Ok guys,
i have read lots of theories on God, being spirit, energy, part of/separate etc... and lots of the things i have read make sense as much as the stuff that seems nonsense but where did God come from?
Was he created? If its just energy/spirit where did that come from? is anyone guiding God?
Even with the theories we are God, God is us, there seems to be reference to a plan......so whos plan is that, is it ours and Gods?.......it is all so confusing, i seem to get it then its lost again!
Any input would be great, but be gentle with me i seem to be so less knowledgeable than all of you, who seem to be so clear in your thinking.
Beth x
Forgot to add if this is in wrong place please move.
RE: So who/what created God???
Heya Beth,
Check out this thread on the Philosophy forum...
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=167249 ]God and Evolution[/link]
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: So who/what created God???
Hello Beth,
I think that early man created the concept of 'God' to explain the world around him. In the absence of scientific knowledge. However, it is a moot point nowadays that even though we are now in possession of so much scientific knowledge, there has to be a 'force' that governs the universe, one that keeps everything in balance.
Yes, my thread 'God and Evolution' on the 'philosophy' forum has a few good examples.
RE: So who/what created God???
Hi Beth,
I'm breaking my promise to my self not to look at HP till I get back from holiday, but couldn't resist a couple of words here.
Well, who created 2+2=4??
How old is Love?
Where did the musical note Major C come from?
With music, even if there was no sound, there was still the spiritual IDEA of musical harmonies, which have always been present. Tha laws (ideas) of mathematics have always existed, even before men existed or learned to use them.
Infinity is that which has no beginning and no end and that is a concept very difficult for the human mind to grasp, educated as we are, to accepting limitation.
Love and peace,
RE: So who/what created God???
This is true, Judy. Our human minds have limitation, whereas the cosmos is limitless.
I have heard that the sound that sits between the heavenly bodies can be likened to music.
RE: So who/what created God???
Emptiness has no boundaries. If there are things, some-things...then somewhere there is no things or emptiness. This so called absence is actually the presence of an infinite possibility. No thing can stop nothing. It is boundless, having no time no beginning or end. It was always possible and therefor always there. Its powers reach to the curves of the very virtual universe that we are grounded on.
And in this world of things, especially with proven scientific methods....there is a deep need to see that God, that virtual reality, that nothingness where everything is still and infinitely possible.
It wasnt made up, it was elaborated on by differing ideas that are only different by being so limited but it was that force that created all of this so our thoughts are also a part of its creation and every possibility is true somehow towards that original truth that made all this possible enough to be questioned.
Because what can be placed inside an empty space ? A completely boundless nothing, the answer is anything and everything, including us and every contradictive thought we can imagine because its the possibility, the imagination, that is the life that stirs in us, the life that created us. The god we all write about in stories and books and our hearts.
RE: So who/what created God???
Yes Zophiel. No matter how many scientific wonders, or normal explanations people give for God, we humans have a deep need to 'believe' in the Almighty. It has always been a part of our psyche - that we have been 'created' and that our 'creator' looks out for us. It has inspired wonderful writings and beautiful music throught the ages.
RE: So who/what created God???
Beautifully put, Zophiel and Patsy.
Love Gillyxxxx
RE: So who/what created God???
ORIGINAL: songstress
No matter how many scientific wonders, or normal explanations people give for God, we humans have a deep need to 'believe' in the Almighty. It has always been a part of our psyche - that we have been 'created' and that our 'creator' looks out for us.
Well Patsy, I'd have to disagree.
I grew up with a need to try and understand, so I searched around me and looked at what there was. As a youngster I had it told to me that there was a God or the Almighty and this God was portrayed as an entity who was our creator and who looked over us, bus as I developed my own ability to think for myself, I found no evidence to support what I was being told. Things just didn't fit in with how God had been portrayed to me. Looking at your God as "an entity" seperates it from everything else by definition (entity = thing with distinct existence), but in my view that isn't so. My "God", if you want to call it that, is the whole of the Universe. We are all part of this God and we are all creators of ourselves. The Universe is an on-going creation.
Just my thoughts....
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: So who/what created God???
Hello Giles,
I was agreeing with you!
Humans have the largest brain of any land animal, and this brain can think and feel and more importantly, imagine. When humans evolved into Cro-Magnon, they had to do something with their brians to try and explain the world around them. They couldn't find explanations for everything, so conjured up a 'creator being' called 'God.' This 'God' was the default explanation for things that nobody could solve and it's come down to us today. However, I do believe that there is 'something' in the universe that keeps everything in balance, everything in order. Some call it 'God' others call it 'fate' or 'providence.'
