So in your opinion.........Where did the first word come from?
God or Animal, or Human etc..
lightwinds xx
RE: Word
Hello Wendy!
I'd say from God but through a human..
RE: Word
Hi patsy, Iv'e been looking at symboles, I know that going back millions of year there were many in caves as such, now why did they not speak and write words and give a name to there animal or symbole they draw at the time.(caveman belief).
So after the bible was written the word Evolved through humans (God belief).
How did the ancient Dakota know........there were seven stars to pleiades.....when you can only see six (did they come from there..UFO belief)was there word before man and God.
Hope you can understand my thoughts here:eek:
love and blessings
lightwinds x
RE: Word
I think language evolved as we did, slowly, step by step, as a necessity. If primitive humanoids could make do with grunting and pointing and so on, then as they grew larger brains and became more able to utilise their hands for making clothes and farming, later on painting and creativity, then they had to have language to express what they were doing. Even in the hunt, someone had to tell the hunters which side of the Mammoth to pierce, and how long to wait in the grass for it to appear etc.
But I agree, it came from what I like to call the Source, and happened, as it always seems to happen, at the right time, when the occasion demanded. As soon as man evolved into groups of people, tribes for example, then they had to use their brains to form a way of communicating.. In turn, the brain grew with the extra useage. Still happening today, but, the process is very slow, and you don't tend to see any changes in lifeforms for many thousands of years.
But here we are talking a million at least.
RE: Word
Hi gilly, it's like when you look up to the universe, and say " I wonder, where's dose it all come from, "Where dose it all go."
Although in our heart we all have are own beliefs.
We were all given a mouth to talk with and words flow. We were all give Ears to hear words. Hand to write with.
And a brain which can be telepathic, where word do not have to be spoken.
The longer the word, the harder to times.
Yes gilly, another million year from now, will we still have the spoken word, I wonder[sm=scratchchin.gif]
love and blessings
lightwinds xx
RE: Word
Surely the first word (on this planet) would have been the first uttering of any sound that was used as a means of communication or expression by any living thing.
RE: Word
Yes giles I agree that sound was a means of communication (on this planet).
Sound wave travel the universe, so there were words before are planet, do you think.
love and blessings
RE: Word
ORIGINAL: lightwinds
Yes giles I agree that sound was a means of communication (on this planet).
On the assumption then that other means of communication or expression was possible e.g. telepathy or the like, then the first word would be the first expression made with meaning anywhere in the universe by any living thing.
Sound wave travel the universe, so there were words before are planet, do you think.
Unfortunately sound doesn't travel the universe (in the conventional sense) as sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum. They rely on the compression and expansion and interaction between particles. This is why sound travels better in water than in air because there is a better interaction between the particles of water than air (they're more densly packed together).
This then does make me wonder how radio waves travel through space.... hmmm... there's one for the science forum me thinks. I'm sure there's an easy answer for it.
But yes I'm sure there would have been words before our planet. It'll be whatever had the honour of being the first living thing that could make any expression of sorts.
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Word
Thanks giles, whoop's got it wrong........I found this all very intresting and I'll go away and think some more, and a good learning for me.
love and blessings
lightwinds xx
RE: Word
Hello Giles,
On the subject of sond and the Universe - it is said that the string that links planets and stars can be likened to musical notes.
Maybe music was the first ever sound heard in the Universe?
RE: Word
In a million years I don't think we will be using sound as such, but thought.;)
RE: Word
it all depends on your definition of the term 'word'. I think that every one will agree that an operative collection of words constitutes a 'language', and the purpose of a language is to communicate concepts by means of the appropriate collection and grouping of words. Hence the first creature to emit a sound must, to have survived, had a sound that expressed danger, or fear or agressive intent. A dog barks to signify a range of percieved events, danger, excitement; yelps to express pain, whimpers to express fear. Surely these, and many others are the 'words' of the dog's 'language'. If so, then the 'word' pre-dates mankind by many millions of years.
RE: Word
So animals could have made the first word, sound, language and humans copy them.
loveand blessings
lightwinds x
RE: Word
I would say it would be the first living organism that expressed itself in whatever way.
This could have been some minute amoeba type thing that just gave a little pulse of energy in response to being touched by its surroundings.
We're talking that far in the past!!! 😉
RE: Word
And so it was........Energy that spoke the first Word
love and blessings
Wendy x
RE: Word
In the beginning was the word is a profound statement. Interesting that different people are being given this from different angles.
being love
Kim xx
RE: Word
Hi all.
Very interesting thread. I think there is a necessary distinction here - sound in the communicative/linguistic sense, and Sounds of Being.
These are very different. Everyday language is communicative, and therefore adheres to all the rules Giles pointed out. It requires environment to travel in etc etc.
Sounds of Being are totally different and relate to our very note in the Uni-Verse. Theres another thread in spirituality about that. For example, the use of mantras etc in the East, and, most significantly, the Om, relate to sounds of Being and are all about changing the very vibratory note of the energy bodies that we are and are not communicative in the everyday sense of the use of words.
You could consider everyday use to be horizontal and the other use as vertical. In another way, the horizontal use is for that of the 'lower three worlds', those of the personality and the vertical use relates to the 'upper worlds' and those of the Soul or Self.
Different rules apply to those sounds, because we Sound a note of being at all times. Our very energy IS that sound. We recognise this already in language with terms such as 'getting in tune with nature' 'being in harmony' and, ofcourse, 'uni-verse'. Notice as well that the term 'at one' is also 'atone' and also 'a tone'.
In terms of 'The First Word' as was asked, well, there are a few answers to this.
There is THE FIRST WORD. THE WORD (see thread in Spirituality). This Word was uttered, and still is,by The Almighty, who is, to us, The Creator. It IS the Uni-Verse. We are part of it.
We, though, are made in That Image and therefore have our own First Word. It is of huge significance and is both a vertical and a horizontal sound. It precedes language, thought, and even deed. It is 'the Lost Word'. We cannot utter THE WORD, since, well, we are part of The Creator, but we are not Him. We can, however, utter The Lost Word, our first word. (it makes sense to think that if we were trying to 'get in tune' with the Uni-verse that our ability to make that sound would be at its purest, and most accurate, closest to when we took these forms.)
Why's it lost? Well, if we imagine that we use words to 'point to' things. Either physical objects, emotion subject, or even things which exist only mentally and beyond. What we do when we 'point things out' to each other with words is tryto create 'signposts' to the subject. Our skill with words determines how well we can point people to our literal 'viewpoint'. We recognise this in language with terms such as 'point of view', 'i dont see/feel what you're getting at' etc. We are, in essence, referring to something. The Lost Word is a word which has lost its referencing. It no longer 'points' to the subject matter it once did. In this way it has not only lost reference but also reverence. This is what is meant by it being 'Lost'.
It too is buried in language and we all already know it. The difficulty is in re-drawing the reference or re-pointing the signpost to its original, and correct, subject matter. It is a Sound of Being and more, but it is not pointed there.
I was going to link to a pdf on it, butlinks i put in the post dont seem to work anymore.