Hi guys. I’ve been Veggie now for about 10 years. In that time I've only had 2 girl friends. One of them was veggie and the other never ate meat when she was around me. These days I don’t even bother "looking" for girls as most eat meat and the thought of being intimate and kissing a meat eater kind of revolts me. Has anyone else had this problem?
Of course the reason I'm asking is because I’ve made friends with a really smart girl that I like. She of course eats meat so it’s a no go I think.. hmm I don’t know ahh!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
i won't comment anymore - i think a subject regarding talking about meat eaters as if they are ignorant idiots is pointless and judgemental. How do you stop tigers mauling and eating baby deer in the wild? isn't that just as cruel and painful? everything on this planet is part of a foodchain.
I also don't appreciate you implying that i advocate animal cruelty. i believe animals feel the same pain as we do but we are all part of nature. Cats kill mice and birds but they don't even eat them half the time - i would say that's quite cruel too and it is the cats choice to do that.
I think we need to have respect for people as well as animals.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Hi Whitedragon
I agree that we should no longer discuss these issues as your comments and views are too unrealistic. Humans are not the same as wild animals who kill for survival or as part of instinct. Wild beasts do not keep hens in cages or pigs in iron bars or baby calves in a veal crate. If you think this is OK then we are obviously not on the same evolutionary path! Maybe in the future you will see it in your heart to regard animals with greater compassion and respect. Thank god that other people like me care and for organisations like [link= http://www.viva.org.pl ]www.viva.org.pl[/link] With regards from an animal advocate, Tippi
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
I am sorry Tippi, but you are making blanket judgments to all meat eaters, which is misinformed and wrong. We meat eaters DO know a) where our food comes from and b) how it is reared. We don't like it, any more than you do, but some of us have no choice but to eat meat. I am sorry, but not everyone can be vegetarian or vegan - our human evolution says we can't. To imply otherwise is being too simplistic and unscientific.
You cannot frighten or coerce people into doing what you want. Humans deserve respect, too. I am not a murderer because I eat meat, neither am I ignorant. I am offended by your suggestion that we meat eaters are regarded in this way.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
What makes Whitedragon's views unrealistic? Is it because he states that animals in the wild, and domestic animals, kill and eat other animals, but since man isn't an animal, that he should not? Who says we should not? This is determined by evolution and biology. We are just as much members of the animal kingdom as lions and tigers. Just because we slaughter our food in different ways, doesn't make us any different to them, or their nature.
If your lifestyle suits you then fine, but don't make others who don't share your views, feel inadequate or wrong because they choose a different lifestyle to you.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
If you're not aware, humans still posess instincts - we are animals too. i disagree with the way animals are transported as i know the conditions are horrendous. how dare you suggest that we don't care about animals. i support the british farming industry and if anyone is unrealistic, it is you. You need to come off of your pedestal and stop judging people.
I am on a spiritual path and you are no better or worse than me, thank you very much.i came on here as i thought this was an interesting discussion - clearly it is one person imposing their beliefs on others and not being open minded enough to accept others beliefs.
Thank you songstress for your support.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
It intrigues me that people KNOW all the horrors yet still support such an industry- how bizzare!!! I have no pedastal. It is very hard work having beliefs, putting up with aggression and ignorance and trying to avoid absolute misery everytime I see animal abuse. It is my duty to express concerns in the hope that a better world will come. Of course humans deserve respect.
I am a nurse and a therapist and I am part of many organisations to prevent cruelty to people too. If one has a big heart , there is room enough to care for all of nature!!
Once again I am surprised at how easily people feel 'offended'. The reality is that if you consume animal flesh and agree with their exploitation you may not be the murderer but you are a consumer of an industry of murder.
I also wonder, songstress why you feel that our evolution says that we cant be veggie/vegan?
There are many scientific facts in support of a plant based diet. Surely man has moved on mentally and through knowledge and consciousness he can see value in not exploiting animals for pleasure and material gain?