RE: So who/what created God???
ORIGINAL: songstress
Hello Giles,
I was agreeing with you!
Heya Patsy,
I didn't mean to sound like I was disagreeing so strongly, apologies for that. I understand what you're saying. I guess I didn't put my point across properly. Simply put I would say that I'm not a human that has a need to believe in the Almighty.
However, I do believe that there is 'something' in the universe that keeps everything in balance, everything in order. Some call it 'God' others call it 'fate' or 'providence.'
And my point here is that because you believe in "something" then you are seperating it from ourselves and thus creating a seperate entity. I don't believe there is a seperate entity. IMO We all effect how the universe "flows" but no one thing has an overall control over what is going to happen except for the whole universe itself.
Love and Reiki Hugs xxxx
RE: So who/what created God???
In that case Giles, we are all god!
RE: So who/what created God???
ORIGINAL: songstress
In that case Giles, we are all god!
Exactly Patsy.
Love and Reiki Hugs xxx
RE: So who/what created God???
We must redefine the word nothing for it in its abstractness is an entity, something that is even though on this side of the fence it seems to not. There is consciousness beyond emptiness.
RE: So who/what created God???
well had loads of time to ponder....
and im not sure im any clearer.
So we are all God??? There is no one being/spirit overseeing it all???
Does that mean then if we are all God, that we are all creating our world?????
If so what are we creating???
and no wonder things are such a mess, we are creating different things???
Beth x
RE: So who/what created God???
Hello Beth,
This is what the thread seems to be arriving at - that we are god, no being is sittign on a throne, overseeing us. We are making of this life what we can.
Pretty scary to have all that responsibility, eh?
RE: So who/what created God???
but unconsciously we all speak as one. all of this energy can speak and did speak as one voice that created echoes of itself and here we are.
Hugo: In my viewpoint nothing is everything for opposites are unisons to a singularity , hot and cold, light and dark, differentials of the same spectrum. This balance goes for all things meaning everything is nothing and nothing is the possibility of all things. Infinite values that geometrically represent an encompassment or circle making it a two sided single coin.
That, as far as Ive seen, is the architecture of God and mankind.
RE: So who/what created God???
I created god and what he or it is to me
Like all things I create what they are or mean to me
Every thing is a illusion of self created meaning
RE: So who/what created God???
I think there are two ideas which are often separated, but which are actually both valid and real as opposed to ephemeral idealism.
The two schools are that of a God Transcendant and a God Imminent (transcendant being the separate onlooker, and Imminent as being within all of us).
I think it was Krishna who conveyed it as 'after penetrating the entire universe with a fragment of myself, I remain' or words to that effect (cant remember the exact quote) to illustrate the truth of both.
So we are all God, but God also exists outside us too. This is part of how we are All One. If you imagine that each part of your body performs a function for the greater whole, man is like that within the greater body of God, only to date we've not been very honorable in our responsibilities to each other, the world, or the universe at large.
If you have explored the deeper meanings of terms such as 'as above, so below' or 'man is the microcosm of the macrocosm' or even that The Lord created us in his own image - each of these actually tells us that the Lord exists not only within us, as a functioning part of the whole (although 'a sleeping observer' for most), but also in every other form we encounter.
There is a merging of eastern and western (imminent and transcendant respectively) thought which is in the process of taking place that will greatly illuminate confusions such as this for those who are interested. Both ideals are correct, and in the learning of the actuality of how they are both correct and true will soon become more obvious.
It does not answer the question, but then, I genuinely feel that the human brain is incapable of handling such a question in its current evolutionary state. Words were not designed to tackle such issues, and start to lose their potency as soon as we move away from talking about physical objects - now, considering that words are not very good for communicating that which is immediately beyond the physical (ie emotional), and that the further we go from the physical, the more useless words become - by the time we have scaled the mountaintop within ourselves, which is a long, long 'way' from the dense physical (6-12 dimensions away - 6 are immediate and very well publicised), words do not even exist and give way to subtler impressions and impulses - to extrapolate that further into the infinite, to beyond 'God' to discover whatever mysteries lie there - words are gone long before that is even conceptually glimpsed
best wishes
RE: So who/what created God???
