I read this in an old manuscipt a few months ago and found it again this morning, hope you enjoy.
"In ancient times, when true accounts are very sketchy and often quite inaccurate, there was a greater understanding of the power of thought and the potential that its use could bring. At that time there was understanding of how the vibration of energy could be used to affect matter through the power of thought. Deep understanding of the processes of creating huge structures were in the hands of a select few who had studied these things. It was through this detailed knowledge that the pyramids were built. To do this, it was necessary to have large numbers of people to do the base work of bringing the materials to the site for the structure to be started. It was when huge stones were required to be lifted into place accurately, that the services of these specialists were brought to bear. They were able to guide the many workers to the right spot and their concerted power of thought acted like heavy lifting gear to place each huge block in exactly the right place. These specialists were the huge cranes you have in your world today. The workers needed these thinkers and the thinkers needed the workers to enable the work to be completed. We think it is as well that such knowledge is now lost.“
Love & Light
RE: How the Pyramids were built!
Indeed many channelled sources speak of the pyramids and other heavy structures, such as Stone Henge being erected through the powerof thought, and also using sound.
RE: How the Pyramids were built!
Thanks June,
I do know a two Spiritual Mediums who can move objects simply by applying their mind, so perhaps it is not out of the realms of belief that larger structures can be moved by thought alone.
I just wish I had been one of the workers at the time the Pyramids were built to have witnessed the event
Love & light
RE: How the Pyramids were built!
You know, its simply amazing how much archeological evidence points to this! Its saying, here, here it is, right in your face. Its also pointing out how ignorantmainstream archeologists are. Although now a days, the cosmic answers of the mystery are becoming popular. It ismen like Robert Bauval, Graham Hancock, and Colin Wilson which help us become more aware ofthis ancient science ofthe Gods. Which I must ask, Talisman, is your name inspired by that book which lay on my desk, 'Talisman - sacred cities, secret faith'.
I have many a books to account for this. One of them most interestingly proves that an ancient civilization had to have had a far more advanced drill than we have today to drill specific holes in granite. But then again, they didn't have any material that was strong enough (some suggested diamond studded bronze, Hahahaha). So then, there is this giant gap which the mainstream wont look at, and only the spiritual man can see it and connect it to science.
Im curious, have scientists figured out a way to measure the vibrationalfrequencies that emitfrom symbols?There are obviously alot of keys to the ancient power through their symbols, as the Great pyramid is one of them. Just imagine what we would know if the symbols on the outside of the pyramid were still intact!!!! Just imagine what we would know if 3/4 of the Mayan knowledge was not destroyed by the Spanish Bishops. And also, the library of Alexandria :(by the Moslems.
Alot of these hidden keys are found in our Visions, and past life regressions. These functions of a cosmic mind are becoming more accurate, and more accessable to the common people.
Sound vibration, was one of the keys. I also feel that mastery of time was another key, whichwe are going to discover with this coming of the Golden Age.
RE: How the Pyramids were built!
My name Elyzuel actually comes from one of our crystal skulls, one of several which my partner and I are guardians of. It is also our web address, so seemed logical to use it on here too.
I wonder whether you have heard of or read a book called In the name of the Gods by David Elkington, which talks about many of the things you mention, the acoustics inside the pyramids etc, and the science of sound. I have not read the entire book, since it is quite large,but the bits I have read were very interesting. From the sound of it it is the sort of book that you would enjoy.
RE: How the Pyramids were built!
Well thank you June, that sounds like an awesome book. Iwill definatly find it, and compare it to my study.Ive decided im going ona search myself, so I could use all of the help possible.
I want toobserve mediums atancient sites. Im also curious about the big eyes of ancient statues, and giantism. Its proven that there was a big catastrophe around9500 B.C.
Im also interested in the symbolism which is very similar all over the globe.Maybe itdescended and spread outfrom an ultimate race.
In my theory, the largest population of Atlantiens were war likeat the time of thebig catastrophies.Perhaps theAryans are a key example of a descendant, we can trace the once war like peoplebackto 12,000 b.c.
Why would Atlantiens become war like? Because they found themselves more involved in the physical sphere. If the ancientscould indeed use vibrational thought forms to move and cut stone, then they came from an ultimate source. According to many scientific laws, their is always an ultimate source, or cause.
RE: How the Pyramids were built!
Like the ancient Chinese new how to usesound to move objects and still do.
love and blessings
Wendy x
RE: How the Pyramids were built!
Thats interesting lightwinds. I recently discovered the different feelings from different notes and chords I played on the keyboard. Ive tapped into ancient scales, I am recording what ive discovered, soon it will be on a cd.
I notice that playing the piano automatically puts me in a deep meditative state.
One time, I tapped intosome crystals in deep meditation(amethyst, clear quartz, and rose quartz), and heard the most amazing music. It was so creative and unlike anything heard before.
We can also hear this music mentally by our control. Sometimes, when you are lying in bed, you can go about making your own music naturally (it can heal you if you think of angels). I have written many songs in my head, Mozart did this, and if youlisten toRequim (He wrote it in his head while dying) you can really get a feel of that divinebridge of death. In my old choir, we sang Requim, it broughtothers andIto a new spiritual level. I really enjoyed that, there was an indescribable feeling while singing together this deep spiritual piece.
So maybe the pre-Egyptians used sound produced from their minds to move stone. How much equipment have they found relating to the build of the pyramid. They found repair tools, but non such from the original making.
RE: How the Pyramids were built!
Hello El, I watch an egyptian documentary on reconstructing pyramids stone to cut and place, but no matter how try tried it would have taken years to do.
I play the native american drum and the vibration are talking and you can really feel the energy flowing, when you have more then one person playing it fantastic energy.
Mat I try an experiment with a small crystal.
love and blessings
Wendy x