Hi there
I follow a vegan and gluten free diet and just lately I have put on a little bit of weight and want to lose it. I only eat natural organic food and don't drink or anything. I make sure I eat balanced protein/ fats/ carbs etc.
I can't see what I am doing wrong, but I just can't seem to lose it it's only about half a stone but I would prefer to be without it.
There are no diet books around as far as I know for my dietary requirements and I was wondering whether anybody has any tips to help me?
I exercise every day.
RE: Vegan Weight Loss Tips?
fats for your brain not fats for your bum may help
see [link= http://www.vegetarian-dha-epa.co.uk ]Omega 3 fatty acid[/link]
RE: Vegan Weight Loss Tips?
Yeah, Im already getting the right sorts and amounts of fat. I have studied nutrition on an amateur basis since I found out I had allergies many years ago.
I just can't seem to work out what I would need to do.
RE: Vegan Weight Loss Tips?
Hiya Reikidonna,
there is a weight loss plan called the McDougal Plan (see the following link and also 'Google' the plan... )
[link= http://members.tripod.com/~susang2/mwlp.htm ]http://members.tripod.com/~susang2/mwlp.htm[/link]
...which is 99.9% vegan (some recipes by McDougal list honey in the ingredients, but this is obviously replaced with something like agave syrup for a 100% vegan diet) which my partner is having success with. Omega 3/6/9 capsules are also essential due to this being a fat-free diet. We take the following vegan 3/6/9 capsules daily (correct ratio of 2:1:1 is important)...
[link= http://www.yourhealthfoodstore.co.uk/details.php/p1459_vertese_omega_oils_3_6_9.html ]http://www.yourhealthfoodstore.co.uk/details.php/p1459_vertese_omega_oils_3_6_9.html[/link]
...which are available in Holland & Barrett and Boots.
Regular exercise also helps weight loss.
Love & blessings! 🙂
Lisa x
RE: Vegan Weight Loss Tips?
Thanks Lisa, think I will give McDougall a go, x.
RE: Vegan Weight Loss Tips?
Have you heard of the Montingac diet? You can find it on amazon.co.uk
I've been doing it for 3 weeks... very cool. No starving involved, its only about the combinations of food. I lost half a stone in the first week!
A lot of the recepies are with meat, but I've had no problems adjusting them to vegetarian-only.
RE: Vegan Weight Loss Tips?
Hi Donna,
It sounds like you're very diligent as regards diet, and from what you say, it sounds like your intake/output only needs a minor tweak.
Just out of interest, have you been involved in a gardening project or some other activity over a reasonable period of time that involves lifting/carrying? It was just a thought that came to me, because as you know, muscle weighs twice as much as fat and if you've been doing such an activity over a period of time, it's possible to have gained some muscle mass. which of course is healthy weight:D
If not, it's very hard to comment on your 'problem' without knowing exactly what you eat over a fortnight, and exactly many kcalories you are using during exercise.
It sounds like you are very aware what consitutes a health diet, and you stick to it, so there's two things that would stick out for me. Firstly, what exercise are you doing everyday? It might not be quite enough of the right sort to metabolise calories effectively.
Secondly, (without meaning to be rude!) are you age 35 or over? The metabolism slows down from thereon, and often a slight decrease in food is needed, unless exercise has increased. Quite a few women hit 35 and don't realise that they've gradually become a bitless active, and are still eating the same quantity as when they were in their 20s. These two factors can result in weight gain, but might not be the case for you.
Don't know if that helps?
RE: Vegan Weight Loss Tips?
Hi Azalia
Thanks for your reply.
I am 27 by the way and didn't take offense to your question. I have been doing the McdDougall plan for a couple of weeks now and am more or less back to where I want to be.
I have included a bit more walking as well as my usual Yoga. I think my problem was winter and the lethargy it can sometimes bring, aswell as eating too much fruit.
On McDougall, you are allowed only 2 pieces of fruit per day. Now I love fruit and had been eating quite a large fruit salad for breakfast every day 😀 Now I'm sticking to the two pieces rule and having quinoa for breakfast instead, it seems to have sorted itself out.
Thanks to everyone for their help in this.
RE: Vegan Weight Loss Tips?
Ah- see there you go.
I knew it'd be something simple!
Glad you've found your natural balance:D