I am going to post some links on here for Avalon. 😉
RE: Avalon
Hi Hawkwind,
I clicked on your first link and was pleased to see the rolling images of Glastonbury; I've never managed to get there yet.
I particularly like the 'special effects' this site has, the gentle breeze across my face and the hand on my shoulder were just lovely!
Maybe I need to visit?[sm=scratchchin.gif] !!
Thanks for the links.
Love and light
RE: Avalon
Your welcome hun, i was just looking through it as well and thinking the same thing 😉
RE: Avalon
I had a look a look through those sites and I have to go there!
so me and 3 friends have a trip planned already. Were gonna drive down to glasto and (if possible) camp on the Tor, then spend another night (or maybe 2) in near-by Avebury and then home.
Should be a fun and enlightening weekend!
RE: Avalon
Hi All
Just read a book about the true origins of Authur and it is now believed that avalon was a castle in Wales and that Authurs kingdom was actually in North Wales, They set out reasons why they believe that and I really feel that Wales is where his kingdom was.
With love
RE: Avalon
Hi Maria, interesting info hun, although i feel that Avalon was at Glastonbury, but Arthurs Castle ~ Camelot was in Wales, and Tintagel was another of his castles, i saw an Archology programme on tv the other night and it was the first time Tingagel was excavated properly and recently , and in new places they found some cool stuff dating back to 5th and 6th century, and proved that it was at one tme a very high status site.
RE: Avalon
Hi Sweet
I must admit I am interested in Arthur but only from a Taliesin standpoint (as I love Taliesin and all he invoked), but the book outlines a lot about where things were, ans even though I did not agree with some things in it, I sensed a better understanding of where Arthur was but I think we will truely never know about his true origins.
With love
RE: Avalon
Hi Maria, yes this is part of the great Mystery, makes it all the more exciting really, :Dand i too am drawn to Taliesin, i want to find out as much as i can about him, there doesn't seem t be anything much on the net,
The name Taleisin has been in my head a lot lately, don't know why, he just pops in . 😀
RE: Avalon
for those with sky - Next week (I think monday or wednesday) on the History Channel there is a programme about King Arthur. All about if he was real or not. I will post back when I know exactly when it is on for those interested.
with love
RE: Avalon
Hi Hawkwind
Sorry you haven't had much luck with your net searches on Taliesin. If that's still the case, trying putting "Taliesin legend pagan" into Google, and you'll get 1,570 choices. (It was just a hunch ;)) Might keep you out of mischief for another hour!!! :D:D:D
RE: Avalon
He he thanks Laura [sm=rollaugh.gif] ~ Thanks Maria that sounds great, did you know there is a new film coming out soon as well.;)
Incidentlythe night before last i asked if i could have a sign about who my spirit guide might be, because i am still not sure, and then i read this....hmmmm, 😉
RE: Avalon
Hi Hawkwind
I love Taliesin and have named my car Taliesin 2 (my fist civic was Taliesin 1) lol! I seem to have so many guides sometime so feel free to nick a few lol ha ha ha!!!! I also used to have my tag name on the net as Tali! pity I didn't think to use it here! may ask mike mmmmmm.............
Just ordered a picture of Cheif Garfield that I can put up on the wall - sone in pencil so looking forward to that!
I will be looking for stuff on Taliesin and also meditating on him as I feel his is near again so I will let you know what I find out and any links etc. I know that he was supposidly Merlins farther and a great cheiftain of britain at the time. I read the pendragon series (well stopped at Arthur) so that is where my interest comes from!
With love
RE: Avalon
Wow that is great Maria, i didn't know Taliesin was one of your guides, the guy gets around eh 😀
RE: Avalon
Hi Hawkwind
He used to be when I was younger but as I grew up others came, I tend to think that when certain guides are near they are asking you to look at something in your life thatcan reflect theirs etc! I think Taliesin is back in my life to tell me to be more creative in life!
RE: Avalon
Mariaob1, I was interested to read that Talesin was one of your guides as Merlin is one of mine and is the main reason I moved to Cornwall. Lived in Tintagel for a couple of years and still go back there quite a lot as I have friends living there. Now live 20 miles away. Feel more drawn to Barras Nose and Rocky Valley than the castle.
RE: Avalon
Hi Glenkeller
Wow you are very lucky to live down that part of the world, I have never been but really want to go and hoping to go this year.
Taliesin was a central figure in my life for about 3 years when I was around 13 or 14, not really connected with my guides at that stage but fell in love with him through the books I was reading. The pull of Taliesin was that he was a bard and of course father of merlin (had a car called merlin too), I have a few books on merlin which are really insightful and would love to read more about taliesin as he was a real life bard in th 1300's and may have been the one who brought the legand of arthur to life through his poems and singing.
Truely magical and how I really became interested in druidry and shamanism as I loved the idea of working with the earth!
It is great to have someone like yourself around and hope you will post some more about merlin and your journey. Also welcome to HP (bit belated!).
With love
RE: Avalon
Hi Maria, Did you see Time Team the other night it was about Arthur, and Wales was a strong fave place for his castle, 5th/6th century. 😉
RE: Avalon
Indeed Avalon is near stone hanege and avesbur it is also in wales.
Many tales and many myhts on Avalon, Merlin is one of my guides and he had taken me on many walks,
Indeed there is a grand castle ans yes there is a round table, but this is nothing like we have seen in films and in books.
As one said before our guides come and go to show us lessons that we need to earn in that particular stage of our life.
I feel Merlin has taken a step back so he can let some one lese in. He is not gone though he still remains, I know he will come when the time calls for it.
Love & Light
RE: Avalon
errr.....glastonbury/avalon is in somerset.....or did i mis-understand dragon spirit ??
....stonehenge and avebury are in whiltsire
blessings, paul.
RE: Avalon
I have been reading this thread in awe as a witch card reading I had done on healthy pages at the end of August read:-
"Again like another reading you also have the gift of magick within your veins, but sometimes it drains or brings depression…if channelled properly you could alter and change the reality of other people, there is also a high level guide edging close to you and will soon make contact…this guide is male and is the practitioner of the old magickal arts…but you first need to ground and work with your own energies then in time things will happen naturally. This guide is connected to past life somewhere along the line…Helen…that name is not connected to the guide but popped into my head so maybe a spiritual link on the malkuth earth plane for you""
I went for a past life regression mid September and the scene of Tintagel came to me. I had visited the castle in July. My higher self did not seem to want to go too far into this though and I ended up doing some inner child work instead.
However, it has got me thinking that maybe the above mentioned guide could be Merlin or Taliesin (although I hadn't heard of him before).
I would be grateful for your thoughts and advice especially from those of you who have these as your guides. I have yet to meet him but I did reiki 1 last weekend and am practising my opening and closing/protection and giving myself daily treatments.
I wish the material world would slow down so that I can find time to study this great legend.
OBTW I have just met Helen (mid November) who I feel I have a soul connection with.
Thanks in anticipation
C x