Hi guys. I’ve been Veggie now for about 10 years. In that time I've only had 2 girl friends. One of them was veggie and the other never ate meat when she was around me. These days I don’t even bother "looking" for girls as most eat meat and the thought of being intimate and kissing a meat eater kind of revolts me. Has anyone else had this problem?
Of course the reason I'm asking is because I’ve made friends with a really smart girl that I like. She of course eats meat so it’s a no go I think.. hmm I don’t know ahh!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Veganism and vegetarianism isnt a badge to be worn like a faith in order to say "I'm a better person than you."
If it is being used in that way then thats wrong.
Absolutly crystaltherapy..well said [sm=hug.gif]
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
This is a really interesting thread. there seems to be quite a lot of intolerance on here; it's not said as a criticism, more of an observation.
I think food can be a very emotive subject - as emotive as politics in many ways.
I've been trying to think what my 'equivalent' would be, so that I can understand more the vegan / veggie who wouldn't date a meat eater and I guess the closest I can come to is a smoker. I wouldn't want to live with, or kiss a smoker (I'm a reformed smoker and we're the worst LOL!) but, I see that their second-hand smoke could actually be detrimental to my health and this would be my main reason.
Dh and I have been together 9 years. I am a vegetarian, he is a meat and two veg guy at heart. We have a daughter who makes her own choice - she is 5 and eats meat occassionally.
I can't quite understand why a veggie could not tolerate being with a meat eater tbh. No, I don't like to handle a raw chicken, but we buy only from a local source, where the animals are, well, actually they live a life of luxury with a dear old lady who gives them all names! They are slaughtered just 2 miles away and everything is done as reverantly as possible.
I could NEVER bear the thought of eating meat again, but I couldn't let this come between me and a potential partner.
My husband drives me to distraction with his throwing away tins and paper, but I just go to the bin after him, sort it out and recycle it. Isn't that what tolerance is all about??
So, if I use my example of not wanting to be with a smoker because his habit could detriment my health, can I ask the reasons for not wanting to be with a meat eater? I really feel that some people *need* meat in order to be healthy, and it would be a terrible shame to miss out on the potential mr or mrs right because of that imo.
bright blessings
Amethyst x
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Why on earth would we say to someone, well go and try it out with a meat eater and then if it doesnt work you can always end the relationship?
If someone isnt comfortable with going out with a meat eater, then the answer seems simple, dont start it in the first place.
I also dont think that vegetarians or vegans are cleverer than meat eaters, that has also been suggested on this thread.
As for the issue on global poverty, I fully appreciate the reasons why it might be more economically viable to eat less meat, however, there are a multitude of reasons why half the world are starving.
Politics for one, debt for another and being in debt to Western countries with no hope of paying off the interest.
Swapping meat for vegan cheese isnt going to solve poverty in Malawi for example.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
"Swapping meat for vegan cheese isnt going to solve poverty in Malawi for example"
Yeh but it's a start I suppose. It's like what you just said. I mean what is one tin or one bit of paper? What is one vegan or vegetarian? It's all about doing things on mass. Anyway slightly off subject.
I like your comparison with the smoking. However being a Vegan inparticular is not just about the food it's a whole lot deeper than that. I couldn't bring myself to love someone whosupports factory farming. I'm sorry if you feel that's extreme but that's just the way I feel. I love my gf but I dunno howI would feel if she started taking up meat eating. AnimalRights are probably the most important thing in my life.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
I dont think that was slightly off subject at all. Another poster made the point that a vegetarian and vegan diet would go a long way to solving poverty and I dont dsiagree but there are political issues regarding Third World Countries both internal and external and conversion to a non meat diet wont stop these issues prevailing and they wont stop in the short term people dying of poverty.
You seem to be fortunate in your relationship choice, however, you may in the future find yourself in a situation where you dont havea gf, want one and have to wait a very long time before someone vegan comes along.
Most people who are veggie or vegan become so, at some point in our lives most of us eat meat.
Animal rights concern me, but so do a lot of other things and I'm afraid that sometimes this topic can not only get a little soapbox type but as I said earlier, smacks of the I am better than you, just because I dont eat meat.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
I don't feel superior to anyone
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
I wasnt suggesting that you do, however, even the title of the thread, can veggies date meat eaters, its still putting a label on someone. People are people, there is a lot more to me than what I eat or what I dont eat. If I had to restrict my social circle to people who didnt eat meat I wouldnt have very many friends.
