ancient mystery
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ancient mystery

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Hello everyone,

I am pretty impressed to see that there's a lot of hits on this section but very little answers!!!
What does it mean?
Does it mean that no one is really interested in ancien Mystery?
I don't think so.
I think that it is a very deep think present in every one.

What do we need to talk about to generate interest?

how many years of searchers before us?
How many years of secrets and amazing stories?
It's still alive and ready to be reborn.

I hope that I will not scared again the person in charge. i am not trying to sale anything.
I want to talk with people interested.

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Nil replies... ???

Know what you mean... I would love to answer some of the questions, but alas.. do not have or kn ow the answers.. This particular forum interests me greatly.. as does all spiritual and mystic subject - is it just because the subjects are unknown and we all love a good mystery??.. who knows..
I hope this may start a few a replies off in this section and get some interest going. 😀

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Hello everyone,

I am pretty impressed to see that there's a lot of hits on this section but very little answers!!!
What does it mean?
Does it mean that no one is really interested in ancien Mystery?

Well, to me it, is a little off putting talking about these things to those who are still confused by them and class them as a 'Mystery'.

I am very interested in the real history of our planet, and find all my answers, contained with in the freedom teachings, of which I am a avid student.
Dont take my word for it, have a look at it yourself.

We are living in a very important time on this planet, most however, are completely asleep to the fact. Once you start to take the lid off it all do you really want the truth?

Boson Higgs
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Hi Denis, and welcome.

Does it mean that no one is really interested in ancient Mystery?

Well you're holding the baton so why not give us an ancient mystery to discuss.

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I am very interested in the real history of our planet, and find all my answers, contained with in the freedom teachings, of which I am a avid student.
Dont take my word for it, have a look at it yourself.

We are living in a very important time on this planet, most however, are completely asleep to the fact. Once you start to take the lid off it all do you really want the truth?

Had a look at your link, Steve, but am not sure just how much 'truth' is contained in that site. Still, if it does it for you, then who am I to criticise?


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I am pretty impressed to see that there's a lot of hits on this section but very little answers!!!
What does it mean?

I'm not being facetious, but serious, in saying that the answer is in the name of the sub-forum. If historical phenomena are not a mystery, then they are known history. 😉 The whole point, then, is that there are ancient mysteries. It's the unknown quality about them, especially when we intuitively feel that the answer would be something extremely important, that makes ancient mysteries so fascinating.


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To me, an ancient mystery is something like the Nazca Lines (though it's becoming less and less of a mystery now that people have created similar pictures without the need to be 'up in the sky' to see how they're doing; it can be done by basic maths and geometry...). The Ica Stones - now there is a mystery; 15,000 stones allegedly and even if a few folk admitted carving them - that is fifteen thousand stones! The German laboratory concluding the carvings on those they tested went back many thousands of years... it all adds up to a classic ancient mystery.
The remains of a building on the top of one of the higher US mountains with no clues as to how and why it was built...
The small doorways beneath the Giza pyramids ventilation shafts... visited by the robot with its camera but no (admitted and published) further information about that...
The enigmatic standing stones and stone circles with subtle solar energy channels entering them and traveling all the way down to Earth's core - but whether the channels were there first and Man then marked them with the stones - or the stones were there first and the Solar channels formed afterwards - but why? Its another ancient mystery.
The Piri Reis map of 1513 showing the northern coastline of Antartica - yet it has been under considerable depth of ice for the last 6000 years... How did he get the data? How did those before him get their data? Now that's probably the greatest ancient mystery of all...

Kind regards


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Hi Apollo! It's been a while. I think I know well what you refer to here:

The remains of a building on the top of one of the higher US mountains with no clues as to how and why it was built...

