Music of Kundalini ...
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Music of Kundalini ..

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AN we describe the great Serpent-Fire of Kundalini in its fundamental glories, in its colours, in its shapes, in its music-notes? Can we describe its song ? Can we describe its rainbow?

Kundalini is music as it is colour. It is a rainbow as it is a perfect song. The student senses this as he enters into its nature. Kundalini comes from afar, trailing clouds of colour and of sound. Kundalini is a perfect fruition of Life. It is a consummation of Life. It vibrates with consummated experience. Whose experience?

The experience of One who has been one, but who has resolved into glory upon glory the unfoldments of His evolutionary way—unfoldments in darkness and in light, in peace and in storm, in joy and in sorrow. He has sown experiences, and He has reaped Flowers, a Garden of Flowers, Flowers that sing, Flowers that breathe forth colour.

Could the student but hear the Song of Kundalini, could he but " see " the colours of the Fire, he would know what Life is, for he would be penetrating into the very heart of Being. But his senses are dull, even those with the aid of which he experiments and experiences. He can know that which to him is knowable, and he can see as through a mist the as yet unknowable, and through the mist comes the glory of a throbbing majesty of sound — a single world-encircling, world-drenching throb of sound, yet containing within itself a veritable world of music. Through the mist, too, comes the glory of a mighty rainbow of colour, no less world-encircling and world-drenching. All is alive with colour-sound, colour singing, song colourful.

The student feels he may not suggest either a colour or a note as expressive of Kundalini, for each of us hears himself differently, sees himself differently, in this magic crystal of blended colour-sound. Let each listen. Let each see. It were almost a blasphemy to dim the crystal from its all-embracing purity.

Yet our Kundalini?, the Cosmic Kundalini from our Lord the Sun and the individual Kundalini from our Mother the Earth, has its note dominant, different from the notes dominant of other modes of evolution, and is a blend of the Song of the Sun and the Song of the Earth. Our Lord the Sun sings His Song for all His universe. Our Mother the Earth sings her answering note, the note of life unfolding on her bosom. So does our Lord the Sun send forth His colour, and our Mother the Earth shines, in all her colour, radiance in answering homage.

How near sometimes the student seems to come to the song of Kundalini from the Sun, to the colour of it, and to the song of Kundalini from the Earth, to the colour of it. He sees at once that the Earth is but an image of the Sun her Father.

The song of the Earth, the colour of the Earth, are but immature shadows of that coming substance perfectly resplendent in the Sun. He sees that all the singing from the Earth, and all the colour-messages, are but praise to the Lord of all, and from the heights of man in all his trappings of bodies right down to the humblest atom in the lowest of nature's kingdoms the student hears a song of praise and colour-throbbings of aspiration.

Our Lord the Sun has set them all afire. He has set them all a-singing. He has set them all a-shining in a myriad hues. In their joy, in their deep consciousness that as He is so shall they be through the mystery of His Being in colour and in sound, they give to Him that which they have received from Him. Our Songs, our Colours, our Life, our Light, our Glory, are from Him, and we lift up our gifts that He may see we cherish them.

Kundalini sings to the student with the voice of all that lives. The student thus begins to know all life, not by a forthgoing, but by an indrawing. In the hidden recesses of his own Kundalini, if the possessive be pardoned, he finds the secret of the Unity of Life, as he has known Life's solidarities without.

There is a Unity, and it sings one song, composed though the song be of an infinitude of notes. There is a Unity, and it sends forth one colour, composed though it be of an infinitude of colours. There is but one song, but one colour, for all life on this Kundalini-Globe we call the Earth. In the Kundalini we hear the song, we see the colour. And when we are able to make external that which for so long must remain internal, and remote and inaccessible, only now and then revealing itself, when at last we are the Unity, then do we pass beyond the human kingdom, as we have passed beyond the kingdoms below, and the Kingship of the Matter-World is ours.