There is a suggestion running through this whole topic than vegatarians and vegans are somehow kinder than meat eaters. Im not sure that I agree with this. Also from a childrens point of view, I understand how difficult it might be for someone to bring their kids up as a meat eater if they were vegan or veggie but again, its a matter of choices and Im not sure that at 2 or 3 a child has the ability to make a decision as to whether they do or they dont want to eat meat.
I care about animal rights but I care about human rights as well and I also care enough about friends who are meat eaters to see them for the people that they are first and foremost and their dietary choices second.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
HI All.
Good luck to anyone who wishes to be a vegan or meat eater, or to date or not to date. We all have freedom of choice.
But the one thing that has always fascinated me is what about the agricultural manures and fertilizersof animal origin (bones and all that internal rubish) that are used on many vegetable crops overseas?
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Noway man! I can't stop thinking bout that sorta thing recently...so I have decided to grow some of my own veg cuz otherwise I wouldn't eat anything at all.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Can veggies date meat eaters? Well yes, obviously they can. My partner is veggie and I'm not. Case proved.
ORIGINAL: Emzy1985
...so I have decided to grow some of my own veg cuz otherwise I wouldn't eat anything at all.
We have an allotment and some of our stuff is grown using chicken manure pellets. Would that be considered as vegan and veggie? cos it's not the meat and it's not the dairy (rape of animals as some nice people like to put it!), but just their waste products and full of good nutrients.
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
I dunno. It depends how far you are willing to go. I try to be as animal independant as possible. I'd rather use my own poo as fertiliser than animal poo to be honest. I mean like I said if I thought about it too hard I probably wouln't eat anything! good point though...but I wouldn't buy any animal product and put it on my growing veg. Manure I guess is a byproduct of slaughter!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Manure is not always a by product of slaughter, I suppose some of it is, but I see manure as like horse poo and our horses are very much a live! Back to the question...yes they can, my boyfriend (of nearly 4 years!) is a meat eater. I dont like it at all I wont kiss him after meat or anything, although he doesnt eat lots of meat its mainly fish so its not as bad but still dont like fish! anyway I think you can xx
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Im not sure if animal manure is a byproduct of slaughter if the manure is taken from a live animal.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Which will then be slaughtered so people can EAT IT!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
You can get seaweed fertiliser.
But if you look into the interdependent states of marine life, the seaweed will depend on animal life for fertilisation or nutrients (breakdown of animal tissue will be part of mineral balance in the sea which the seaweed will process) and reminds us of the relationships between the animal and the plant world. That's nature. We just happen tohave evolved as top of the food chain.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Hi crystaltherapy
I am sure that someof the manure/fertilizeris taken from a live animal waste (droppings).
But slaughterhouse waste from cattle is rendered, or melted down, into "bone meal" which is used as a high-phosphorus fertilizer.
But what I would like to know is:
What happens to the lorry loadsof dead chicken and turkey bits etcthat are taken from say Bernard Matthews?
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Hi Emzy1985.
Off subject I know, but my grandfather used to keep his own pee in a watering can for use on his rhubarb.
won load of prizes at garden shows.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Nice! Maybe I should give it a go on my rhubard lol!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Manure is not necessarily from slaughtered animals or animals that will be slaughtered at all!!! You can get manure from stables, from horses and they are certainly not going to be slaughtered! I should know as I ride horses and we would never dream of killing them so no, not all manure is from animals which have been or will be slaughtered
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
wow - been following this thread and a lot of people seem to be offended by us meat eaters..[&:]
can veggies date meat eaters? i think that was the original post...i would love to know how zeebop and his gf are doing....
to answer THAT particular question - i think its a matter of choice...as stated in this posting somewhere i read about it depending on WHY you became a veggie or vegan in the first place.....but i personally wouldnt pass up opportunity on love just because (if i were veggie/vegan - which im a meat eater) my partner ate meat...