It does not answer the question, but then, I genuinely feel that the human brain is incapable of handling such a question in its current evolutionary state. Words were not designed to tackle such issues, and start to lose their potency as soon as we move away from talking about physical objects - now, considering that words are not very good for communicating that which is immediately beyond the physical (ie emotional), and that the further we go from the physical, the more useless words become - by the time we have scaled the mountaintop within ourselves, which is a long, long 'way' from the dense physical (6-12 dimensions away - 6 are immediate and very well publicised), words do not even exist and give way to subtler impressions and impulses - to extrapolate that further into the infinite, to beyond 'God' to discover whatever mysteries lie there - words are gone long before that is even conceptually glimpsed.
At the risk of putting both feet in my mouth - having not researched nearly so deeply as others on this thread - may I ask one question? How come, if having reached the 'infinite' where there are no words to define, so many books are written on the subject? Surely if you have reached this plane yourself, you realise the pointlessness of trying to explain it to others? Or am I being naive?
RE: So who/what created God???
RE: So who/what created God???
So if we are all part of God, and helping to create the world we live in, then it's a form of collective conciousness we all share? Our thoughts and vibrations change matter? Cool.
As a side question, are we saying God created the universe? I've always wondered about the universe, because if you say everything is within the universe, then it is a region. So then something has to be outside that region. And something else after that. Are there multiple universes? And does it ever end? [&:]
Oh dear, my little head is about to explode 😀
RE: So who/what created God???
How about - "God IS the universe", but it's only maybe one percent of him, and not the core of essence of Him/Her/It? It's the idea that the Divine is imminent (all-present) in everything, which mystics have picked up on.
I was once hiking along the clifftop coastal path from Land's End to Penzance, and in a very mystical state, becoming more and more aware of the Divine. Suddenly I became in a flash so aware of the imminence of God in every atom - that all matter, and energy, and consciousness is God, and not at all what it appears to be - that I had the profound KNOWLEDGE, and not just 'belief' that matter isn't real either of course. The cliffs must be 150-200 feet high, with crashing waves below. So imagine all that solid rock. But suddenly, to me, I KNEW it was just the Divinity creating the 'illusion' of matter. It was really just a 'space' od had chosen to call 'rock', but it was actually nothing but consciousness of a kind 'playing the game of pretending to be matter'.
This was so real that I stumbled and half-panicked, as there wasn't actually anything 'real' underneath my feet at all, and I should just fall right down and through it. However, the thing is, the mayic game went on, and it continued to be so-called 'rock'. 😉
RE: So who/what created God???
Hi Spiritsaver
To go back to your original question:
So who/what created God???
I ask: Who/what created 2+2=4?
2+2=4 just IS; always has been and always will be. It is an eternal, infinite spiritual idea, which can be used and expressed in unlimited ways. Physically as well as mentally.
The Bible tells us that God is Love, that God is Truth, that God is Spirit, that God is Mind (the Source of all intelligence) It is also inferred that God is Life, Soul and Principle.
Let’s just take the first one, divine infinite Love, that is expressed in humans and animals, but does not originate IN them.
Love itself never had a beginning and it will never have an ending.
Love IS
In other words, God (Love) just IS. No beginning. No ending.
and im not sure im any clearer.
So we are all God??? There is no one being/spirit overseeing it all???
Does that mean then if we are all God, that we are all creating our world?????
If so what are we creating???
and no wonder things are such a mess, we are creating different things???
To my understanding, All is God, but that All is Spirit, not matter, the real and good spiritual ideas behind what appears as matter. I totally disagree that we (as material, limited humans) are God. Our real spiritual identity which is a complete and perfect idea of God (which exists, right where the limited human seems to be) is ONE with God, but is not God itself, rather we are the expression of God’s being. Rather like a sunbeam is one with the sun, but is not the sun, simply the expression, the emanation of the sun. A reflection in a mirror is one with the original, but the reflection is not the original.
When we yield our human consciousness to the divine, we glimpse the perfect universe of spiritual ideas which exists now and forever. Venetian had a glimpse of that above (I’ll write about it later.)
I am a student of the metaphysical healing system discovered by Mary Baker Eddy that she called Christian Science – the science behind Jesus’ healings and demonstrations of authority over matter. She glimpsed that the universe, including man consists of spiritual ideas which are the eternal substance behind what appears as matter. When she was a child, Mary’s teacher showed her class an orange and asked them what would be left of the orange after they had eaten it and destroyed all the skin, seeds etc. No one but Mary understood the question and she answered "The idea of the orange would remain."
