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Dec 06, 2004 2:20 pm
ANOTHER vegan festival - this time in Nottingham 11th dec (as well as the one in sheffield)
2 Replies
Dec 07, 2004 10:31 am
RE: 11th Dec Nottingham Vegan Festival
There will be loads of free samples and advice on offer. Around 30 stalls confirmed. Stallholders include: V1 Fast Food, Vegetarian Pot Indian restaurant, Mmm Deli, Ecoworks, Dr Hadwen Trust, Viva!, Nutties Vegan Hampers, House of Life vegan kebabs, Total Liberation footware, Veggies, Sumac Centre, Vegan Society, Amanda's cakes, Save the Newchurch Guinea Pigs, local health food shops, and sample tasting stalls from redwood, Cocoa tree and Honesty Cosmetics. And more.[sm=animal-smiley-085.gif]
Jan 09, 2005 10:37 am
RE: 11th Dec Nottingham Vegan Festival
bummer, i missed it [:'(]