Ive been reading a lot recently about the various lost civilisations and some of the frankly startling theories linked to them. The aparent links between 'Atlantis' and the the advanced civilisations of Maya, Ancient Egypt, Sumer etc. Found some great websites dedicated to this subject.
Ive read that in Afghanistan/Pakistan ruins have been found of old cities where buildings were seemingly 'melted' or 'fused' together as if they had been subjected to intense (INTENSE )) heat. And bodies being uncovered from the same era that are some of the most radio active remains EVER found. In fact this phenomena has been found in Asia, China, South America and Ireland.
Was wondering if anybody had any thoughts on the possibilty that mankind posessed the technology to harness nuclear power many thousands of years ago (way way way back!), and that Atlantis was one half of an original 'superpower' if you like.
The stories ive read go into great detail, leading, almost inevitably to proof (?) of ancient alien contact.
Would love to discuss this with anyone whos really interested.
[DLMURL] http://oroblanco.freeyellow.com/anctcity.htm [/DLMURL]
You might find this link interesting. Ive more if anyones intersted. You make your own mind up.
Thanks for listening. (...or reading...)
RE: Ancient Nuclear War !!
Fascinating stuff, thank you for the website.
When I was younger (less than 10) I decided that the earth had been through many nuclear wars, each one striping another layer of the earth away. There had to be reasons why 'magnificant cities and civilisations' just disappeared and humankind went back a level in evolution. I hadnt really thought about it for a long time, but would love to hear your views?
RE: Ancient Nuclear War !!
Hi voodooray
I also heard that the chinese where already busy with this and desided to not go any futher and i wonder of these meltings in India have anything to do with that?
Because then it was not a decision made of thinking about impacts but because of the concequences.
And why was nothing said by historians when atomic power was reevented again?
RE: Ancient Nuclear War !!
I believe the chinese government were the first gov. to take seriously the possiblilty that 'ancient flying vehicles' were used in a ferocious wars many thousands of years ago.
These 'vimanas' are detailed in many ancient indian texts, described as 'interdimensional craft' and 'celestial chariots'. The ancient texts contain guides for how to navigate these ships using anti gravity. all very intriguing, im sure youll agree. When Alexander the Great was marauding across asia he recorded coming into contact with 'winged chariots' with fire power the like of which wouldnt be out of place in todays world. Obviously if these 'vimanas' were so advance its not beyond belief that they would have mastered the 'Art' of nucleur power/weapons.
What if?
This is a big "what if" indeed, but I was always intrigued with the idea that a species other than humans existed on Earth perhaps hundreds of millions of years ago with the same intellectual capacity as homo sapiens. What if they eradicated the planet in some sort of nuclear war and made a mass exodus from Earth elsewhere in the universe. It is scientifically known our planet could heal from a massive nuclear holocaust if given the time, and what if the alien and alien abduction phenomena is actually due to the return of these ancient life forms to their home planet, long since it's healed?
Unlikely fact, good science fiction.
RE: What if?
plus of course my own website
enough said!