Is anyone going to one Of Diane Coopers 'Discover Atlantis' workshops?
I have booked my tickets for Nottingham, just wondered if any one else is going?
RE: Diane Cooper
Ooooh i would love to go but to far away and to expensive for me, have fun. 😉
RE: Diane Cooper
Same here, Angel Light!! I always seem to be a day late and a dollar short these days!!
Lilac, Enjoy yourself and tell us all about it when you return!!
RE: Diane Cooper
The Price is way too much for what it is. I did the teachers course
Angela and ascension and it was allot of money. THough I am not going to look back on it as the soul growth from such a course is amazing.
I am going to see her in August at Newcastle ( 7miles from me) where she is discussing her book. Hopefuly going to make contact with some people there:)