Kundalini is indeed vocal. She can be heard by those who have the ears to hear. She is substantial, even though yet more spatial, and can be seen by those who have the eyes to see. Kundalini is no mere fanciful abstraction. She is no mere theory, no mere externalization of an imaginative outpouring. She lives. She sings. She arrays herself in scintillating colours.

When we seek her within ourselves, and perchance catch a glimpse, be it in her sleep or in her stirrings, of her compassionate elusiveness, then if our eyes and ears be but faintly open, we shall see her raiment and hear her voice. And these shall be our raiment and our voice, not as these are now, but as these shall be some day. Is it not worth while to seek her, not by striving to awaken her before her rightful sleep is over, not by disturbing her if on occasion she sallies forth within the domain which is hers to illumine, but just by watching, as this student has watched, respectfully, without a ripple of desire for response?

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Hi Daz,

And the point of your post is?

Also, please consider, that if you copy/paste things from other sites, it's usually good practice to link to the source...

[url]Kundalini - An Occult Experience - By G.S. Arundale[/url]

In fact, it's usually preferable if you just link to the other site, stating which part you're referring to and make the point of your post clear. 😉

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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Hi Daz,

And the point of your post is?

Hi Giles .

As already mentioned in the other kundalini post ..

Certain experiences had / symptoms had over the past 15 years have only been making sense of late or should I say I have only recently became aware of such an energy present .. I done a little research as I was curious to understand more about the energy and found a nice passage a text that I resonated with and wanted to share ..

The point in posting such material was that it may appeal to those that have had experience of such an energy or perhaps it may appeal to those that have not .

Also, please consider, that if you copy/paste things from other sites, it's usually good practice to link to the source...

[url]Kundalini - An Occult Experience - By G.S. Arundale[/url]

In fact, it's usually preferable if you just link to the other site, stating which part you're referring to and make the point of your post clear. 😉

All Love and Reiki Hugs

A previous copy and paste experience I had was met with a friendly warning of copyright breach .. hence leaving out the authors name .

x daz x

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Hi Giles .

As already mentioned in the other kundalini post ..

Certain experiences had / symptoms had over the past 15 years have only been making sense of late or should I say I have only recently became aware of such an energy present .. I done a little research as I was curious to understand more about the energy and found a nice passage a text that I resonated with and wanted to share ..

The point in posting such material was that it may appeal to those that have had experience of such an energy or perhaps it may appeal to those that have not .

That's fine, it just lacked the context.

An interesting book on the subject...

[url]Kundalini and the Chakras: A Practical Manual - Evolution in This Lifetime Ophiels sealed lessons in occult power: Genevieve Lewis Paulson: Books[/url]

A previous copy and paste experience I had was met with a friendly warning of copyright breach .. hence leaving out the authors name .

Copying someone elses material without crediting them is the worst copyright breach.
Copying someone elses copyright material if they say it shouldn't be copied, even if you credit them is also a copyright breach.
Posting a link to the material that they've made available elsewhere and quoting small sections for discussion is not breaching copyright (it's usually considered ok to quote a certain percentage, though that's open to interpretation a little).
Posting copyrighted information with the persons permission is of course acceptable, providing you're not just copy/pasting a dump of it here without any context. 🙂

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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As already mentioned in the other kundalini post ..

Certain experiences had / symptoms had over the past 15 years have only been making sense of late or should I say I have only recently became aware of such an energy present .. I done a little research as I was curious to understand more about the energy and found a nice passage a text that I resonated with and wanted to share ..

Any experience's you'd like to share, daz. Experiences that you're attributing to kundalini...


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That's fine, it just lacked the context.

An interesting book on the subject...

[url]Kundalini and the Chakras: A Practical Manual - Evolution in This Lifetime Ophiels sealed lessons in occult power: Genevieve Lewis Paulson: Books[/url]

Copying someone elses material without crediting them is the worst copyright breach.
Copying someone elses copyright material if they say it shouldn't be copied, even if you credit them is also a copyright breach.
Posting a link to the material that they've made available elsewhere and quoting small sections for discussion is not breaching copyright (it's usually considered ok to quote a certain percentage, though that's open to interpretation a little).
Posting copyrighted information with the persons permission is of course acceptable, providing you're not just copy/pasting a dump of it here without any context. 🙂

All Love and Reiki Hugs

Thanks for adding the book link Giles and the breakdown of copyright law .. 🙂 (I didn't really understand it) ..

x daz x

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Any experience's you'd like to share, daz. Experiences that you're attributing to kundalini...