It's first mentioned in "A Dweller On Two Planets" by Phylos the Thibetan, written through a young man in the 1800s. In the book, claiming to be true and I have no reason to doubt it as it's a true classic, there are the remains of a building on the near-top of the incredibly steep Grand Teton mountain in the Teton Range, Colorado, USA. In the book, past-life recollections say that it was a monastery in Atlantean times 12,000 BC only reached by "vailix" or flying craft using anti-gravity technology we have not yet reproduced today.

I was there to check it and other things out in 1984. I'm not a climber and hadn't the equipment, but the mountain was right there in front of me. I asked the park rangers and they confirmed that still today there are the foundations of a building, or at least some man-made and man-placed foundation stones, near the summit. It's incredible that nobody ever wonders how they ever got there, or has tried to date them - as I think their placement goes back maybe over 20,000 years.

Here's the Grand Teton. Reputedly there's a physical "Retreat" inside it, still in use, and the whole place is extremely important spiritually:

I hiked in 1984 around the back of this mountain and camped alone in the valley behind. That was extraordinary, as the wildlife had no concept of being afraid of man. A moose stuck its head out of the almost-tropical greenery to look at me just two yards away. I was the first to do the hike after the Spring thaw when the snow was going, and I could have done without the park rangers telling me that there were plenty of Grizzlies around, and would I report sightings if I got back? 😮 That freaked me when I camped alone overnight.

But talking of Retreats, physical ones of the Masters (I know you know what I mean, Apollo), I was to my satisfaction able to confirm a legendary other one, the Cave of Symbols, does exist around the back of the Grand Teton in the photo link. Until the 1930s it had a clear opening, but with the rise in hikers and climbers the once-obvious opening has been hidden and sealed. I'm pretty sure I found it though, and the vibration was just awesome: I felt too humble to approach the entrance to more than several tens of yards. You know, I'd guess, whose "home" or "Retreat" that is?

P.S. It's why many "ancient mysteries" remain mysteries, to answer the first post. Here we have, on the near-top of a precipitous mountain in the mid-USA, the remains of a building reputably having been there for untold thousands of years (nothing at all to do with American Indians and pre-dating them). How was such a building ever constructed on that site? Why not date the construction? Why not map it? (I know the very basic answer: conventional archeologists are naive and don't know of it, but also are afraid to make the ascent. I now wish I had!) It would IMHO prove that a civilisation existed with astonishing technology in North America well beyond 10,000 BC. After all, we've already found their sophisticated mines, dating back over 10,000 years, but rarely mentioned. In a nutshell, conventional archeologists are just not up to the task: they are mere products of universities and have no sense of the extraordinary or the revelatory.

That's partly why things remain as - mysteries - from the past.

Sermon over! :p


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Very interesting Venetian. I hadn't heard of this place before so did a quick Google and came up with this link that is quite fascinating, although the start is a bit new age for my liking, but read on and there are lots of 'quotes' and 'stories' (I add the ' ' because, as usual, you have to take these with a pinch of salt until they can be proven).

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I agree with some of that link but can't vouch for it all. Interesting, though.

The Teton Range is spectacular (but rendered a bit less mystical when told they were named by a Frenchman who came across them, and felt they looked like breasts, or frankly "tits"!). They rise straight up out of a flat plain with a lake in front. And I do mean straight up. You can stand with one foot on the flat plain and another foot on a 45-degree slope.

Behind the Grand Teton - and I am not a "sensitive" person - I felt in awe, the feeling you get if in the most spectacular, ancient, and holy of cathedrals. There's an aura of immense holiness all around.

As said, esoteric tradition has it that the Grand Teton is pretty hollowed out, with a huge network of chambers inside where initiates live. The same re Table Mountain behind it.


