold though the pendant was a deep blue heart The krystal could of been saphire, though I get a strong indication that it is a crystal we do not know of yet.
I still feel its energy and vibrations upon me.
She then said something to me, Something about healing and helping others, Filling a goblet of water which was pouring from a fountain, Though the water was rainbow coloured? I drank from it and no sooner as i did this I was filled with an over whelming feeling of love, devotion and peace. The energys penatrating the very core of me, not just my etheric bodys but all of them
I said thank you to them though I also knew Merlin was there He had somethign to say as well as show me. So I was taken back through the water the light of the three suns reflecting upon me ( I am a mermaid everytime I am in the water)
Upon the beach now I climb the steps of what looks like the incas temples. And meet Merlin who sits on his throne,
Very wise and knowing yet also understanding and fatherly. He handed me a crystal wand, the lights that of all colours pulsating and radiating from it.
~This is what you need upon your path call upon it when it is time for you to tread the path.~
That all would come with patience and time,
Also I knew I had a Diamond crystal placed in my third eye, There was alot of work done om my upper chakras, Portal of heaven stella gate way, crown third eye throat and heart.
(I am still hot typing this)
I was taken then to a clearing in a wood, where al my animal gudes meeted me
Brown bear, wolfm cat, eagle, dragon Pegasus
( pegasus was with Neptune also) He lowered his horn to my brow ( well not a horn but a ray of pure light) and it penatrated my third eye.
I am told by Krystynne the the diamonf crystal placed in my third eye is a key to working with the Diamond ray a higher ray and vibration?
Now what I am going to say here is the first time this as ever happened, I do not usualy see faerys but this time I did they were all over, in the woods around me all shapes and sizes. Also an older woan looking very knowing and wise ( crone)
I remember stroking the dragon who looked to me in the eye and me to it, Agin that deep knowing and a sence
RE: Remembering Atlantis
I would suggest that anyone interested take their time in reading it as it has some interesting points and aspects
Yes I know it is long lol but its worth it[sm=jump2.gif]
RE: Remembering Atlantis
Hi Dragon, can i say your posts really do fascinate me, i don't know where to start really phew!
Ok now this sounds silly but when you came onto HP i felt that i had something in common with you or felt drawn to you in some way, no i'm not a nutter, [sm=nuts.gif] i don't know what it is yet , as my spiritual path is only new since february really, but i have experienced many different things in dreams visions etc since March and have been places but not understanding where i have been i have posted about this all at various times, so will not do it again but here are a few of my posts as links hun.
I have seen women in these experences wearing long robes either a light blue or light grey and sometimes see records of writing but can't make out what it is, also a couple of times i have seen ancient buildings with markings on them,
I don't know if this has any relation to what you posted about or not but as yet i have no answers to it,
Anyway keep your posts coming i love reading them.
RE: Remembering Atlantis
Hi there Hawkwind!
Well all i have to say is Like wise! I feel connected top u in som eway also. Maybe u are an antlean also. All light workers meet up
Anyway the robes of blue and grey I have seen before. I have had many past experiences and aspects Some od which I am just awakening to and others I have had to face and move on from.
You have my contact info feel free to add me hun and we shall get together and talk?:)
Dragon (Jill)
RE: Remembering Atlantis
Oh yes one other thing
And I just started on my path in feburary too lol wouldant believe it would u. lol
Love and blessings
RE: Remembering Atlantis
Just food for thought. Atlantis has never been found and never will.
Now easy does it this is only my opinion.
In the book of Genesis chapter 6 There was a population explosion and
the sons of God looked down on the daughters of men and saw they were
fair and took what pleased them as wifes you can read the rest your selfs
How do you suppose these sons of God got to earth.To understand where I am comming from
you need to read revelations It states A beautiful city will come down to earth
1400 miles square like a jewel.
Lets go back what if a huge space craft came down to earth and beautiful creatures
got off and started improving living conditions by leaps and bounds.
Would they not be able to marry who they wish to marry.
