Alexanders tomb
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Alexanders tomb

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I was watching a special where they put him in a casket of gold and were bringing him back to Greece where he was supposedly diverted to Alexandria and hidden there, its never been found and I wonder if the templers found him?

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RE: Alexanders tomb

Hi jbarry

In the books I have on the subject, I'm not aware of a connection (but who knows!). I think the Templars would be more connected to the treasure found under the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem when they excavated the site to make their headquarters (if indeed it was treasure that was found) back in 1118.

Interesting though. I'll have another hunt through my pile of books.

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RE: Alexanders tomb

[&:]FROM "BlueHue"[&:], to Barry & Lotusflower, 🙂Alexander the Great, died if memory serves correct at 325 or 323bc at Babylon on a returnvoyage from a visit to TARSUS where he bathed in the Pyramus river ( Now, called:"Cheyan"nehri.)on a hot August Day but in melted glacierwater! There he contracted a coldfever. His subcomander Lycimachus wanted him burried in Athens, but the new king of Machedonia: Cassander wanted him burried in Machedonia's Capital( where Phillippus tombremains were found in 1995)However Alexanders' "mentallyretarded" brother:"Phillippus Ahrridaeus"wanted him burried in Alexandria instead and was charged with taking Alexanders'coffin by landroute to Machedonia, at Tarsus however he chartered a ship to Alexandria where Alexander was burried at a projected Crossroads under three little Pyramids.

About 321 Cassander murdered Lycimachus and Alexander's widdow Roxane their son now king of machedon was patronized by general Ptolemey Lagus, who named Alexander's son the first Ptolemean King of Egypt and only started reoign as Ptolemey-1 about 218 when Alexander's son was murdered by Antigonus or Seleuchus-1. About the year 400 ad. the personal Secretary to the Patriarch THEOPHYLUS of Alexandria, a certain "Saint" Athenasius, had the sunlight in his office blocked by three 'ugly' pyramids and got permission to remove and flatten the adjacent terrain. Supprisingly a coffin with a mummy showed up bearing a golden mask modelled after Alexander's Coinage. The Bysantine Emperor Theodosius-II was averted and came to vist Alexander's tomb, where he got the Golden |mask as a present/tribute from the Alexandrian Episcopality. The bodilyremains however were thrown into the Nile byArchbishop THEOPHYLUS who hated everything Pagan and had set fire to the Serapheum/Alexandrian Library too( after Julius Caesar had done the same accidntally whilst fighting the enemy occupants of Cleopatra's Sister in the Egyptian war of 50-45 bc. Sic transit Gloria Mundis! The Earliest Christians were actually Caesar'sVeterans,
THEY were named"Chresos"while they were living-off the templemoney that Caesar distributed amongst his veteran Soldiers to buy agricultural lands in italy( wine-mountains.) in an attempt to circumvent the Optimate-parties'refusal of reinstating the "Gracchi-Brother's Landreform-Act. On this "Abused"templemoney was written: "Money-issued from the"Archireos-Megisthos"mening from the "Pontiff-maximus"Ceasar's religious-Office-title as "bankpresident of Rome" As most people know: Caesar was deiified by the very Senate that had wittnessed his death on his golden seat by 25 rebel-Senators in march 15, 44bc. His second in command Marc-Athony refused to have him deiified if that ment that Octavian would be made his fosterfather's successor as:"FILIUS DEI"( of Julius-Divus!)
In the New-Testament MARC Athony features as: The Apostle Marc and also as the unbelieving-THOMAS, even as PETRUS, who when asked if he was at the Murdersite of Caesar feared for his life and denied knowing him. Octavian/Augustus only came to power when he profited from a Devine father or GOD the father, so he could play the political role of The son of Caesar!

whilst MARC Anthony had the position of the "Speaker-in-parliament"so to speak, and the right as interim Head of Gouvernment. To applacate Marc Anthoni's Senate faction, Octavian had to insure his mutual cooperation, by instituting a "Triumvirate" twice, at the third instance, MARC Anthony[:@] left his wife Octavia for Cleopatra. in the Bible, "Cleopatra"is transformed into "Mary-Magdalena":)who actually"Married"Caesar and got Caesarion.
( Caesar had met many women in private, but could'nt get children because of a war-wound in his groin.)
NERO [8D]lived as Emperor with a grandfather and an grand-uncle as officially :)"NEW Gods-of Rome"and for some unknown reason hated their m

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RE: Alexanders tomb

Interesting, the great Alexander had just a mask in his tomb after all the riches he must of gathered. It seems a little too little and hard to believe, can you point me too a source for this? I did not grasp the secound part of your reply about the Jesus / Ceasar and the meaning. Thanks for the interesting reply.

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RE: Alexanders tomb

[&:]UNFORTUNASTELY, I have no Television Set so I am in the dark about the TV-History"Special" You mention, but it proves my story about Alexander's Tomb on a crossroads in Alexandria! my"narative"was culled from a Website about"Patristique-of Bishop THEOPYLUS"( I forget which.)
The second part of my answer was about the DOGMA of an"Historic"Christ! He as such never existed! The real Christ/Chrestos (Archireus-Megistos)was Julius Caesar, but His grandson Nero(emperor: 58-65ad)simply despized his grandfather and retracted the Senat's decision( of 44 bc.)to make him the "GOD"Julius(= Divus Julius.)His memory wasa blotted out somuch that in 313ad another Emperor Comnstantine-1 ignored that"Christ-Jezus"was actually Caesar-Julius
The name "Church"is a corruption from:"Ceaesareum/Kirke"and he was reinstated as a God or the Only God.
:eek:"CONFUSION reigns"abouty Jezus-as SON-of-God", because that was Julius'"Son"Augustus, who was not deiified but considdered"Godly-like"in nature! The later SCHIZM in the early Church was about the distinction of the Holy-TRINITY: Was the Father ABOVE the Son, or were they "Equall"? (in Greek:"Homogenuus-or-Homogenouse".)Just like the"Egg"in Swift's"Gulliver's Travells.!)Bishop Basil the Great cut the Cake by stating that The HIS inverntion( 379ad.) of the 3rd Trinity:"Holy Spirit"was the most important, and he so split the early Roman Church into:"Donatists"in Africawho only worshpped One"Father"God(=Julius)
the Nestorians who worshipped Two Gods: "Father AND Son".an the Catholics, who worshipped
all three stations of the (Holy-)Trinity. For the record I sent a private message to"Talisman"but it was aborted for too many Text! I hope this one is under the Limit of 4999 words! Bye
. 😮