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
i have left this with the moderators now as i find you aggressive and offensive and the content no longer matches to the title of the thread.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Just noticed your other post so I will reply and perhaps I will stop posting thereafter.
You are implying that I am very powerful if you think my words can make people feel inadequate or wrong because of their lifestyle.
We are indeed very different from wild beasts. we ahve the power and advanced brain to put a stop to cruelty yet we do not. A wild beast kills an animal that has been free in its life. We keep animals in captivity and breed them and use them in factory farming. A wild beast would die if it did not kill. We would certainly survive as we have vast food choices which are wonderful products minus the cruelty. Perhaps I should claim to be offended at being told I am narrow minded and do not accept others beliefs, but I am not, I have heard it all before! One interesting point to make is that the people on the thread who are most annoyed and offended are the ones that want to continue animal exploitation and the person who simply wants a better world for all of is regarded as unrealistic and opinionated. Anyway I think we have gone off track now as the original post was only about kissing! perhaps I can discuss issues further on another thread. Best of luck in your choice of lifestyle. Tippi
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Ever stopped to wonder that perhaps the clothes you are wearing are made by children in sweatshops? Maybe we ought to do something about that as well and stop wearing clothes. Good luck with your judgements.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
I also wonder, songstress why you feel that our evolution says that we cant be veggie/vegan?
Because ofthe way our blood has evolved. Not every human being is the same as another, and not every lifestyle suits everyone.
Consciousness has nothing to do with it.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Trying hard to stay away but find responding to comments a bit addictive. For Whitedragon everything I do as far as possible is fair trade. I do not agree with sweat shops. I am an active member of amnesty international where I spend time writing to governments who dictate and neglect their fellow humans!! As I said vegans usually care about all things. To Songstress can you be more specific about our blood evolution, I have medical background with a degree in physiology so I am sure I will understand if you want to get more technical. Thank-you. Tippi
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Dare I reply to this thread which seems to have moved away from the original question??!! ...... I fell in love with a meat eater and what's more smoker 20 years ago. I was neither and yet as somebody else said earlier on this thread that if I had blinkered about the meat and the smoking, I would never have met my fabulous sole mate. So yes they can definitely date!! there just has to be a good understanding on both sides which at the end of the day is how all relationships work anyway isn't it?My meat eater and smoker is now a veggie and non smoker. This isn't because I imposed my views - more that I do all the cooking and as I have never done meat, don't cook it. Plus there has been such bad press about the food industry in the last 10 years that I think it put my hubbie off. These days I think he will probably start eating organic meat at some stage as it is more readily available. And as for the smoking - well that stopped when we had kids.
My kids are veggie too. I suppose I have imposed my views on them (but more recently I have started to say that if they want to eat meat they can. It's up to them and so far they haven't. But I know that they will try meat in the future and it's up to them what they do.
As for kissing a meat eater. I don't think it really makes a difference??!! How can it if you love that person?? Maybe I am being simple in my thoughts ........ kissing a smoker is worse for me. Interresting thread though.........
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
i was a vegetarian for 10 years but unfortunately spent a great deal of that time with health problems. i had countless tests for anaemia, i was very weak and underweight (btw i was also seeing a dietrician - the fact was thatmy body was struggling without having meat)
since eating meat again, and it was a tough decision, i have felt much healthier. i have to admit also that while a veggie, i did have a tendency to 'preach' about it. of course animals are treated cruelly, it has always happened. primitive man hunted animals when there was plenty of plants around!
and in countries where dogs are eaten, they're about as common as cows in England!
just wanted to have my tuppence worth as this seems to be a very interesting thread
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Hi Blue Dragon,
I had exactly the same physical problems as yourself, when I was vegetarian. In fact, so bad was my anaemia that I almost died. I had to eat meat immediately the problem was discovered to be that grave.