[sm=offtopic.gif](wish this guy smiled)having said that - i also wanted to add my two cents in as my personal choice may seem interesting....i eat fish, eggs, chicken, and turkey meat.....
i dont eat pork for a few reasons =(a out of respect for my husbands religion (he is muslim) (b because i have witnessed a case of a pig eating a human bieng - and i am sorry - but i would rather be the eaten than the eater......i just could not consume human flesh, or anything that consumes human flesh... (c because of the THINGS i have seen living in pork meat - tapeworms, ring worms ect.. and (d because eating pork makes me sick to my stomache physically.......having said that - hubbie is the same and for same reasons
i dont eat beef for health reasons....it has WAY too much in it than my body can handle/digest - this theory i have proven to myself time and time again....i LOVE hamburgers - but get sick everytime i eat them...
maybe its my blood type (o+) as someone else had mentioned....but its not as if i consume chicken, turkey, fish on a regular basis either...most days i eat fruit, mushroom burgers (portobello patties), and salads....i eat meat twice to three times a week...
and yes - i watched the earthings video and i cryed....i do know where my meat comes from, where it is harvested..and dare i say i work in the USDA and only eat meats that come with the USDA stamp as i know how the animals have been treated/proccessed.....(cant wait to get flammed for that one)
i have a compassion for animals, and do respect them...would not worship them...but was raised with an open mind for others that have different beliefs (for example = as in india they dont eat cows as they believe in reincarnation) but do believe that if you are going to consume an animal - every part of the animal is useful in some way....
i dont eat dairy foods for health reasons (as i am lactose intolorent) and drink soy milk......
i am not against anyone that is veggie or vegan, i dont think i am better than them - in fact i like hearing reasons why they choose to be that way - as some are as small as they just dont like meat.....
we are not in a remedial environment - technology is ever increasing - but for the life of me - what stops me being veggie or vegan is i just dont like tofu.....(small joke - trying to play humor card):D
Warm Wishes and best of luck! pucker up!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Why don't you try eating something else other than tofu? I dont really like it and I'm vegan!
As for respecting animals.....thats the most speciest thing u can say. If you respect something you dont eat it! I hate vegetables with a passion and murder them on a daily basis!!!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
i reserve my right to eat what i choose...it is afterall my choice...at least i believe it is - and is everyones personal choice what they put into thier bodies..
i am not an extreamist (sorry for bad spelling) - and believe everyone is entitled to thier own opinions...
i find it funny (yes funny) that you hate veggies and murder them on a daily basis....i love veggies and eat them on a daily basis....i love fruit as well...does that make me such a bad person? i seem to think not...
heheh - i am still getting a kick out of reading this though....
As for respecting animals.....thats the most speciest thing u can say
anyways - to each his/her own....
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Sorry to offend!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
no offense taken - everyone has a right to speak thier mind - right?:D
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
What happens to the lorry loadsof dead chicken and turkey bits etcthat are taken from say Bernard Matthews?
Tesco's value pasty's??? 😀
Probably cat and dog food I would think............
Amethyst x
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Other than cat & dog food it probably ends up in shampoo and cosmetics. Sounds scary but it's true!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
i stopped using a lot of the brand named stuff - something in them always made my hair oily by the end of the day...
i use an organic shampoo/conditioner now - has tea tree oil in it...and i noticed this morning it said fair trade on the bottle (thought that would make you happy Emzy lol)
my husband and i arnt perfect - but we try to get organic, original, and unrefined foods...for our health...
anywho - just felt like sharing....
still think if you want to date a meat eater it depends on the reason you went veggie in the first place....
Warm wishes
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Lol we are so far off topic its unreal!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
I have just been reading this thread and I must say that I am disheartend by how judgemental and discriminating some of the vegans/veggies are, who have commented!
I am a meat eater and so is my partner and I will admit that we eat way too much of it but wetry to only buy from places where the meat is organic etc. I think that people who would pass up the chance of meeting and being with there soul mate over one aspect of there life are very foolish. Relationships are meant to be about give and take and accepting each others values even if you do not necessarilyagree with them all.
Oh and before anyone jumps on me about not knowing where meat comes from - I grew up on a farm as a little girl and watched the entire process of animal being born, reared, slaughtered, prepared for the table and then eating it. Our animals were all very well lucked after and treated with love and affection.
I was going toa sk advice about how to have a more veggie diet but ifI am going to be judged over still wanting to include meat - I shall not bother.
Just had to add my two penneths worth.
ps: most of 'the veggies' on here have been reasonable.