Now God comes down and sees all manner of evil and people worshiping these beings.
building statues to them he says enough and sends a flood would the creatures stay
when they had the means to escape of course not. Thus the missing Atlantis.
Now lets go foward again (only my opinion).
THe bible states as it was in the days of Noah (the flood) so will it be in the
end times. Now HMMMMM. will we see Atlantis again The Bible also states
that in this end time a strong delusion will be sent on earth to fool the nations
that have not follwed after the true God and says it might even fool the very elect
but God will not let them be fooled.
Food for thought huh?:eek:
RE: Remembering Atlantis
For those that truly want to read something that will 'stir' the Soul of any that were present in the 4th Root Race (Aka Atlantean times) - I recommend a certain rare book:
'Initiation By the Nile' written by Mona Rolfe and once published in the 80's or 90's by CW.Daniel ...
If you can find a copy - (which will be a hard task) - then reading it will stimulate old memories of those who were there... I guarantee it.
RE: Remembering Atlantis
Whoa! I actually found a copy... if anyone's interested:
But there may be others hanging about, closer to home...
RE: Remembering Atlantis
For interest have about 26 copies old and new.
RE: Remembering Atlantis
Hello everyone
Well it has been some time since I posted the enitial thread to Atlantis.
To what notaxbill said
Atlantis is within us, and our divine mission is to use the wisdom ( one acknowledged) in the highest of good. You see there were several groups on Atlantis and each group had a role to play in looking after the crystals, greeting other beings, and making sure the energies were channelled in the rite fashion.
Some of these people had other ideas, and began to plot and concieve ideas on how to use such gifts to their advantage (ego)
Atlantis fell threee times
in this order
Earth Quake
Tidal wave
This one killed all that survived the enitial events of the prior two, some managed to escape in ships (myself) and have been lucky to find two others who did the same.
Atalntis will be found, but as a mass awakening to it, Just remember not to use the gifts that we are being blessed with in egeo in bad ways.
The Atlanteans and Lemurians were a very evolved race, and could communictae with one another on profound levels, the people were one and one with Mother Earth and Father God
As I can remember it was Bliss, and the Manifestation work was amazing, everything was provided.
I have remembered around several past aspects in Atlantis and Lemuria, I feel there is goign to be some important events happening between now and 2012
As a whole group conciusness, we are already awakening and recalining our wisdom.
RE: Remembering Atlantis
'Initiation By the Nile'
Fascinating! Have you tried past life regression or in depth work on your past lives? I have and it was magical. I look past Atlantis to Lemuria, and I find the whole topic thrilling. I like to call myself a Crystal Keeper too....
Thanks for the info on the book, I just presssed order lol lol, will let you know how I get on........
RE: Remembering Atlantis
dont need to go on a regression Crystal. I simply know, and when it is the rite time I am given more. I was a high priestess in one of the healing temples, then I was somethign to do with energy exchange and balance for the one who came to Visit Atlantis from other dimensions
RE: Remembering Atlantis
Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes! We are coming to a time of re-discovering the Adlantis. For Adlantis descended from the Oneness, falling into a pit of its self-catastrophic doom.
Your memories are fascinating. Anything to do with water, is to do with Mu, or Lemuria.
The strongest memory of Atlantis, was in an Astral Projection. The only AP I had where it actually put me in a time and place. I was in a city of stone, and the sky was very very dark, purple, and cloudy. There was constant lightning through the skies, and there was so much destructive energy, it made me feel sick(literally I was about to vommit after exiting the trance). Everyone was wearing black robes, including myself. It was one of the longest APs I have ever had, and the most distinct things I remember from it was, dark, cloudy, electricly destructive sky, large stone temples and structures, and dark black robes.
That is not the only vision I have had of my past. The most recent vision I had, I will tell you is very interesting.
I first had a vision of an Emerald/Jade stone (that was square in shape) embeded in a quartz crystal. It brought me further into an energetic trance, in which I saw visions of purple colored dinosaurs and monsters destroying. I snapped out of the trance quickly, for the energy was too strong for me too handle, and the images too horrifying.
