philosophy of life
Hi all,
i have recently been reading about Jiddu Krishnamurti. He was a spiritual leader and an amazing character; he was astoundingly analytical, and a true, honest person, who Ifeel we can alllearn allot form.Any way,I could go on for ages about him but I couldn't do him, or his teaching justice, so I will just leave some links so that you people at HP can check him out, if you have not already heard of him:
On a few of the above links it is possible to download parts of some of his live andseamlessly, flowing dialogue.
Cheers all, Pete.
RE: philosophy of life
hi pete and everone interested in krishnamurti.
this is a message that comes from my assessment of his teachings and i will confess i have read very little but i have read and singnificantly "understood" buddhist teachings of emptiness which, at first sight, seem to have quite a lot of similarity to the little of what i have read ofkrishnamurti's teachings.
the deconstructive aspects of thephilosophical analysis of teachings on emptiness can be representedby the deities ofgreat motherkali and the wrathful deity mahakala (my avatar) as female and male expression of the great destroying principle of all compounded things.
this destructin of all things is proven with the finely honed sword of the intellect and is the key to opening the ajna chakra and can lead to quite powerful phenomena associated with kundalini.if this chachra is opened before the heart chakra,headaches and other problems can result. not only did krishnamurti have a continual painful headache, this headache extended all the way down his spine.
interestingly krishnamurti's headache dissappeared when he was giving talks to his followers... interesting!
it is easy to destroy the illusion with incisive thought; as it is easy to pinion the wings of the love with a sharp blade!
logos without eros is loneliness... a very painful loneliness.
please forgive me for any offense imay cause by expressing this opinion. it is an opinion given with good intention and i can accept that,as withany opinion, it is going to be, at the veryleast partly flawed. and in the worst case, my error gives anyone who has more sympathy with and, perhaps, a deeper understanding of krishnamurti's teachings a very fine opportunity to correct any error i have made.
love and peace
I've only read a fraction of K's complete works too, as it must run into tens of thousands of pages? But the most interesting site on him I know is:
In various articles and links here, you'll find as a common thread runnng through, was K right to leave the World Teacher Project? In other words, was it all baloney, so K rightly asserted himself? Or - and here hangs the big question - did he run away from or turn his back on legitimate Teachers, through reasons of ego or some other such imperfect reason?
There's a lot to read and ponder on that site, compiled by a real expert on both Theosophy and on K. (And on philosophy in general.)
There are various unsettling things about K's life to me and to others .... Toward the end he stated that not one person had gained enlightenment (or some such word) through the methods he'd given. So was his school of thought valid and useful anyway? He also annuls and derides the idea that he had Gurus and one particular Master from his Theosophical days ... yet one wonderful little booklet, an occult classic, "At The Feet of the Master", was penned by K aged 14, piece by piece, upon waking up and remembering his interactions with Koot Hoomi Lal Singh while out-of-body. There are suggestions that K rebelled against God and his Masters when his beloved brother died, as K underwent a loss of faith.
Etc., etc.
But it's a long story, and the details are delved into on the site above. However, it has always made me wonder just how "honest" he was - to have certainly had Masters up to his early 20s, but later as an adult to claim that they didn't exist (I think I'm right in saying he said that, or at least he wouldn't go into the subject at all and derided it).
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hi All,
This is a interesting concept that comes to use the form of the vibrational nothingness that can provide the balancing of the formations of the Theosophy this is attunement that comes with the lucrative parts of the past with the future bringing together the common basis that come with the starting of the ways that people feel that they are enlightened this is a time that the mere spec of insights that come forward through the producing of the waves of the retribution of the creative prospects can bring about the monatary balance that enlightment can bring to create a space where you are able to fluxuate through the different particulars that bring your messages to a clearer picture...As we revel in the aspects of the worlds different phases that comes with this and many other philospohies we see that there are times that come into play to bring about the projects of the mny building up the Masters of the day...Gypsee
hi gypsee
i think what you are saying is very important.
peace and love
I have read the works of quite a few philosophers and I think im more inclined towards descartes way of thinking within 'meditations'. I subscribe to the concept that everything we have been told as true by society needs to be questioned and scrutinised.
I have read the works of quite a few philosophers and I think im more inclined towards descartes way of thinking within 'meditations'. I subscribe to the concept that everything we have been told as true by society needs to be questioned and scrutinised.
hi katie
i did read meditations a very long time ago and remember little in detail. however, the outcome of descartes thinking enabled science to be separated from religion but the cost of this was that the realm of mind was separated from the realm of matter and much of the problems of today have come from this analysis. only in recent years has this split started to be joined again and much of alternative therapy systems are the evidence for this in our society.
something on this subject would be a good string starter on philosophy. why don't you start something on descartes thinking?
peace and love
"philosophy of life", I have always thought of this when I think of "philosophy of life", Before you become rich, you must first learn how to spend what you have wisely. however, when I have tried to save, a bill comes in.
I've only read a fraction of K's complete works too, as it must run into tens of thousands of pages?
I've read a bit, and I know a few people who spent time with K in Brockwood when he was alive and teaching. They use what he said as some kind of reason for avoiding any kind of dedication to a spiritual path, as K said "Truth is a Pathless Land" which it is, obviously, but you still have to fight your way to it, in my view. I think its key that he didn't acknowledge - or remember - his own process of development.
Paul Brunton (his notebooks are a valuable on-line resource) talks about the Long Path as being a necessary precursor to the Short Path, and K would only allow the validity of the Short Path.