When she came to understand these concepts clearly and was able to heal through them, she wrote:
The visible universe and material man are the poor counterfeits of the invisible universe and spiritual man. Eternal things (verities) are God's thoughts as they exist in the spiritual realm of the real. Temporal things are the thoughts of mortals and are the unreal, being the opposite of the real or the spiritual and eternal. (Science and Health p 337)
By universal consent, mortal belief has constituted itself a law to bind mortals to sickness, sin, and death. This customary belief is misnamed material law, and the individual who upholds it is mistaken in theory and in practice. The so-called law of mortal mind, conjectural and speculative, is made void by the law of immortal Mind, and false law should be trampled under foot. (Science and Health p 229)
So, yes, in a sense, we are all creating our material world. You know, Jesus (and other prophets who had this advanced spiritual understanding) came to save the world from its own limited thinking. He came to show the way to a life free from the limitations and suffering of material thinking, but sadly, as with other before him (and after, including Eddy) he was persecuted and his words were substituted for works and everything was reduced to the letter rather than the spirit. Think of the authority he demonstrated:
Jesus taught us to walk over, not into or with, the c
RE: So who/what created God???
Original: caveman
So if we are all part of God, and helping to create the world we live in, then it's a form of collective consciousness we all share? Our thoughts and vibrations change matter? Cool.
Hi Caveman,
Have a look at these amazing experiments. They are featured in the film "What the Bleep is going on?"
Miraculous Messages from Water
How water reflects our consciousness
Love and peace,
RE: So who/what created God???
Whew, after my replies to Spiritsaver and Caveman, this is the cherry on the cake:
Original: Venetian
I was once hiking along the clifftop coastal path from Land's End to Penzance, and in a very mystical state, becoming more and more aware of the Divine. Suddenly I became in a flash so aware of the imminence of God in every atom - that all matter, and energy, and consciousness is God, and not at all what it appears to be - that I had the profound KNOWLEDGE, and not just 'belief' that matter isn't real either of course. The cliffs must be 150-200 feet high, with crashing waves below. So imagine all that solid rock. But suddenly, to me, I KNEW it was just the Divinity creating the 'illusion' of matter. It was really just a 'space' od had chosen to call 'rock', but it was actually nothing but consciousness of a kind 'playing the game of pretending to be matter'.
This was so real that I stumbled and half-panicked, as there wasn't actually anything 'real' underneath my feet at all, and I should just fall right down and through it. However, the thing is, the mayic game went on, and it continued to be so-called 'rock'.
Wow! Now I know Venetian, why I’ve always felt that you are a natural Christian Scientist. I’m not being flippant here – that really is the highest compliment I could ever pay anyone.
As you’ve explained this so well, I’m now going to copy something that in the three years I’ve written on HP I have never shared before, from Science and Health (p 468):
Question.-- What is the scientific statement of being?
Answer.-- There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.
When Mary Baker Eddy wrote the first edition of Science and Health, she simply wrote "There is no matter" but came to see that this so antagonised mortal thought, that she changed it to "There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter." – but there still is no matter! That was written in 1875 and it’s so interesting that quantum physicists are now seeing the truth behind that statement.
Your wonderful experience illustrates these words of her’s describing John’s revelation at Patmos:
The Revelator was on our plane of existence, while yet beholding what the eye cannot see,--that which is invisible to the uninspired thought. This testimony of Holy Writ sustains the fact in Science, that the heavens and earth to one human consciousness, that consciousness which God bestows, are spiritual, while to another, the unillumined human mind, the vision is material. This shows unmistakably that what the human mind terms matter and spirit indicates states and stages of consciousness. (Science and Health p 573)
Actually, it’s worth reading the whole page;
Your talk of the rocks reminded me of these passages:
To mortal mind, the universe is liquid, solid, and aeriform. Spiritually interpreted, rocks and mountains stand for solid and grand ideas. Animals and mortals metaphorically present the gradation of mortal thought, rising in the scale of intelligence, taking form in masculine, feminine, or neuter gender. The fowls, which fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven, correspond to aspirations soaring beyond and above corporeality to the understanding of the incorporeal and divine Principle, Love. (Science and Health p 511)
According to reason and revelation, evil and matter are negation: for evil signifies the absence of good, God, though God is ever present; and matter claims something besides God, when God is really All. Creation, evolution, or manifestation,--being i
RE: So who/what created God???