Tippi - our blood has evolved into various blood groups (as you know.) You may also know that animals adapt and evolve according to their environments. This was no different in the evolution of man. Many thousands of years ago, man was a hunter-gatherer, and as BD says, even though plants were around, meat was plentiful. Due to man's lifestyle then (active, always on the move to track his food) he needed high grade protein, which was found in the meat. Although he also ate plants, they contained very little protein. The blood adapted to this lifestyle, and it still flows in our veins today as O+ and O-. When conditions changed and man began to harvest plants, the blood adapted again to cope with the change, and nowadays it's trace is the rarer blood groups. My blood group is O+, which has evolved as a result of my ancient ancestors' eating meat, and therefore the best diet for me should contain meat because my blood has evolved that way. People with rarer groups are more suited to a vegetarian diet, because their blood has evolved to cope with it. This is why a) a vegetarian diet is not suited to everyone (myself and BD being cases in point) and b) before changing a diet or putting children on vegetarian diets, it's always best to check out one's/one's childrens' blood before doing so. No matter what we think nowadays, we contradict nature at our peril.
We evolved to be omnivores.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
To get back to the point of the thread - yes, vegetarians can date meat eaters successfully.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Veey interesting to read Patsy.
We are all harming the planet in different ways. Whenever you get in a car/motorbike/bus or buy tinned food or certain clothes, we are all doing our bit to harm nature and the environment. None of us are perfect, though some may think they are. Sometimes we need to take a step back and realise that perhaps we may eat meat but we don't drive a car or we don't eat meat but we do drive a car.
I read somewhere, also, that scientists have discovered that plants feel pain so not sure if that fits in to the debate somewhere!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Good points, Whitedragon.
Thank you for your interest. I found out about the blood groups and their evoution after my doctor told me that certain blood groups must include meat in their diets. Since man has only been a farmer fairly recently, the blood groups, which evolved to cope with it are still pretty rare. The 'farmer' hasn't been around long enough for the blood to be well-established in the population.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
My last bf is a meat eater, we broke up in June due to his reasons (not that i don't eat meat).. I had a really good relationship with him up until the last month, and although we spilt in June i'm still getting over him.
Yes, i think that vegetarians can date meat eaters... but i'd hate it if a bf tried made fun or tried to make me eat meat, in that case it wouldn't work.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Wow! this thread hasme intrigued. I have been veggie for about 8 years, and have been seeing my partner for 9 years. I have never experienced the horrible-kissing-meat-eaters thing...I can't really 'taste' the difference... Both my partner & my son are meat eaters, however I do all the cooking so they don't eat meat at home. They do eat meat when they are out thou, and this has never really bothered me. Some may say its for the wrong reasons, but I stopped eating meat for health reasons. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge animal lover!!
I guess what i'm trying to say is...people eat what they eat for different reasons and I don't think you should missout on a wonderful opportunity to know someone simply because of their eating habits..
(I'm am honestly sorry if I have offended anyone, I'm new to the 'forum-world')
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
I'm a vegetarian and my partner isn't. That doesn't cause us any problems at all. It works for us. Of course, we all have different relationships with our partners and what works for one couple doesn't necessarily work for another. For me it's not just a moral issue about eating meat, I just don't like it. We are all on our own journeys and eating meat isn't part of mine. Interesting thread - we all need to live by our own beliefs and values :nod:
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
I know I'm a bit late coming to this thread but I would just like to add my own little bit here.
I am vegetarian and have been so for almost 20 years. In my time, I have not only dated meat eaters but have also married one.
My decision to become vegetarian was just that;- my decision. I try not to preach or moralise about it, it is simply my decision and I believe everyone has the choice to their own decision.
My wife being a meat eater and my being vegetarian has not caused many difficulties in our relationship. Except when we travel abroad and have to seek restaurants that serve vegetarian food (this is becoming easier).
My wife cooks me vegetarian meals and will often eat vegetarian herself. When I do the cooking, I am prepared to cook her meat or fish.