I don’t mind sharing W.S.

The reason why it’s taken so long to make the connection is that so many symptoms had at the time could of related to something else . To some degree that may remain to be true but as symptoms carried on and as time went by it has only been over the last few months that it started to add up as they say .

Firstly I would like to say that we all have the kundalini spark within us .. and I am not going to proclaim either that I am the only one that has had the kundalini rise (lol) ..

I would say that anyone that has entertained spiritual practices either of yoga / meditation for nearly 20 years it is inevitable that the kundalini will stir and rise to a degree . What I have ascertained / realized is that the kundalini rises in tandem with how pure and refined there energies are .

The fire feeds on it’s self but to get the fire going one needs purity / transformation .

So many symptoms had over the last 15 years started out as I started to awaken to self . At this time I would get extremely hot .. I suppose many could relate to hot flushes but my skin was itchy and my face and head would go red and my blood would seemingly boil hahaha . . I could never stand having the heating on (lol) I was happy with the doors and windows open in winter haha ..

Of course unless one wants a doctors opinion as to why one feels hot flushes one could go down that road and put it down to one’s menopause or one could be open to an understanding that one could be filled to the brim with an Inner anger etc .. So I was aware that there could be many causes but I didn’t really pay much attention to this at the time and I have always looked upon nutrition as a way of correcting one’s ailments rather than go see the doctor ..

I had for two or three years felt extreme sensitivity / anxiety / nervous energy and couldn’t face the world . I was empathic to other sufferings as well as my own, I would feel heart tremors, lower back pain, tense neck and shoulders and was becoming in tune with the weather and was likened to a human barometer (lol) .

I started to later on feel stomach cramps and became intolerant with many foods, I was transforming / purifying / cleansing .. I was having visions of dragons and phoenixes and even had my firm studio burn down by a fire that started above my head (lol) through the purification of the energies at work that needed transforming .

Part of my Physical mediumship abilities came to the fore and light bulbs were exploding, static electricity build up, itchiness on the face especially around the left eyebrow and increasingly were there solar plexus pains ..

A guide spoke to me a few months ago about the Nadis and I posted a thread about them in reference to alternative nostril breathing . The nadis breathing techniques will purify and develop these two energetic currents and will lead to breathing special exercises whose goal is to awake kundalini. (which I didn’t know t the time) .

I then began waking up in the night hearing tones and hearing buzzing noises similar to that of a bee . I had a few times just of late the feeling of my head being full of electricity (not a good feeling to be honest) and my dreams have included snakes coming up from beneath the earth .. One particular dream just last week contained a river that flowed underneath a grassed area and I could see koi carp swimming beneath my feet . I instinctly pulled a layer of earth up and up popped the biggest snakes head (lol) I was scared because I knew that this 20ft long snake with a head bigger than mine (excuse the pun) was powerful and yet my instinct told me that It did not want to harm me and it was somehow connected with me .. I then woke up doh!!

So only late last week did I research symptoms of the kundalini awakening and everything that I have mentioned above has been listed as symptoms down to the last detail ..

I have heard of the kundalini before but I have never really acknowledged the energies felt around me as being that . It also has explained a few experiences had that were universal and it also explains my interest in working with the elements and working with the golden ray of the sun in regards with self healing and with healing others and past life experiences had that were as an alchemist and a sorcerer . (which ties in with the inspirational fire expression that kundalini emanates) .

x daz x

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Hi daz,

Interesting... I can relate to some of that... not exactly exactly a smooth, dreamy skip through flowery meadows is it :dft005:. Can't say I've every started a fire above my head, or been likened to a human barometer, though. 😀

Thanks 🙂

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Hi daz,

Interesting... I can relate to some of that... not exactly exactly a smooth, dreamy skip through flowery meadows is it :dft005:. Can't say I've every started a fire above my head, or been likened to a human barometer, though. 😀

Thanks 🙂

I think there are varying degrees of turbulence had / felt (lol) . I would say it would depend on the state of one's mind body energy fields (physical / mental / emotional / spiritual) at the point of one's awakening kundalini .