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Hello Venetian, it’s been a while... 🙂 – yes I was referring to Grand Teton – but had forgotten its name. Many thanks also to Caveman for the link – ‘some of it’ was very interesting and some of it a bit bizarre too. Funnily enough I came across a book in my local library about Atlantis, allegedly channelled from a Sirian High Council or some such thing... (enough said) but the curious thing was it had quite extensive details about the subterranean worlds beneath ours where there allegedly are cities and another ‘race’ of people. Your link also has some tie in concepts that are similar to the ideas this book was portraying. The reason I am attentive to this is because back in ’94, I was visiting the Outer Hebrides and while meditating on a headland within an unusual configuration of stones, I had a very strange experience where I ‘visited’ a room beneath me and met people that were there, underground. I know that this was on an astral level not the physical one and I remember having a profound conversation with them. If I recall rightly; I was being told I could not enter their world because I could not maintain a certain vibration. Whether it was a dream or not I don’t know now, but I do feel that there is something special there regardless.
Retreats, - I have it on very close authority that these can only be in areas of the world where there is sufficient ‘harmony’- as any areas of pollution (especially human thought pollution) would potentially interfere with ‘work in progress’… There is such a place in the extremities of the British Isles; but I’ll not comment further on that. Such places also apparently, have very strong thought fields of disinterest and inattention so that the ‘Resident’ isn’t disturbed from their work. Any passers by would perhaps see the building and instantly the thoughtfield acts – as if to dissuade any further attention. It makes sense to me.
Grand Teton does indeed look like it would require appropriate climbing equipment, I do a bit of climbing myself and I think I’d spend quite a long time figuring out a route up there first; it’s a long way down! I can’t see a bespectacled archaeology class making their way up one of its ridges, armed with brushes and teaspoons, grid nets and canvas tents… anytime soon!
Venetian, you also mention a cave of symbols… I wonder whether this may have something to do with a legend I heard of back in the 90’s of a cave found in ‘the Americas’ (whether nth or sth I don’t know, though I always believed sth) in which were Atlantean artifacts – vast troves of them. I don’t know what happened to it / them – or whether it was just a myth.
I have just googled Building remains on Grand Teton Mountain… pg 1 nothing, pg 2 yes – guess where it was… healthypages 4 hrs ago! It seems it’s a rare knowledge… I tried looking at it through google earth but again no luck... I'd love to get a picture of the remains; through that I could access information about it...


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Hi Apollo / Tony again,

You ask about the Cave of Symbols. Of course, it's one of those things which today can't be proven so has to be taken on faith. It's first mentioned in "The Magic Presence" (1930s) by Godfre Ray King, the writing name of Guy Ballard and the second of his books which began the 'I AM' Activity which many believe to have been far more important than Theosophy for various reasons. (Not a few but all of the Brotherhood worked through it, and its teachings were in many ways more profound: it also rapidly rose to have around a million members or interested people during WW II in the USA.)

According to the book, Table Mountain in Wyoming had until the 1930s an opening which was plain to find, leading into a cave. Within the cave the ceiling is absolutely covered with what I suppose we might call stalactites, but somehow forming scores of sacred symbols rather than just hanging down. At the back of the cave are said to be three doors - pink, yellow and blue. If you are worthy, one might open and there's a whole complex of living quarters, chambers, scientific laboratories and so on inside. It's the physical retreat within North America of Saint Germain. Around the 1930s, hikers and riders eventually started to arrive in this small valley below the entrance, so the entrance to the cave was hidden.

I must add the rider that in researching this in the 1980s I found there are a number of Table Mountains in Wyoming! But the book describes the one with the retreat, describes the approaches to it, and that the entrance is from a slight dirt 'path' 1,000 feet up along the East side. The Table Mountain directly behind, and facing across a small valley, the Grand Teton, seemed a likely candidate. And when I got there I found that it conformed exactly to the description in the book.

Spending time there made me a few days late to commence work in a nearby state for an outer organisation of the Brotherhood. When I turned up I explained to staff that I'd gone "to the Cave of Symbols". This obviously was a bit misunderstood when passed on to my Teacher there, because I heard back that when told why I was late turning up and where I'd been, she said, "Who let him in??" :p

