I found eggs that were called "Vegetarian Eggs". The package says that the chickens aren't fed hormones etc. But vegetarian eggs sounds weird to me- how can eggs be vegetarian?
anyone have an idea? or is this just a US thing.
Hello LouAnn,
I am the proud owner of a FLOCK of two hens. :rolleyes:
Our two live mainly on a veg diet, apart from the worms, bugs and snails they forage and produce the most beautiful eggs.
Sorry I haven't been of much help but I am sure somebody more experienced will be along soon.
I found eggs that were called "Vegetarian Eggs". The package says that the chickens aren't fed hormones etc. But vegetarian eggs sounds weird to me- how can eggs be vegetarian?
anyone have an idea? or is this just a US thing.
I would say it is a marketing ploy quite honestly. The eggs could come from vegetarian chickens - ie fed purely on vegetable matter, but if this was the case they would have to be in a controlled environment to avoid them inadvertently eating any insects ;). I would suggest also there needs to be an absence of a cockerel so they are not fertilised - all possible :rolleyes:.