I'm hearing everybody say what a quick year its been, and its got me thinking.
I'm concerned that time itself has shifted. It would certainly explain why a lot of our seasons are out of sync (November 06 had better weather than this june)
Or perhaps its to do with the influence of modern technology in our lifes, and the breakdown of the traditional family unit?
Perhaps our minds aren't yet eqipped to cope with the modern technology, and while we concentrate on using it, Time passes us by more quickly (who has ever sat down to play the sims for a couple hours and found themselfes looking at the clock in disbelief 4 hours later)
Perhaps it can be explained through religion? perhaps our creators can speed up and slow down time?
What are your opinions on time? is it really shifting? is it our minds?
Has this sudden speed of time since the 80's got to do with the fact christmas is being planned already, and we haven't had our summer hols yet?
RE: time: physcological, technological, religious or biological?
What are your opinions on time? is it really shifting? is it our minds?
I see time as a wave of space. When we look at a wave in the water, the wave is moving in some direction. However, does the wave exist on its own? Without any material carrier? I strongly doubt that. This pushes me to the thought that time like a wave does not exist without space.
And this is why it seems to me that if its possible to leave the physical world, for example in a spiritual worldwhere time has no medium to exist through (like a wave without water to carry it), and thus all events would exist in the same space without any particular "time" to indicate their occurance (since time would not exist under such conditions).
This is why, the closer the speed of a spaceship approaches the speed of light, which means that the spaceship is dealing with more space, than the time on the spaceship will slow down more and more according to how close it gets to the speed of light.
RE: time: physcological, technological, religious or biological?
There was a discussion similar to this recently over here:
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=456971 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=456971[/link]
Love and Reiki Hugs