Many can resist and suppress the transformation / metamorphasis which can make the journey more uncomfortable . I suppose surrendering to the process what is called for . This is where I am at at present ..It's like all or nothing hahah .

What was also interesting was for a two week period that seemed to happen in successive years was where I would wake up and find it difficult to breathe and swallow .. I remember getting up and sticking my head out of the window (lol) gasping for breath . . I had no cold / flu / infection that could account for such possible symptoms .

I have done a little more research of other peoples kundalini awakening symptoms and one lady in particular mentioned that her breathing and swallowing symptoms came about due to the fact that the kundalini traveled through the heart and throat center one night and caused these symptoms ..

When the heart and throat chakras open so to speak these are classic symptoms .

I wonder how many more symptoms people are suffering from that are charkra related without them knowing . No wonder doctors have a difficult task in diagnosing ailments (lol) .
Barking up the wrong tree comes to mind .

x dazzle x

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I think there are varying degrees of turbulence had / felt (lol) . I would say it would depend on the state of one's mind body energy fields (physical / mental / emotional / spiritual) at the point of one's awakening kundalini .

Many can resist and suppress the transformation / metamorphasis which can make the journey more uncomfortable . I suppose surrendering to the process what is called for . This is where I am at at present ..It's like all or nothing hahah .

What was also interesting was for a two week period that seemed to happen in successive years was where I would wake up and find it difficult to breathe and swallow .. I remember getting up and sticking my head out of the window (lol) gasping for breath . . I had no cold / flu / infection that could account for such possible symptoms .

I have done a little more research of other peoples kundalini awakening symptoms and one lady in particular mentioned that her breathing and swallowing symptoms came about due to the fact that the kundalini traveled through the heart and throat center one night and caused these symptoms ..

When the heart and throat chakras open so to speak these are classic symptoms .

I wonder how many more symptoms people are suffering from that are charkra related without them knowing . No wonder doctors have a difficult task in diagnosing ailments (lol) .
Barking up the wrong tree comes to mind .

x dazzle x

I'm not sure, daz - the part's I related to weren't the physical symptoms - no food intolerance, hot flushes etc. The only time I've felt the necessity to seek the opinion of a doctor over the whole period, was with my knee injury a couple of months ago. Which is fine now, btw.

I'm pretty sure though that there must be people experiencing physical symptoms of kundalini stuff (not necessarily accepting that is what is going on with me), and are struggling to find a physical cause :o.

In your research have you come across anyone who considers themselves to be qualfied to advise others on what they may (or may not), be going through?

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I'm not sure, daz - the part's I related to weren't the physical symptoms - no food intolerance, hot flushes etc. The only time I've felt the necessity to seek the opinion of a doctor over the whole period, was with my knee injury a couple of months ago. Which is fine now, btw.

I'm pretty sure though that there must be people experiencing physical symptoms of kundalini stuff (not necessarily accepting that is what is going on with me), and are struggling to find a physical cause :o.

In your research have you come across anyone who considers themselves to be qualfied to advise others on what they may (or may not), be going through?

I have found this website [url]Biology of Kundalini - A Science and Protocol of Spiritual Alchemy[/url] to be most thorough .

I would say anyone that has experienced the kundalini rising and has understood the relationship / process of such a thing is qualified (in my eyes) don't suppose there is an exam you can take hahah that will qualify anyone with a certificate (lol) .

Like I said many that experience the rising kundalini will be unique so to speak energetically speaking so some will have the lower chakras open and perhaps not the higher one's so will experience different symptoms .

