The Grail & Atlantis
I have been enlightened, by talking to my brother, going upon a walk with him, Nigel being at one side of a computer screen and me at another.
I have known for some time now that I have had past aspects in Atlantis, Lemuria and various other dimensions, though I am not going to get too deep on that.
What I am going to approach is that my brother and I are very connected, always have been, and I believe I have just found out another piece of the puzzle that connects us further and highlights a few things in what traits we have etc.
Nigel’s Story
Nigel was a philosopher, some one with great wisdom who held the knowledge of what Atlantis was all about, as well as Lemuria. The blue crystals play a big rule, how they worked and how the people used them. So Nigel was a protector also of the main crystal that was kept in one of the main temples of Atlantis. There is an interest in books, here, a very deep interest in reading, library’s monasteries etc. What I saw when talking with Nigel earlier was that he was a priest of some sort who worked within the great library. He was respected and people went to him to learn his teachings. There is an amulet around his neck, consisting of a small blue crystal, surrounded by a disc with runic like writing upon it. All priests and priestesses of Atlantis had one, but each carrier had a different purpose. All these amulets, were connected, as were the people of Atlantis and Lemuria were to each other. Some helped balance the energies, of the crystals, others healed with them, some programmed them, Implanting them with keys and codes to how Atlantis, Lemuria came to be etc.
Nigel’s and my connection
My brother is a solitary, he does this through choice, as yet he does not know fully why he does this, but the reasons are becoming clearer for him as time goes on and as he looks deeper into himself to find the answers. He has a priestly, holy aura around him which makes him walk about with his hands behind his back, contemplating, pondering and deciphering. Nigel likes to assess and study people, as well as situations before he answers and gives anyone advice. In the past few months he is doing this with more and more clarity and precision. I have linked into many aspects of my brother to see he has been in this type of role many times. Priest, monk, guardian, seer, all these paths can be lonesome ones, and so he has brought this over in this life time to sort out. Myself well I was a healer and well as a guardian, I healed with the crystals and balanced peoples energies including other races. In another aspect I was a guardian, similar to a watcher, who guarded Atlantis/Lemuria something similar to what law and order is these days, but not so corrupt. These two aspects of myself I have known for quite some time, but just recently I have found out another line. I was a child, amongst eleven others, making us twelve in all.
As I was walking with Nigel through this that I saw him in a great Library, wearing robes of white and brown, a blue crystal around his neck and sandals on his feet. I also witnessed him being summoned by a soldier, to come quickly because there was something happening. To cut along story short it was one of the down falls of Atlantis. Nigel rushes to the main temple and seeing the main blue crystal (also had angel hair in it) cracking and giving of an erratic energy.
There were allot of people running and in fits of panic at this point, Atlantis beginning to break up and explode.
Nigel at this point notified me that he needed to get the twelve out, I did not know who the twelve were at this time, but looked into it later. He was saying he kept the portals open as long as he could with the amulet he carried around his neck so as many people could get out before Atlantis fell. Nigel did not survive, but he did a great thing by saving many as well as the 12 decedents of Melchizedek. This lineage was carefully selected, 12 women to be initiated into this special role, each birthing a chil