Of my travels to Egypt I remember our bicycletrip to Qurna + temples (with my daughter IndraB.) stopping there on the road to admire what is left of the impressive Colossi. These 2 giant statues (23 meter high= 75 ft) once guarded the mortuary temple of Amenhotep III. Nature and tourists have damaged the statues but it is still worth seeing.
The statues are made from carved blocks of quartzite and depict Amenhotep III with his mother Mutemwia and Amenhotep III with his wife Tiy and one of this daughters. On the side of the statues reliefs are to be found of the nile gods joining plants, symbolizing upper and lower egypt.
The statues became a big tourist attraction because of a bell like tone that usually occurred in the mornings due to rising temperature and humidity affecting the blocks of quarzite. The greek travellers renamed these statues of Amenhotep III with Memnon, son of Aurora who's mother Eos was the goddess of dawn. If you were lucky to hear the statues sing - you were favoured by the Gods highly- So travellers came from miles around to hear the music, even Hadrian (130AD).
The whole mysterie ended when the roman emperor Septimius Severus "repaired" the statues in 199 AD thus - silencing them forever...............
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
The Colossi of Memnon were the first things I saw in Egypt.
I was so looking forward to going there, it was fulfilling an ambition. Right up until actually arriving in Egypt I thought something could go wrong to spoil my dream. Arriving at night, we went past Luxor temple en route from the airport to the hotel, but even though I looked wildly around as the tour rep mentioned it, somehow I failed to see it. I would have to wait until morning to see the things I'd always dreamed of seeing.
On the first visit to the West Bank, the Colossi were the first things I saw. It's the only time I have ever got so emotional with happiness that I cried. I just couldn't believe I was there, in front of these things that I'd only seen in photographs.
I have since seen them 3 more times, they are so majestic. Been to Egypt twice.
Egypt is so amazing, I often just sigh and think about the next time I'll be able to go back. It is just the best place for me, I feel as if I could live there.
I do worry about the amount of tourists visiting all these places, even though I'm one of them! I hope that they are well-looked after and preserved. Unfortunately, on my last visit to Egypt, when I went to Medinet Habu, the mortuary temple of Ramses III, many of the chambers had been used as toilets, they stank. I felt soooo upset by it, as it is one of the best preserved of all the Egyptian temples and a few people who take it for granted or have no respect for it are destroying it. I wanted to complain to someone, but had no idea who I could approach.
Despite that.... Egypt, what an amazing place...!!
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
Tigerlily, i feel the same way about Egypt as you do. What an amazing country! There is so much to tell about it. We usually went in summer and even then there were a lot of tourists. Throwing up in Seti I grave, fainting, diarea - some people had realy trouble with the heat. That explains perhaps the Ramses III toilet use, probably an emergency, not loss of respect.......
I try to convey as much information as possible about egypt but cannot compete with the official sites that exist on the internet. In this thread is has to deal with mysteries.
I would love to hear other experiences from HP people about their voyage to Egypt.
Has anyone visited Nubia (Sudan)?
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
I wonder if either Tigerlily or Marijke have heard of an English woman called Omm Seti? She was Marjorie something or other, born in england, quite posh, in the 30s and was visited from an early age by - was it in fact the Pharaoh Seti??? - she became fascinated by all things Egyptian, studied Egyptology, married an Egyptian, moved to Egypt and remained there for the rest of a long life living eventually in ????Abydos????
(I am writing this from memory as I read a biography of her last Winter - I mentioned it to a friend who said there was a TV programme about her, but I missed it.)
Anyway, this remarkable woman continued to be visited by her DEAD lover, who appeared to her in a body (they had a very fulfilling physical relationship, amazingly) and she realised that she was in fact a reincarnation of a young mistress of Seti's. She had total recall of this earlier incarnation and became an authority on the site of his palace - even revealing where the gardens had been.
I'm sure you two have lived in Egypt before, as I have in India. Fascinating subject.
Love to you both and may you return to Egypt in the near future!!
Sunanda xxx
PS Have just done a google search and discovered a fascinating little bit of chat on some other forum, tried to copy and paste the URL but wasn't able to: it's the first Google hit in English anyway and it mentioned that the book is by Jonathan Cott.
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
Thank you for your posting Sunanda.
Do not misunderstand me when i say that I am fond of Egypt but not in the way at all this Om Seti is. I am interested in egypt, like in the mayan history and culture and the native american indian ones but without thinking i have lived there or wishing i would.I hope not to offend you with my opinion, but This Om Seti story is too "far out" for me. I listen to Om Khalsoum the egyptian singer singing Amal Hayeti instead.
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
Hi Marijke
No offence taken at all. It is a VERY far out story!
Lots of love
Sunanda xxx
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
I did not mind that Om Seti collected all knowledge about Egypt, married one,lived there etc. Loved it all, i understand.But the part of visit from a dead lover - That gave me the shivers in a sort of yukkie way. and gave me a feeling of going way to far into a egypt-hysteria........
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
I actually met the woman known as Om Seti during a trip to Egypt in the late 70's. A wonderful woman, I must say. I was 13 or so at the time, travelling with my family and she welcomed us in for a cup of tea and a chat as if it was a natural thing. The local people were very devoted to her and I can understand why. A first rate lady and I'm glad to have met her.
