I’ve been thinking about why our actions here on Earth matter? When we die do we become separated from the life we lived, and therefore nothing we do on Earth matters, or does it all matter, everything we did and thought leaving a legacy of consequences that echo both here on Earth and in the spiritual realm?
Firstly there is no doubt I think that the path we choose on Earth does leave a legacy of consequences here on Earth.
If we choose to hurt others or to love others the outcome of the choice changes the path of those affected, simple cause and effect. This is not a case of good and evil, it is about the quality of the connections we make to all beings during our lives.
If we exhibit love and compassion those connections will be strong, and they will resonate with the vibrations of the love that generated them, whereas if they are made from hurt and an absence of love then the connections will be filled with the hurt that generated them. These connections live on for a long time, sometimes through generations as those affected are entrained into the vibrations that we leave behind.
The vibrations and resonance become part of us, we begin to accept that this is how we are, and each time it happens the vibration’s magnitude is increased, the process becomes self-sustaining and we inwardly become a reflection of the vibrations that we give out. Inwardly we can tell the difference, we know what we would wish to be like, but the resonance we have adopted and become is a powerful barrier that is difficult to overcome. Our lightbodies exhibit the resonance, it runs right through us and we know it.
Does this matter to us after we die?
If there is no existence after death then one has to wonder what the point of our existence is at all, the legacy we leave behind is of no consequence. We are effectively morally bankrupt and spiritually ignorant.
If we do survive after death as a spiritual entity then the life we lived on Earth must affect us, we carry the vibrational echos of our life on Earth, we can not divorce ourselves from them for at the very least those we leave behind are still connected to us by those connections. There is a more important aspect though and that relates to the next stage after we move to the spirit world – and this is whether the vibrations we carry within our lightbody are important to the next stages of our existence.
If there is no comeback, we lose all the changes to ourselves while we were on Earth then we can only conclude that nothing we do matters, for the effects that we leave behind on Earth are of no consequence, we will be cleansed of any and everything we did and so too in time will they. It becomes a meaningless existence, as meaningless as if the spiritual world did not exist. We become morally and spiritually bankrupt. Any return to an Earthly existence has ho connections to the last, we start again from the same position, no change, no progress. If we do not return then as we are cleansed of everything that was us, that built the vibrating person that we were is erased and our Earthly life, this is a kind of death and the consequences are exactly that – personal death.
That we survive, carrying with us the vibrations we created, and those we accepted from others is the view that most of the world religions and great spiritual thinkers have put forward. That we carry with us all the vibrational legacy we have built, an accumulation of who we have been, means that all of these vibrations begin to define who we are.
In this case the accumulation through our existence become a journey, and a journey has a start and an end, and as with any journey any travel has to have both direction and velocity. It becomes the actions that we have taken, the people we have affected and the nature of the actions that will define the direction and the velocity. Each time we start another life on Earth we start from where we left the last life, and in order to understand where we are to start from we need to review where we have moved to during the last life – some call this review a judgement, and indeed it is, we judge our past life, and we plan, based on where we are, how to advance from our current position in the next life. This is not about good and evil, but it is about progress, it is about moving forwards or backwards and about keeping the goal in sight or losing sight of it – it is the accumulation that delivers us to the next point.
For many, those unprepared or those who chose not to journey, this review is difficult. Many will have to make up lost ground, or start again having made no advancement or even lost ground. Some will chose not to go through the review, and this leaves them stranded, in limbo as it were, because until the review is done they cannot pinpoint where they are. They wander as lost souls, in need of healing and help from the few who can help in order for them to be able to review and move on. Only when they do can they begin to journey again.
Those who live without care for their journey, who live in the belief that what they do is of no consequence lose nearly any chance of advancement, they are not in control of the direction they are going, and are not in control of the velocity, they move randomly and their life is effectively wasted – and their review will demonstrate this.
Those that choose to see only a single life as the entirety of the process become unable to understand why actions and consequences matter, or they become too concerned about this single step on the journey, forgetting that the journey is much more than that. They have lost sight of the end point and the journey and are out of control, no direction means no advancement.
Those that seek to self-aggrandise forget that they are only one of the community of souls journeying, they construct apparent short cuts and assume that they can jump to the end point without realising that this a journey and that it is the accumulation of the connections during travelling that is the true value, they become delusional and effectively lost, unwilling to ask directions or to lift their eyes and see the long road ahead.
Those that choose to strengthen the connections with love and compassion, those who help others for the sake of the others rather than themselves, are happy to review their lives, this is one of the points in their lives of accounting and they are able to plan with confidence having journeyed well – they walk in a state of grace in the knowledge that they are not lost, and with the self-confidence that they are on the right path.
Once the review is done the person can then choose to return to an earthly existence or to enjoy for a while the spiritual existence – often recreating the positive times spent on the Earth, or perhaps just communing with spirits, occasionally helping in some way those who need it on Earth.
The journey is long and may take a vast number of earthly lives to complete but it has an end, for it is the final step that moves us from being part of the community of spirit to being an integral part of the core of spirit.
Clear all
Oct 06, 2010 3:43 pm