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Need some advice

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I am thinking about going vegetarian completely and have been for some time. I've ordered vegetable burgers etc as an alternative for meat as I want to know what I am eating.. I don't eat very much meat anyway. I only eat chicken & fish and very rarely have pork. I've been looking into vitamin supliments but the thing is, although I plan to prepare vegetarian meals at home I don't feel like it's my right to choose for my daughter. I feel she should be able to make her own choices at school.

I have always felt this way about religion also, as I would never put my beliefs on my daughter and it is her right to choose what she wishes to believe.

I want to prepare healthy stuff at home but we have a limited budget so I'm looking for advice on healthy recipes that don't cost lots of money.

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It may be a good idea to spend some time doing some research.

I was veggie for some years after leaving school and fending for myself. I spent a lot of time in my local library, and took out all the veggie cook books I could - writing out my favourite recipes in long hand and sticking them in a scrap book (which I still have, nearly 40 years later!). I knew that I needed dietary protein, essential carbs, etc etc, so read up about it. My only supplements were B compleat and Vit C.

I reintroduced meat after I was married, while we lived in the middle east for a couple of years, and have chosen to eat meat since then (mid 80's). I still cook veggie meals regularly, as I believe it's good to have variety.

As for your daughter. How old is she? If she is eating school meals, and can choose for herself what she wants to eat (my two only ever ate salad and chips!) then let her. Is she happy to eat what you prepare at home already? Does she enjoy veggie burgers (there are actually more options out there, than just veggie burgers) and meat free meals that you already prepare?

When it comes to cost, I think it is far easier to budget for veggie meals - eat seasonal veg, and keep in a stock of dried or tinned beans/legumes etc. I frequently whizz up a 5 minute tasty humus with veg to dip, just to tied us over to dinner, and when the girls were little, it was better for them than a packet of crisps or biscuits when they came in from school (unless I had made the effort to make home-made crisps, either potato or parsnip/sweet potato/beetroot etc!

There is also A LOT of information if you google 'vegetarian receipes' - I just tried, and 30 million results are at my fingertips - many of them seem to give the nutritional value of the meals too.

Good luck.

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Does she enjoy veggie burgers (there are actually more options out there,

Like horse burgers. 😀

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Just a word of advice, just because you stop eating meat do not assume you are making the healthier option. I've been a veggie for 7 years and a Vegan since November and all the fake meats are good to start you off and get you off of meat but really you shouldn't use them as a large portion of your diet as they are after all processed. It's much better to eat organic, natural food as even though I totally encourage giving up meat for the animals I also believe you should do for your own health and you won't feel the benefits unless you cut out processed food. Well done 🙂

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Salads, stir frys, curries are just a few dishes that can be cheap and easy to make. Also roasted vegetables. What dishes do you already enjoy? Try not to take away your favourite things, think about the meal and excude the meat. If you give me some of your favourite dishes I will have a think as what you could have instead.
