This is for the experts
Whats all the hoo ha about Soya? Ive read things lately that say it's really bad for you when it's not in it's fermented form.
I don't eat soya myself because it always made me feel bloated and a bit sick. I just wondered what is really going on with this because it is something that is very heavily advertised in health magazines etc and it's also an added ingredient in countless other products. Is it really good for us or not?
My gut feeling says not.
RE: Soya
I've always thought soya was good - I only really drink soya milk (with added calcium) - it tastes good and is at the moment a great alternative for me to drinking milk.I've heard it's good forhelping cholesterol levels. I also have Miso soup (I guess that's fermented).
Luv Binah
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
I don't know if soya is good for us or not, never having eaten the stuff personally, but I know that there has been a hoo-ha in the news recently about soya producers in South America cutting down swathes of rainforest in order to plant soya, which may not have any economic or nutritional value.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Japanese women eat a lot of soya and rarely suffer from menopausal symptoms. i use the soya mince quite a lot in lasagne and spaghetti sauce, soaked in (meat free) gravy powder to give it flavour and then added to all the other ingredients. my family all love it this way
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
I don't use Soya as I have heard that it isn't good for people with Thyroid problems. I moved over to rice milk and then bought a milk maker and now make my own nut milks and hemp milk.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Hi Antari
How do you make your own nut milks and hemp milk - you are inspiring me to dig deeper.
I like rice milk - do the nut milks and hemp milk taste good?
Luv Binah
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
I don't use Soya as I have heard that it isn't good for people with Thyroid problems.
I think there has been a misunderstanding here.
People in the Far East eat a lot of soya and soya products but they do not suffer thyroid problems to the extent corresponding to the amount they consumed. This is because, in the Far East, soya and soya products are often cooked together with sea food that provides iodine to counter the effects of soya on the thyroid.
This is a point that is missed out when Westerners consume soya and soya products on their own.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Thats interesting Mirrie. You also bring up a good point about the moderation of foods. Usually once Westerners find a product that they like, they use it alot. In Asia, they have a well balanced diet of many different things at different times.
Westerners usually like to eat habitually. But, with the new age, there are alot of Westerners awakening to the healthy diets of moderation.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Hi Antari
How do you make your own nut milks and hemp milk - you are inspiring me to dig deeper.
I like rice milk - do the nut milks and hemp milk taste good?Luv Binah
It's brilliant. Really easy to use and clean and makes 1litre at a time using only 100g of hemp seeds, almonds or cashews (they are the only milks I have made). Don't expect it to taste like milk and you won't be disappointed. I use it in my morning smoothies.
[link= ][/link]
This is the machine, but if you are serious about buying one search around a few places sell them and get the best price including P+P. I got mine from Shazzies website together with the hemp seeds.
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RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
if you are using soya or soya based products, try to buy organic. The majority of the western worlds soya is produced in the US and is genetically modified. Being organic will mean it 'should' be free of pesticides, herbicides, etc. and 'should' not be genetically modified... I say 'should' as you never know with Herr Bush.
Soya is full of phytoestrogens, natural plant based estrogens. There is debate as to how these effect hormone uptake in the body. Phytoestrogens are not as strong as estrogen that is produced in the body/HRT and can fit into the body's estrogen receptors very well, so blocking the stronger estrogens from being absorbed by the body. This, in effect, lowers the amount of estrogen the body is absorbing/using. There is debate that this could be a good thing in preventing/fighting estrogen sensitive cancers. I take HRT as I am a transsexual female, so I tend to avoid soya as much as is possible to allow my HRT to work properly.
Love & Blessings! 🙂
Lisa x
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Real briefly- I believe soya has benefits if you don't touch the GM stuff, always drink unsweetened versions of milks, and consume in moderation. It's that simple.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Yes I always eat organic food anyway, I wouldn't touch anything else.
I don't think anybody else here read the same articles as me. There has basically been a lot of talk recently about soya actually being bad for us when it is not in its fermented form.
I will try and find these articles on the net and post a link 🙂
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
I haven't read any specific article on this topic Donna, so it would be great if you could find anything and post it up for us to read.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
I have just started drinking soya milk in place of cows milk and I love it.
Alpro Soya do a delicious chocolate shake - yum !
I have always been under the impression that soya is better for us than cows milk.