Hi SpiritSaver,
I just found this thread today, so would like to add my humble opinion. I was interested in your statement "you all seem more knowledgeable than I am" Well I beg to differ about that. Nobody is knowledgeable about God, that would be impossible unless they were dead and in Spirit (If the spirit world is what you happen to believe in)
Different people have different theories which is great, but nobody knows, even people who are brilliant at writing and explaining their theories, or researchers and scientists - they don't know for sure whether there is a God or not, so my point is that your knowledge on this subject is as good and as important as everyone elses!
So I would say it is up to us. If we can lead a useful life, learning along the way, and helping people, it is of no importance whether there is a God, or whether the human race has evolved naturally. The good thing about the God subject is that we can all please ourselves. If we want to believe in a man in the sky with a clipboard, great - some people like to do that. If we want to go to church - do it, If we want to believe in a great spiritual energy force for good, super. Wanna be an atheist? fine...let's all do our own thing and have our own beliefs. Make your God anything you want. There is a great spiritual love out there, a great spiritual love on these forums. If we love one another, help one another, and respect each other's views, our lives will be rich and fulfilled, and when we die..........well we'll find out for certain then, won't we:D:D:D
Love to you all
Moonstone xx
RE: So who/what created God???
ORIGINAL: Principled
To my understanding, All is God, but that All is Spirit, not matter, the real and good spiritual ideas behind what appears as matter.
But that's dualism, Judy: the idea that matter is not God. If matter were not God, then they would be two different things, like chalk and cheese. If the cheese goes off, or gets made in an urn and made very tasty, it can have no effect on chalk if chalk is separate and different. You don't mix chalk in when you're making cheese, and fermenting cheese can't affect chalk. What I mean is, if God were not (in some way) matter, one would have no effect upon the other. Obviously I don't mean that my sofa is thinking cosmic thoughts :D... but it consists of the very same warp and woof of Creation, that is God, which results also in emotion, consciousness, electricity, Higher Selves, angels, and aspects of the Godhead - IMO and in that of most Hinduism say.
Non-dualism, which seems to appeal to the mystics of East and West, both philosophically and through their experiences of God, because it's what they experience God to be, has it that God can affect matter because it's an aspect of God. Just as you can raise your arm because it's your arm - but you can't change other people or many things outside of yourself if they are not you. God created and can change and heal the world because it's one aspect of God: it's God being able to change Him/Herself, just like you can decide to lift your arm.
Under dualism, which says "God created matter but God is not in matter" there have arisen over time all the painful concepts such as sin, rejection of the material, and otherworldliness. Since we are born into physical bodies, in East and West there are spiritual philosophies of dualism whereby matter and the body is rejected to an unhealthy extent. This on occasion, such as among some Catholic priests, but in all kinds of ways and also in Protestants, Hindus, etc., gives rise to unwholesome repression. Rejection of the wonderment of the physical world AS being God, and not just seeing in it a design of God, has done the world no good IMHO.
I totally disagree that we (as material, limited humans) are God.
That's precisely the point. We have no limits at all.
Because we are God.
You yourself extoll the power of CS healing. It works not because God "hears" you as a distant and separate being, but because you are doing the healing yourself - because You are the Creator. You've just forgotten it.
I can personally attest to the fact that God is imminent in all matter as I have experienced this profoundly and utterly many times, being taken out and given a view of the world from beyond the veils of maya or illusion. Every atom sings and vibrates in the joy and the Consciousness of the One. They aren't a creation but they're willing aspects of God participating in the Cosmic Play.
Our real spiritual identity which is a complete and perfect idea of God (which exists, right where the limited human seems to be) is ONE with God, but is not God itself, rather we are the expression of God's being. Rather like a sunbeam is one with the sun, but is not the sun, simply the expression, the emanation of the sun. A reflection in a mirror is one with the original, but the reflection is not the original.
If MBE said things along these lines, IMHO she was getting it a bit wrong. (No need to react to that because it's MBE, for surely you don't think anyone is omniscient and incapable of small errors? That's what fundies do, of course.)
God has Individualised Him/Herself as incarnate beings. Only God can create, yes; and only consciousness can create. Were we not God, we'd be robots, and unable to change the world in any way whatsoever. When I take off in planes, as you have once or twice, I look down and see how profoundly, for better or worse, we have literally changed the face of the Earth. WE have the power to change because portions of God are invested within us, as a mother gives birth.