The next night I sat in meditation, thinking, what is the meaning of this green gemstone. I then saw the name "Raziel" appear strongly before my minds eye. I then proceeded to follow a trail of rainbow light, leading me to a temple ritual in Atlantis. BTW this is my most recent visionary discovery of the "good" times in Atlantis.
I first saw a golden urn, which on it was a relief of a god's face. My intuition tells me the ashes of an incarnated god was in the urn. Atop the urn was a quartz pyramid. And connected to the urn, and pointing at the pyramid were four crystal points. There was rainbow light eminating strongly from the crystal pyramid, and there was an eye in the middle. The rainbow light was very powerfull, and was a constructive "good" energy.
I then saw hand movements, motioning light and energy into physical manifestation. There were different colors and different hand motions. Some were intense and destructive motions, and I now know how Adlantis destroyed itself.
This is fascinating stuff, I have a large collection of crystals. And lately I have discovered the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. I strongly suggest you read them, for they are 36,000 years old, and were found in the Great Pyramid. If you look it up on any search engine you will find them.
I would like to know more about any discoveries you have of Adlantis. Oh and the reason I say Adlantis is because I have done extensive research on Adlantis and the ancient writings of origin of man and magic (God power before organized religion).
"We have already seen that the primal gods of this people are identical with the gods of the Greek mythology, and were
p. 280
originally kings of Atlantis. But it seems that these ancient divinities are grouped together as "the Aditya;" and in this name "Ad-itya" we find a strong likeness to the Semitic "Adites," and another reminiscence of Atlantis, or Adlantis. In corroboration of this view we find,
11. The Aditya, like the Adites, are identified with the doctrine of the immortality of the soul. Yama is the god of the abode beyond the grave. In the Persian story he appears as Yima, and "is made ruler of the golden age and founder of the Paradise." (Ibid., p. 45.) (See "Zamna," p. 167 ante.)
In view of all these facts, one cannot doubt that the legends of the "sons of Ad," "the Adites," and "the Aditya," all refer to Atlantis."
I also suggest checking out the archeological evidence of Adlantis.
RE: Remembering Atlantis
wow interesting, could you tell more about this center crystal in atlentis?
i sometimes see the blue crystal/pearl awake or meditating, and strangely i am attracted by inca/south affrican music...
i feel that's the wave i'm coming from, the light i'm coming from, but cant precisly remember anything 🙁
RE: Remembering Atlantis
not talkign about the Jade slab they found in Egypt its like the crystal skulls,m has been programmed with Data as far back..well lets just say before Egypt
Egypt fell five times the last time they split in various directions,
and i forgot the other one,
The Atleans used crystals every day and were a very strong aspect in every day life
When Atlantis fell the High priests and priestesses, who were not tainted by darkness, embodied themselves as dolphins,
Also known as beings from Sirus, they teach us to respect, love and care for Dolphins , as they have the codes and Keys to Atlantis.
RE: Remembering Atlantis
When me and a friend of mine sat in meditation, and somehow both thought about Atlantis, here is what we both saw.
Pillars, and Objects that were Gold, Silver, and Blue at the same time (like some sort of mixture of crystal and metal).
After this I had seen an old mystic looking man with a cane, and he was holding onto a lion.
Right now I am reading Atlantas to the Sphynx, and it has so much proof towards Atlantis its not even funny.
RE: Remembering Atlantis
'Initiation By The Nile' - a fantastic book. Highly recommended for anyone interested in Atlantis and how it links to Egypt.
RE: Remembering Atlantis
I will look into this book sounds interesting
The Lion...well big cars did not come into Atlantis until the realization that there was some negative work going on within the Magi and priesthood. Cats prevent entity attack and promote posotivity.
There were many temples on Atlantis and amany crystals, most of thse crystals have not manifested themselves or awoken to mass conciousness yet.
This is due to us needing to accelerate our vibration and understanding