Hi there.
I am searching now for several years for the brotherhood of the snake.
I found many theories about the space brothehood, the watchers, the guardians, the white brotherhood connected to the stories going back to egypt, sumer, eden.
I have the feeling that there ist a group of beings out of space and time that is leading mankind through evolution.
The reason i posted here, is that i found no relation to the symbol that i saw in a vision i had several years ago. Perhaps sombody here knows more.
The logo is a snake (has to do with kundalini) within a mixture between a swastika and a bird - some flame/fire in space that i see as the energy of spiritual progress.
This is what i saw:
i further developed it to that one:
If somebody knows ancient use of a similar symbol, please tell me.
RE: Logo of the "brotherhood of the snake" ?
Hello Shiva,
I don't know about the 'Brotherhood of the Snake' (sounds fascinating) but I do know that before it received its infamous connotations, the swastika represented the kundalini in Sanskrit thought. The same symbol was adopted by the Saxons to represent the path of the Sun, possibly borrowed from the ancient Sanskrit.
I have heard of the 'White Brotherhood.' These are possibly the 'Council of Nine' but I have no further information.
RE: Logo of the "brotherhood of the snake" ?
Hi Patsy,
thanks for your reply. i already know about the connection between kundalini and swastika, but if you have a good link to go deeper into that, i would be grateful to read more.
I was a member of Sahaja Yoga (Kundalini Yoga - Guru Shri Mataji) for 2 years. We had a book "Devine Knowledge through Vibrations - P.T. Rajasekharan & R. Venkatesan" with some interesting information on kundalini and the Chakras. Here´s a picture from that book:
If you like to read more on the brotherhood of the snake, i recommend some links (many different theories/myths, maybe there is an essence that is connecting these stories)
[link= http://www.2012.com.au/Brotherhood_snake.html ]http://www.2012.com.au/Brotherhood_snake.html[/link]
start with this one - an explanation, why the brotherhood sometimes is described evil, sometimes good
A very interesting documentary on that topic (got it by p2p)
[link= http://www.legend-of-atlantis.com/atlantis.htm ]http://www.legend-of-atlantis.com/atlantis.htm[/link]
Mesopotamia / Eden
[link= http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/genesis/earth.htm ]http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/genesis/earth.htm[/link]
The rebellious god Ea formed an organization called, "The Brotherhood of the Serpent/Snake." Ancient Egyptian writings tell us its ORIGINAL purpose was to educate the human race in TRUTH and to liberate the human race from its bondage, the same bondage portrayed within the movie, "The Matrix" , where "AI"/Satan is the controller of the human race.
Brotherhood = The Old Ones ? (Brad Steiger)
[link= http://www.atlantisrising.com/issue17/HollowEarthMyth.html ]http://www.atlantisrising.com/issue17/HollowEarthMyth.html[/link]
[link= http://www.burlingtonnews.net/aghart_nagas.html ]http://www.burlingtonnews.net/aghart_nagas.html[/link]
H.P. Blavatsky and Alice Bailey
[link= http://www.diakrisis.org/ascended_masters.htm ]http://www.diakrisis.org/ascended_masters.htm[/link]
[link= http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/et/et-2.htm#t38 ]http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/et/et-2.htm#t38[/link]
This fact is shown for instance in the Sanskrit language, where Initiates of both kinds, i. e., of both the Right-Hand Path and of the Left-Hand Path, are referred to in words conveying serpentine ideas or characteristics. The former kind, otherwise called the Brothers of Light, are more properly designated in Sanskrit as Nagas; whereas the Brothers of Darkness or of the Shadows are perhaps more properly designated as Sarpas, this latter word being derived from the Sanskrit verbal root srip, meaning 'to crawl,' 'to creep,' in sly and stealthy manner, and hence metaphorically 'to deceive' by craft or insinuation.
Milton William Cooper
[link= http://seekers.100megs6.com/secret-societies.htm ]http://seekers.100megs6.com/secret-societies.htm[/link]
Brinsley Le Poer Trench
[link= http://us.geocities.com/secretfiles_99/trench.html ]http://us.geocities.com/secretfiles_99/trench.html[/link]
UFO / Space Broters / Nordics / Sumer
[link= http://www.echoesofenoch.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=browse&id=22751&pageid=48 ]http://www.echoesofenoch.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=browse&id=22751&pageid=48[/link]
Twin Serpents / Duality
[link= http://grimalin.tripod.com/Serpents.html ]http://grimalin.tripod.com/Serpents.html[/link]
I read about 'Council of Nine', but it was some time ago and i didn´t notice the possible connection to the brotherhood. Thanks for that inspiration.
RE: Logo of the "brotherhood of the snake" ?
I don't know about the symbols unfortunately, but can tell you what I know about the Brotherhood of the Snake. Most of my knowledge comes from the Nibiruan Council's website at pieced together with various bits that I have picked up from other sources. The Brotherhood is actually very important in the book I myself am wrtiting, due to their connections with the Essenes and other related mystery schools.
There is not much I can add that hasn't already been said. I had a quick look at some of the links above, anf found them very interesting, particularly the idea that there were 2 branches of the Brotherhood - red and yellow. It did not as far as I know originate in Atlantis though, at least not under the same name, although I am sure there were schools there where similar things were taught. Basically though, as I understand it the Brotherhood was formed by the Sumerian God, Ea, better known as Enki. Enki was joint creator of mankind, together with his half sister Ninhursag, who is sometimes referred to as Ninmah. Enki was also it seems the serpent mentioned in the book of Genesis, who tempted Eve with the apple. Many of these so called Gods were actually not mythological beings at all, but very real.
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil as mentioned in Genesis was symbolic of the Brotherhood of the Snake. It was, as the sources above suggest, a school founded by Enki in order to pass the ancient knowledge on to Adam and Eve, and their descendants, this was regarded as the forerunner of the ancient Mystery Schools and Masonic Lodges. Among other things, Enki taught mankind the universal Laws, such as cause and effect (karma), as well as sacred geometry, spiritual truths, and techniques for manipulating energy. The apron mentioned in Genesis was also introduced by Enki, as a means of identifying those who were party to this knowledge. Clothes were seen as the prerogative of the Masters, which ordinary men had no need for. Nakedness was thus a sign of subservience and nothing to do with shame, as the Bible suggests.
I should add that the Brotherhood and the Council of Nine are as I understand it two totally seperate, unrelated groups. The true Council of Nine has little to do with most of the channelled messages purporting to come from this source, which have more to do with ego that anything else. The Council of Nine as I understand it was, and is made up of 9 beings from various other universes and dimensions who have completed the Game of Polarity Integration, ie integrating their light and dark sides into a complete and neutral whole. Their role was to assist in the creation and evolution of our own universe and the beings that inhabit it.
You may like to read the article on my website re the Council, which provides more insights on this subject.
[DLMURL] http://www.talismanskull.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/CounselOfOne.htm [/DLMURL]
The White Brotherhood is probably the Great White Brotherhood, which was founded by Pharaoh Tuthmose III (AKhunaton's Great, Great Grandfather). Most of the founder members were what we refer to as Ascended Masters (Tuthmose was himself an aspect of El Morya I believe). The Brotherhood later came to emcompass both the Essenes and Rosicrucians.
Thanks for starting such an interesting post.
RE: Logo of the "brotherhood of the snake" ?
Hi Shiva,
You might wanna take a look at the symbols carved on the stones at Newgrange in Ireland (circa 3,200 BC) a superb construction.
PS. I had a vision like that also, moved me enough to paint it, only it came out like a burning eagle on a bright blue background - dunno what I took from it really, just left it at that![:-]