It could be difficult to relate to some aspects of one's experience in that respect, it just so happens that I can relate to so much of what has been said regarding other peoples symptoms which has helped me understand aspects that I was not aware of ..

Glad your knees sorted ..btw ..

x daz x

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I would say anyone that has experienced the kundalini rising and has understood the relationship / process of such a thing is qualified (in my eyes) don't suppose there is an exam you can take hahah that will qualify anyone with a certificate (lol) .

I didn't mean had sat an exam in order to qualify:D. But, anyone living, (not a book) who felt certain enough in their own experience to say, "Yes, you are at this stage. No need for a medical doctor." etc..

I have found this website [url]Biology of Kundalini - A Science and Protocol of Spiritual Alchemy[/url] to be most thorough .

Like I said many that experience the rising kundalini will be unique so to speak energetically speaking so some will have the lower chakras open and perhaps not the higher one's so will experience different symptoms .

It could be difficult to relate to some aspects of one's experience in that respect, it just so happens that I can relate to so much of what has been said regarding other peoples symptoms which has helped me understand aspects that I was not aware of ..

There has to be similarities... or you, and other people, wouldn't be able to relate to the experiences...

Glad your knees sorted ..btw ..

Thank You:)

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I didn't mean had sat an exam in order to qualify:D. But, anyone living, (not a book) who felt certain enough in their own experience to say, "Yes, you are at this stage. No need for a medical doctor." etc..

I don’t know anyone that is qualified who could make that judgement call W.S. I am sure there are people out there that would be able to ascertain what’s going on to some degree . I think part of the journey for the individual is to get to know their own energy on all levels . My symptoms didn’t add up to be honest and that alone made me think that what was happening to me was for a reason that coincided with my self healing work . Everything kinda pointed to a mass clear out / cleanse / transformation .
Like I said it has only been a few weeks since It made sense that is what the kundalini although there was many pointers to the fact that is was, I just didn’t see the signs (until now) .

There has to be similarities... or you, and other people, wouldn't be able to relate to the experiences...

Absolutely, but what I am saying is that each unique energy signature differs . For someone with a high hara count will have less digestive troubles than someone who’s count is low . An individual that has an open heart chakra will have less pressure / symptoms of the chest area than one whose heart center is slow / closed / blocked .

The kundalini experience for me has been at the heart of my subconscious / conscious need to purify all self aspects . What is not pure stands out like a sore thumb because the kundalini is met with resistance . Some kundalini’s I would say can potentially rise as effortlessly as a flower that opens on the other hand it can be likened to giving birth to a 12lb baby . (lol)

The flow can be met with grace or by force .. It will rise nevertheless . I have seen whilst doing some research though that eating certain foods or by stopping yoga / meditations can reduce the symptoms but in a way that’s kinda fear based . I would say having an understanding of what going on can help immensely ..

x daz x

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In your research have you come across anyone who considers themselves to be qualfied to advise others on what they may (or may not), be going through?

Hi. New here. Im an intuitive healer. I wouldnt use the term qualified but I may be the closest your likely to find. I can have and do advise others on their kundalini issues. I can see kundalini clairvoyantly and tell you whether its causing problems. I can also fix most of those problems. Chakras can get overloaded and shut down from it. Symptoms can be extreme.

Most people that experience problems like kundalini syndrome do so because they have awakened their kundalini before they are ready for it. Accidental or deliberate the result is the same. The intensity experienced is determined by how close their energy levels are to the kundalini energy. If you are close to being strong enough you will experience the smooth ride. If there is a big jump then the kundalini will be intense and damaging. Having clear chakras and channels is also necessary to smooth flow but if the chakras are not strong enough they can still be overloaded.

As a healer I am able to balance kundalini energies. Slow down the flow or send it back to sleep. Most problems are with kundalini energy not the kundalini itself. This occurs when the energy field is not strong enough to balance kundalini and so it releases a constant flow of energy to try and bring your levels up to match it. The kundalini itself is much stronger but even those lower levels can be too much for the unprepared.

Its always best to rule out medical issues before relying solely on spiritual explanations or healings but the two can work in parallel.