I believe and sincerely hope that vegetarians and meat eaters can live in harmony, it would be a very sad world if that were not the case.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
I believe that the reason why a person becomes vegeterian is important in whenever they can live with a meat eater. If one became vegeterian purely for health reasons, then they would have no problem living with a meat eater.
If a person becomes vegeterian for moral reasons, then it seems to be that it would make living with a meat eater a challenge. Both can feel uncomfortable from each other, for example, the vegeterian would feel uncomfortable around the foods that their partner eats. Of course, there's also the challenge of having to cook two meals...
Of course, if the non vegeterian is content at eating vegeterian when at home, then the problems would be greatly diminished.
In this case the problem is not who eats what, but what is the reasoning behind one eating meat.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Yes I am married to a meat eater. My husband has always respected my views and says its one of the reasons why he loves me that I stand by my views so much. He eats a lot of veggie meals, I'd say he eats 75% veggie now but loves his meat and I'd never try and change him cause he believes in humans eating meat!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
I have not really read too much of the thread but would like to add my comments to the original question, it’s down the individual and it depend how big a part being a veggie is on your life.
For me I was what I now call “a silent vegetarian” for 10 years during which I was a veggie but it was not a big part of my life. At the time being an environmentalist and going to rock clubs was the biggest part of my life. So during those 10 years I dated both veggies and meat ethers as long as they loved rock music and didn’t mind me trying to save the planet in my spare time!
Now my priorities have changed, I am an active campaigner for animals and don’t believe that veggies and vegans should be ashamed if they do decide to become active campaigners. If someone campaigns for any other cause they are patted on the back, but campaign for animals and we are called militants and all kinds of negative things. Most people I talk too learn thing they didn’t know, that is the idea of campaigning - to inform.
My priorities changed after seeing some slaughter house footage and being absolutely horrified (and I work in a mortuary so am not in any way squeamish). Then I started reading about all the reasons why vegetarianism is beneficial – for animals, for health, for the environment and as a way of solving global hunger. I was very interested about the environmental side because at the time of watching this footage I had just graduated from university after dedicating 5 years of my life to a degree that I hoped would gain me work in an environmental capacity, I now believe that the environmental argument is redundant without the veggie argument so I dedicate myself to the veggie cause now. The figures speak for themselves…The average energy and water requirements to produce a day’s food are 34,000 calories of fossil energy and 15,000 litres of water for a meat eater. 20,000 calories of fossil energy and 5,000 litres of water for a vegetarian. 10,000 calories of fossil energy and 1,150 litres of water for a vegan. That is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of facts.
So now try to get all these facts out, not just the animal argument
Back to the original question (sorry to deviate)
The short answer is I have successfully dated meat eaters in the past but I couldn’t now because being vegan is a huge part of my life now and I want to share this with my partner. Before I just wanted to share rock music with a partner!
As a vegan I could date a veggie but not a meat eater now, it’s just too important to me, but I can ONLY answer for myself
After watching the slaughterhouse footage I could feel myself changing and warned my partner (who was a meat eater) that I could see myself becoming very active. He went veggie after I asked if he would take a veggie challenge to see how he got on and then he vegan of his own accord without me asking, we just went to some vegan events and he said he wanted to do it, it was the environmental argument and the health argument that swayed him.
Try and take into account if you think your views might change in the future.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Hi everyone,
I've been following the thread and it's been interesting to read your views.
First off, I just wanted to add some love to this thread because it seemed to go a little wayward in places, but it's really positive to see it backon track now, so here's to that:
Secondly, Ilovebeingbeingvegan- a good post:DI don't necessarily agree with everything you've written, but I can certainly see where you're coming from and I think it's wonderful to see someone 'dedicated to the cause' as it were, but in a peacefulway respectful of others' perspectives.
