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Should Vegetarians Have To Cook Meat?

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Hey Guys/Gals,

I was reading an article on a chef that is vegetarian but has to cook meat meals. It made me think. Do vegetarians have to cook meat meals? I'm not just talking about chefs, but what about housewives etc?

Should we have to cook meat meals for our friends just because they're not vegetarian?

My view is that it's like smoking. If we are not smokers we shouldn't have to hold other's cigarettes for them (I could be alienating a few people sorry), so why should we have to cook meat for others?

What do you guys/gals think?

~ Charlotte

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Hi Tank2 and welcome to Healthypages.

I am a veggie for spiritual reasons.

Would you care to share what spiritual reasons you have for being veggie?

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I am turning vegetarian but when my husband comes home I expect I'll have to cook meat for him. My dogs also eat raw meat and I wouldn't not give them it as both have allergies that do not tolerate kibble. If it's part of your job I think you should accept that and if you are not comfortable with it then you should find another job. However if someone comes over for dinner I am not going to buy something different for them, they can eat what we are having. I think it's rude to expect to eat something other than what your host is having.

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Personally I'm aganist the killing of animals and therefore would not cook or buy meat for anyone.

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