How The Giza Pyrami...
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How The Giza Pyramid Was Really Built?

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No conventional explanations have ever so far convinced me on this subject. That somewhat-inevitably led to being open-minded about New Age theories that the incredibly heavy stones were "levitated by magic crystals" or "dissolved into a cement by special sound and then reformed". But this BBC Time-Watch is very, very convincing, giving a conventional (but brilliant) method, and with loads of evidence for it remaining ... and also the story of the amazing dedication of the man who gave up everything to pursue this solution today.

(Credit to Cirrus for the link.)


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Joined: 18 years ago

I've now watched all this through, it is indeed a very interesting theory....

The only query I have is that the Cedar wooden logs and timbers, would have to be very strong to hold and roll the huge weight of the granite blocks? I would hope they didn't snap like matchsticks 🙂

I do think however that this man has laid lots of evidence and theory for further investigation and hopefully the truth will out in our lifetime...I never bought the levitating idea myself 😉

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I've never had any problems with the Pyramids being built conventionally. I think society gets diverted with pre-conceptions, i.e.; intellect has evolved, technology didn't exist, etc, etc.

There is also a lot of archaeological snobbery based on the view that the oldest discovered is the oldest, and that civilisation has to have writing and buildings. Silly really, but these came about because you need something to write about to record as history. So academic denial was created, and concentrated on the Classical world. This left a void that needed to be filled and lots of theories leapt in with magic and mystery.

Now things are changing, slowly and the intellectual world is changing it's views. My childhood hero was Thor Heyerdahl who was laughed at by the academic world, but now reconstructive archaeology is common place.

I love it when something new is discovered that smashes all the previous theories, e.g. the presance of cocain in Egytian mummies, or water erosion of the phynx.

Therefore our view of the ancient world is changing at a considerable rate and now that GWB isn't in power and as the court cases subside, there wil be some interesting discoveries unveiled about Native Americans.

