Pyramids in Europe?
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Pyramids in Europe?

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Are scientists about to uncover a pyramid in Europe?

This strange hill in Bosnia-Herzegovina has some odd legend attached to it, but more importantly it has 45% angled slope that point in all the cardinal directions. Also workers discovered a paved entrance plateau and stone blocks. [link= ] [/link]

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RE: Pyramids in Europe?

Hey thats very cool! Do you know what the legend is behind this supposed pyramid?

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RE: Pyramids in Europe?

There is a small one on Tenerife.

Divine Love

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RE: Pyramids in Europe?

No questionmark needed anymore, definately pyramids in Bosnia
[link= ][/link]
[link= ][/link]


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RE: Pyramids in Europe?

Who cares about pyramids in war torn Bosnia-Herzaegovina anyway?

I want to uncover Noe's Ark in the forbidden realm of the Mt. Arrarat.:eek:

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RE: Pyramids in Europe?

Who cares about pyramids in war torn Bosnia-Herzaegovina anyway?

More a question of 'who's interested in....' and the answer is probably quite a lot of people.

Personally, I'm interested in loads of stuff....whether or not it's located in a 'war-torn' country or not.

Sunanda xxx

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RE: Pyramids in Europe?

Hi Sunanda
In reply to Sunanda

More a question of 'who's interested in....' and the answer is probably quite a lot of people.

Personally, I'm interested in loads of stuff....whether or not it's located in a 'war-torn' country or not.

Actually, I agree.
Yet, this world we live in is more and more war-torn, and daily the more.

And yes, I'm actually interested in pyramids, somewhat.

Seems like a lot of the places one would like to visit these days, might be considered a death wish.

Examples: Israel (no need to elaborate), Egypt: loaded with terrorists, Lebanon: (what's left of it? Hezbolla owns it.)
Middle East in general: not very accommodating)
I don't mean to stir up international politics, but that's what's being served to us.

I met a friendly Croatian lady, and she moved here to the States. She had nothing comfortable to say about her recent past about why she moved here.

I know a former Russian lady-now American, happy, married with children.
When she was single she spoke with my wife about the Orthodox church. She didn't enjoy it because the Government was using the Church to spy on the people.

Just my 2 bits.

With kindness,

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RE: Pyramids in Europe?

Yo seagull!!!

Hey, I thought you lived in France (montpellier) not US!!!! I wondered how come your English was so good!!!:D

I realised I posted two responses to two of your posts that looked at bit like putdowns - here and on the pasta thread. So glad you haven't taken offence because truly none was intended!

I agree that there seems to be conflict everywhere nowadays - but at least with the internet we can 'travel and study' cybernetically from the comfort of our armchairs!

Ohio - the Buckeye State!!!! (Sorry, never been there, but work with a lot of Americans!)

With love
Sunanda xxx