I am vegetarian, and the only dairy products I will eat are organic, as
the animals are treated so much better. I couldn't touch non-organic
milk/cheese/butter now, knowing how mistreated the cows can be. I know it's
probably not always the case, but with all the hormones they are
pumped up with, and the lack of fresh air etc, I just don't think it's right.
Apparently cows milk isn't that good for us. I heard something about the
calcium in milk beingaffected when the milk is pasteurised, which makes
it almost impossible for our bodies to absorb.
Anyway I'm rambling............
Soya rocks in my opinion !
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
First of all - well done for making a move away from dairy (especially that which is not organic and gmo free). I gave up animal products about 12 years ago, and my levels of health skyrockets.... I feel so blessed, and can rest knowing that I make compassionate choices.
Just wanted to share my personal experience. I used to drink lots of soya milk 10 years or so ago, and it seemed to be fine, although health encouraged me to consume less and less processed food.
It is true that there could be benefits by drinking it, and in comparision to dairy milk, I believe it to be way better. My son, however, who is seven years old used to suffer problems from consuming soya. He was generally healthy, vibrant, yet would would experience a lot of mucus, colds and sniffles especially when he consumed soya. I took him off soya (and instead gave him almond milk, or rice milk) and for the past couple of years his health has been incredible, and he has not even had so much as a sniff of sickness!
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
I have been veggie for 15 years and hubby for 5 years. We wanted to turn away from dairy too ~ this was about 5 weeks ago. We stared to drink soya milk and the first day I started with spots. They flourished into huge boil type things around my chin and I never have spots at all. My Hubby started with Rhinitis, which is a symptom with soy and has not been well for 4 weeks now. He is never poorly. We had also been having scheese instead of our normal organic (we only have organic produce) cheese, and ever since that I have woken up with pains and aches in my back and legs. My Hubby has now gone onto 'oaty' milk and it suits him fine but I' back onto the organic milk and this morning woke up without aches and pains!
I would say to monitor how you feel and notice changes which sometimes aren't always for the good. 🙁
Good luck.
P.s the one thing we found is that soya in milk form is rare to get hold of organically produced.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
It's certainly good to get plenty of opinions about soya and to hear others' experiences.
I am going to watch out for anything healthwise that may change due to the soya, but so far I have been fine.
Have a lovely day
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Just another angle of thought... I dont take soya as it makes me ill...
Babies who are raised on soya formula milk due to allergies to cows milk often have badly decayed teeth, they are also more likely to be underweight than a baby who is breast or fed on cows milk formula.
When i tried soya milk when cutting out dairy and made myself incredibly ill, i then thought perhaps soya 'isnt' the way to go.
Also the environmental impacts on the Amazon - do you know where your soya is coming from?
AND i did see a programme on tv ages ago where they said that in the USA all soya, GM and NON GM is mixed together so 'apparently' there is no such thing as NON GM... this was proved when spot checks were done on NON GM products in supermarkets a few years ago.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
I think the soya formula may have sugar of some refined sort in it, which may explain the tooth decay? Giving a child cows milk formula is really disrespectful to the health of a baby...... If a mother could not breastfeed, then a baby would be much better of with goats milk.
I also heard that it is really difficult to verify that even organic soya beans are GMO free. This could also account for decline in health for some people who consume a lot of soya milk. It is important to get a balanced view though. There are always alternatives.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Hi, :)Im new here and Im so glad i found you all discussing Soya.
I am a veggie and have been for about 24 years. I have a huge selection of information on why you should not even touch Soya.
Firstly if you want the proof read: The Whole Soy story: Dr K Daniel Phd, CCN. Its a great book and explains all the scientific evidence really well.
I do not know where to begin really. Its such a huge subject but one thing that is really interesting is that its in 80 - 90% of processes foods now.
There are scientists in the Soya industry being stopped from attending corporate seminars on the stuff because even they say it has not been proven safe. Go to: to see this document thats hidden on the internet.
I ate Soya for 10 years as a vegetarian. I was diognosed with hypothyroidism in its sevearist form 2 years ago. I had dementia setting in, hot sweats, 2 miscarriages and to be honest we thought I had CJD. It was my doctor who made the correlation fo for me.
Another interesting thing happened recently. Greenpeace uncovered that Monsanto have ileegally taken land in the Amazon forGM Soya. Then they followed the trail of Soya Sludge all the way to Liverpool and then Chicken McNuggets in the UK.