RE: So who/what created God???
Cor Venetian,
Under dualism, which says "God created matter but God is not in matter"…
But that is NOT Christian Science! We understand that God is infinite Mind and creation consists of the eternal revealing of It’s spiritual and infinite ideas – most easily understood through the science of numbers. Behind what appears as matter is the true and perfect spiritual idea. Matter is created by mortal mind.
CS is all about our one-ness with God - that's why it has been rejected by orthodox Christianity which clings to the dualism of the Adam and Eve allegory! And Venetian, for heaven's sake, I wrote a whole thread about effective prayer (which was mysteriously delented among others) called "Effective Prayer" which was all about how the most effective prayer is the prayer of affirmation, not petition! 🙁
Perhaps this will help you understand where I’m coming from:
Is it correct to say of material objects, that they are nothing and exist only in imagination?
Nothing and something are words which need correct definition. They either mean formations of indefinite and vague human opinions, or scientific classifications of the unreal and the real. My sense of the beauty of the universe is, that beauty typifies holiness, and is something to be desired. Earth is more spiritually beautiful to my gaze now than when it was more earthly to the eyes of Eve. The pleasant sensations of human belief, of form and color, must be spiritualized, until we gain the glorified sense of substance as in the new heaven and earth, the harmony of body and Mind.
Even the human conception of beauty, grandeur, and utility is something that defies a sneer. It is more than imagination. It is next to divine beauty and the grandeur of Spirit. It lives with our earth-life, and is the subjective state of high thoughts. The atmosphere of mortal mind constitutes our mortal environment. What mortals hear, see, feel, taste, smell, constitutes their present earth and heaven: but we must grow out of even this pleasing thraldom, and find wings to reach the glory of supersensible Life; then we shall soar above, as the bird in the clear ether of the blue temporal sky.
To take all earth's beauty into one gulp of vacuity and label beauty nothing, is ignorantly to caricature God's creation, which is unjust to human sense and to the divine realism. In our immature sense of spiritual things, let us say of the beauties of the sensuous universe: "I love your promise; and shall know, some time, the spiritual reality and substance of form, light, and color, of what I now through you discern dimly; and knowing this, I shall be satisfied. Matter is a frail conception of mortal mind; and mortal mind is a poorer representative of the beauty, grandeur, and glory of the immortal Mind." (Miscellaneous Writings p 96 by Mary Baker Eddy)
ORIGINAL: Venetian
You yourself extoll the power of CS healing. It works not because God "hears" you as a distant and separate being, but because you are doing the healing yourself - because You are the Creator. You've just forgotten it.
I disagree:
The physical healing of Christian Science results now, as in Jesus' time, from the operation of divine Principle, before which sin and disease lose their reality in human consciousness and disappear as naturally and as necessarily as darkness gives place to light and sin to reformation. Now, as then, these mighty works are not supernatural, but supremely natural. They are the sign of Immanuel, or "God with us,"--a divine influence ever present in human consciousness and repeating itself, coming now as was promised aforetime,
To preach deliverance to the captives [of sense],
And recovering of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty them that are bruised.
(Science and Health p xi)
The verity of Mind shows conclusively how it is that matter seems to be, but is
RE: So who/what created God???
Hi Judy,
It's the middle of the day and I don't have opportunity right now to read your post and reply to it, but I just read the opening lines. It might in fact be useful if I reply to those opening lines that I've read, since this could be the essence of it all. I mean the essence of any difference in thinking. 😮
My understanding of what I thought you meant was a useful jumping-off point for me to post about non-dualism anyway. And I took it from where you wrote: "To my understanding, All is God, but that All is Spirit, not matter". That seems very straight-forward, and I was replying that IMHO God is both Spirit and matter as all is God. Matter being a crystallisation of spiritual forces.
I've read your present post down to where you write: "Matter is created by mortal mind." Obviously you don't mean that literally? - as it would mean that mortal mind created the universe. No need to reply! :D- let me come back when I may and read on. It may be a while. I'm suspecting that you must mean that distortions and imperfections in matter are created by mortal mind - I agree. We'll see!
P.S. If my post sounded dogmatic (as it's hard to judge oneself) I was just on a roll and had to write quickly as I was being called away, so I was writing out how things are as I see it; not so much a 'counter' or whatever to yourself, as I didn't think CS would be dualistic - but I don't know. If CS says matter isn't God, that's dualism. Anyhow, back later ......
Venetian xxx