I'd be happy to share my memories of the visit and her story on how she got there with any who are interested.
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
Reading through all these messages just fills me with a wonderful sense of anticipation, as I am to Egypt myself very soon. In 6 weeks time I shall be waking up on the first morning in a very posh hotel room which actually overlooks the pyramids. Imagine opening the curtains and seeing that. I too shall be arriving in the dark (around 11pm) so this shall be the first thing that I see. I have been to Sinai before, about 5 years ago, and that too was good (and very hot - 116 degrees), but not at all the same as this. This time I decided to go in March, as the weather is so much more pleasant from what I understand, although MC was saying yesterday at her gathering that when she went to Luxor in April it was still 102 degrees. I plan to take lots of cotton and linen clothes though, which are all winging their way to me via different mail order catalogues.
I shall actulally be out there for 2 weeks and 2 days in all. Flying in to Cairo on March 13th, and spending a few days there, visiting the Pyramids, the Niuserre Sun Temple and Saqqara, then flying down to Luxor for a 7 night cruise with all the usual sites sucj aas Valley of the kIngs, Hatshepsut's Temple, etc, and also of course the day trip to Abu Simbel (which I am REALLY looking forward to). Then back to Cairo for a visit to the Egyptian Musuem, and 2nd look at the pyramids and Sphinx, and then (I can't wait for this bit) down into the desert to see the ruins of Amarna, Akhunaton;s city. This is well off the beaten track for most visitors, but for me is actually the most important thing, more important in some ways than seeing the pyramids, although that in itself is quite something. I just can't wait to get there and see it all. Oh and yes, I had heard the story of Om Seti, if I recall I first came across it on one of Murray Hope's books.
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
Reading all your messages reminds me of my trip that i took with my husband over Christmas and the New Year.
I spent 16 days in Egypt the dream of a life time, it surpassed all expectations.
The most amazing thing was being able to descend deep into a pyramid, i just loved the country and it's people.
I start to study Egyptology this October, i have an advantage as my husband as studied for two years now. It is my hope to go back in September, to Armana, as Akhenaten is my main subject and the 18th Dynastys.
I am also training to be an priestess in the Kemetic prieshood, and at the moment have reached the position of Shemsu.
Bright Blessings
Kybalion x
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
Sound interesting. I also loved the country and people, and felt very at home there, even walking on my own at night, although some of the hawker in the more touristy areas could be a bit of a problem. The best way I found is not to make eye contact an just keep walking - they are only trying to make a living after all. I was lucky enough to get to visit Amarna myself, the most amazing thing for me. I felt so priviliged to be able to do this, as apparently only around 15 people a week visit the site. Until quite recently the whole area was closed due to fundamentalists, and has only recently re opened. Depsite this so called threat though, I found the people in this area to be the most friendly of all. It felt as if we were actually visiitng Egypt proper, away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities.
The artwork in the tombs I found truly amazing, almost three dimensional, as if it was actually coming to life. To see the remains of the two Palaces, was a most incedible experrience, where thoughts and feelings came flooding back. I am sure that I was actually there before, and one of my crystal skulls indicated before I went that I may even have been the wife of King Tut, Akhenaton's third born dauhgter, Ankhesenpaaten. Given the way I was feeling when I went to King Tut's tomb, that would not surpirse me in the slightest. but then again, I have also made contact with two other people cliaming the same thing. Anything is possible though I guess.
I found this wonderful website on Amarna that may like to look at with tons of bakcground information, and descriptions of the various thigns to see there. I am sure you wll find it as fascinating as I do.
[DLMURL] http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/Projects/Amarna/home.htm [/DLMURL]
The thought of training to be an Egyptologist I must admit does have a certain appeal to me also, but from what I understand takes at least 8 years to do properly, and I have neither the time, money or inclination to train that long in anything. I certainly wish you well in your endeabours though kybalion. I did do a short course at Birkbeck College last year in the history of both Egypt and Sumeria, which was very interrsting, but it only took us as far as the 18th Dynasty. I woudl be very interested to hear your own views on this fascinating period of Egyptian history any time you feel like posting anything on the subject.
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
Hi Talisman
The 18th Dynasty is my favourite subject, especialy the herotic King Akhenaten.
When i get back from work ( quick visit to site ) i will post more on him.
My Egyptian name is Hetepet
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
Hi has any one got any imformation on Ramoses.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
Greetings Lightwinds
What sort of info do you want on Ramases, and which dynasty 19th or 20th.
Let me know and i will help you if i can.
Kybalion x
Sorry i miss read your post, Ramoses is in my favourite period the 18th Dynasty, the Akhenaten period.
What is it you would like to know
RE: Colossi of Memnon -ancient tourist attraction
Hi There Lightwinds,
Some info for you,
Ramose was the Mayor of Thebes and Vizier of Upper Egypt during the later part of the reign of Amenhotep III and the early part of the reign of Amenhotep IV, who later became Akhenaten. He served during the years before the Amarna "heresy" but witnessed the beginning of the Akhenaten's new religion. He died before the new capital of Akhetaten was built.
Was ther anything in particular you wanted to know ??
Kybalion x