it gives me the greatest of plasure to announce that liverpool,uk s first vegan festival was an exqiusite experiance from start to finish.i spent no less than 10 hours the day before baking some culinary delights but this felt more like a privilege than hard work!day one consisted of lots and lots and lots of vegan/animal rights stalls selling everything from home made cakes to soft toys with a vegan message(i invested in a few stocking fillers whilst there )from the moment you walked in through the door you felt as though you had landed on planet vegan!there were a great many people there including a couple of canine ones,and a memorable time was had by all,and to top it all there were some very talented musicians to serenade us!the second day was held in the evening and included a buffet(with cauldron sized pots full of curry,dhall,chilli and soup)a showing of 3 extremely powerful animal rights movies and music from a dj and some live bands.one of my friends was one of the main organisers and she produced all of this festival magic out of nowhere in just 2 short months,im so proud of her.so...now i feel exhausted but happy,happy,happy!!!with vegan love from vegan heart.xxx.