In January of this year the Daily Mirror did a story on farleys rusks and other products made by same company being withdrawn because they had weedkiller in.
Well hey, guess what Monsanto make Roundup weedkiller initially to protect its GM crops from everything under the sun. 😮
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RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Hi Flumpet and welcome to HP!
I'm so glad you're here, I was beginning to think I was going mad. I couldn't find the earlier articles I had read and thought maybe I dreamed it, lol 😀
Thanks for posting the links aswell, I will have a good read. To be honest, I have always had problems with soya but only recently put two and two together and realised what it was. I had been eating soya in gluten free bread. I have come across people recently who have had severe reactions from it too, one mans whole face swelled up for days, horrible, a lady who was severly ill and could do nothing but lie in bed for three weeks after eating it.
Yes I have noticed over the past few years how soya seems to be creeping into a lot of processed foods, bread, chocolate, it's everywhere. All the more reason for eating fresh unprocessed food eh? Plus, all the health shops and magazines seem to be promoting it big time.
I understand that nobody can tell whether they are actually eating organic or GM soya too.
I hope that you are feeling better from your health problems now you know what was causing it.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Thread is getting more interesting 🙂
Trin - I do not see how goats milk is any better than cows milk or formula. YES BREAST is BEST I cant agree more with you, but for thousands of mums out there whose milk runs out or cannot express then formula is the best option and I do not think it is disrespectful at all unless a genuine allergy/intolerance is apparent. Goats milk isnt balanced enough for babies - fine for us who are all developed but wouldnt be my choice for a small baby. Your right about the glucose in Soya formula LOL, its the no. 1 ingredient but most parents dont realise that the 2nd teeth are affected just as bad as the milk teeth in most cases!
Flumpet - its a minefield the whole soya business - must get the book as from what you say I've believed all along.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Ok so I have been on soya for a few weeks now and I have spots on my chin ( I am 39 for god sake, I don't get spots usually ! ) and the rest of my skin is really dry on my face, really flaky.
I look pale and corpse-like ( how attractive....) and blotchy.
Last night one side of my throat felt swollen and I woke up this morning with my nose feeling stuffy, but I am wondering if it is the rape that is in bloom at the moment . We live in the country so we are surrounded by it, it's pretty but I wonder if it may be the problem with my nose as I sometimes have a mild reaction to it.
I am someone who is rarely ill.
I drink plenty of water, I eat healthy food and therefore I am not sickly, so to look like this and feel this way is not like me.
It seems like too much of a coincidence, that I have only been on soya for a few weeks and I feel like crap!
I think I may try rice milk instead for a while.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Sorry to hear about your problems.
Only way to find out is to cut out soya and see what happens. Hope you find you feel better when you do. I think it's quite common to get spots and other skin problems with soya for some people.
Hope you feel better.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Thanks ReikiDonna
It's a shame really because I love the stuff!
But yes, I shall cut it out and see if I feel
( and look ) better on something else 🙂
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
I have found an article about the downside of soya. It's not the original one but has many similar points.
[link=,9950,1342291,00.html ],9950,1342291,00.html[/link]
Also, how are you feeling debbidoo?
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Another article guys quite disturbing. Im starting to think there is something very sinister behind the rampant promotion of soya, especially as so many big businesses including Texaco are involved.
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Since reading this post I have been concerned about consuming soya products, crikey, you get used to one thing only to be told it's not good for you. I have been reading 50/50 views on the net, yes, it's good for you, no, it's bad for you ect! What exactly would one say is the right amount to consume. We have been using soya milk for 10 months now, I have 3-4 cups of decaf tea a day with unsweetened alpro soya in it and every other day I use it on my cereal. I make two main meals per week for the family that contain the soya mince, everything else is lentils, beans, grains and quorn.
I don't think we are consuming a large amount of soya, but it seems that we can't do anything right in our diets these days, there is always something that is going to be bad for's very confusing and worrying sometimes....especially being a natural worryier that I!
RE: Soya - Is it good for us?
Susan - i am right there with you! we have switched from dairy products to mostly soy...i drink soya milk (silk), use soya butter (started to use rice butter) and do use some products that have soy in it....
my question would be is there a difference in using these types of soy and the actual soy bean? (i can buy locally in my health food store)
Not a fan of Soy milk. I use Rice and Easy (rice milk) instead, much better taste! On top of this, it has added calcium and vitamin c and it's made out of wholewheat rice. Really healthy and good!