Thanks for sharing!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
I've been veggie for 20 years now and I've never dated anyone who was a meat-eater. It's not that I've avoided meat-eaters but I don't know if I'd cope with it on a daily basis. I currently live in a bedsit while I'm a student and sometimes the neighbours cook bacon etc and the smell drives me nuts! Luckily I don't smell it when I'm in my own bedist, it's only when I go out of the room. I just know if I couldn't live with that plus meat in the fridge and everything else that comes with it. Add to that the fact that I wouldn't want to kiss them after eating a burger! Ewww! It's a shame as I've turned away from entering into realtionships with some nice meat-eaters but I know for me it would cause problems.
There's a similar argument with some people about vegans dating a veggie. Some vegans find it just as off-putting as being with a meat-eater. I've had that before myself. There are also plenty of veg'ns who are happy in relationships with meat-eaters but then not all veg'ns are so for moral reasons but health reasons too.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
I would never date a meat eater. The thought of having meat in my mouth makes me wanna throw up.
Im currently living with my gf who is a veggie. I am vegan. I saw her drinking a glass of milk and then offering to kiss me. It made me heave! We have an ongoing joke that it's the pint of death in the fridge. However in the past few weeks we have chucked out all the qourn and milk etc and she eats a vegan diet in the house but when we are out shes still a veg
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Lets get a wee bit of perespective on this. People are people basically and I didnt grow up in a non meat eating household.I am sure there are people who live a totally cruelty free lifestyle, what I would like to know is how do they do it?
I am sure with a bit of planning everything might work out ok but lets have a think about this.
There are places that you can buy cruelty free products, I buy from Lush, I also used to buy collection 2000 make up but very few places do it now.
Where do we draw the line? Would I say to someone, you use crap biological soap powder and you are polluting the environment and I use soapods so I cant be with you?
That isnt meant to be flippant but there is a lot more to lifestyle choices than what we choose to put in our mouths.
If people are able to live a totally cruelty free lifestyle then good for them. I do what I can, I do what I can afford.
I dont close my eyes to peoples suffering, either that of animals nor human beings. I campaign on a lot of issues, I buy as many cruelty free, eco friendly and ethical products as I can possibly afford but do I live a totally ethical cruelty free lifestyle, I dont think I do, simply because I dont have the choices where I live nor the funds to be able to do so. I have made a lot of changes to the foods I eat and the things I wear and where I buy from but there are more changes I could be making, again that depends on the availability of outlets.
So, I think a meat free diet is a start but lets not get carried away on this one. I used to go out with someone who didnt eat meat, neither did I, but he banged on and on and on about it, and guess what, for someone who made such a big deal about not wearing leather, I saw him a few years later in a said leather jacket and yes that was his choice.
Not eating meat didnt make him a kind compassionate and caring human being, I believe that comes from within.
Veganism and vegetarianism isnt a badge to be worn like a faith in order to say "I'm a better person than you."
If it is being used in that way then thats wrong.
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Dude....I just dont want anything that comes from animals in my mouth! Dating = kissing which means saliva which means food particals which means MEAT IN MY MOUTH! There is a thread somewhere and most people on her have admitted that they aint cruelty free. I'm vegan and I'm not even 100%. It is actually impossible but it is up to people to decide how far they wish to go!
RE: Can veggies date meat eaters
Well, in the first instance, my post wasnt in direct response to yours, it was just some thoughts, my thoughts even. I wouldnt see myself in a situation where I speak to someone in a pub, lets say its New Year and someone wants to give me a peck on the lips and I go, hold on, have you touched meat in the last 6 months, or year?
Or ever. You are quite correct in that you are entitled to live your life as you see it and mine as mine. Given the choice of dating and being in a horrible relationship with a vegetarian (which I have done), or being with someone who ate meat and treated me decently, there would be no choice to make.
As I said earlier, I grew up in a meat eating household, Im 38, my mum was born in the aftermath of the war and I am presuming that a vegetarian diet would have been difficult at that time. My decision to stop eating meat at 16 was my decision.
We have more choices now, the point I was simply making was where do we draw the line?
I wouldnt like to go on a date and presume that someone even wanted to kiss me before I started asking them about their eating habits.