Kabbalah and Philosophy: An Explosion of Opposites
I am listening everyday Kabbalahlessons for a few years now. Found this particular series worth of sharing with others.
Andit will continue daily, at 10pm EST on
It is based on the article
[url]"The Wisdom of Kabbalah and Philosophy"[/url]
"What is Spirituality?
Philosophy has gone through a great deal of trouble to prove that corporeality is the offspring of spirituality and that the soul begets the body. Still, their words are not acceptable to the heart in any manner. Their primary mistake is their erroneous perception of spirituality, that spirituality fathered corporeality, which is certainly a fib."
You can download the full lesson for free here:
[url]wmv video[/url]
[url]mp3 audio[/url]
(55 min. | 15-07-07)
Well, I've been sent many files in various formats ... but not being a computer technology boffin, I don't know how to open or use them all. A few will open, like repetitions of the same instructions about pre-course 'homework': colouring in the letters on thick white card. I have no printer, but could copy them by hand, I suppose. But many files won't work on my old-ish pc & it's too complicated to work out how to download programmes to open them. (Don't think I've enough space left for new programmes, as my pc is about 8 or 9 yrs old & fairly stuffed full.)
It all seems overloaded with complication before it's even started. Where's any hint of spirituality? I'm not sure this course is for me, (or rather, that I'm up for all the necessary techno-wizardry) but I'll wait & see what transpires.
Apologies to the others for the off-topic, but we may as well go through it here:
Hi V
Don Genaro relates how, after a seeker completes his quest, he tries to find his way back to his home village, Ixtlan. But he can no longer find it: for him, its gone for ever, because his whole world has changed so as to be unrecognisable.
That's how I recall it. You get the gist, I'm sure.
Ah, yes. A common truth in all spiritual paths, actually. "There's no way back". Because we are changed forever by real change, and all outer appearances are then perceived differently. For me, reading Castaneda in my mid-to-late teens, this became literal: I just had to get away from my hometown (Coventry) as it was so (it seemed) trite. It was a place actually too associated with my former more-mundane life. So I upped and left it for decades. "Journey To Ixtlan" or "Sent From Coventry"? 🙂
Hi Starshower***
I think copying by hand is fine - that's what I had to do on a workshop once - just make sure you have an assortment of coloured crayons/pencils.
I can remember a tarot book I bought by Paul Foster Case and the images were all black and white ready to be coloured in.
I've got the prog downloads done and just have to get some white card.
As you say V there is a baffling amoung of mail.
You speak in the spirit of a true Qabalist David it's very refreshing to read your posts.
Well, I've been sent many files in various formats ... but not being a computer technology boffin, I don't know how to open or use them all. A few will open, like repetitions of the same instructions about pre-course 'homework': colouring in the letters on thick white card. I have no printer, but could copy them by hand, I suppose. But many files won't work on my old-ish pc & it's too complicated to work out how to download programmes to open them. (Don't think I've enough space left for new programmes, as my pc is about 8 or 9 yrs old & fairly stuffed full.)
It all seems overloaded with complication before it's even started. Where's any hint of spirituality? I'm not sure this course is for me, (or rather, that I'm up for all the necessary techno-wizardry) but I'll wait & see what transpires.
Having such an old PC by today's standards, I'm not sure if all downloads will work, but the downloads are out there and probably all for free. I'm not a techie wizard either but if maybe someone else can point right now to where to try free downloads from. If not, I'll get back to you after today. It should just be a question of free downloading. (TBH I have to go back and remind myself what's needed first to comment more fully, but I have it all.)
However, mind you, not having a printer clearly stops - well - you printing. You could just go to your local library, though (free to join and go online, a bit to print) or a net cafe, and print off there.
I guess the "complication" part comes in as it's online, not a de facto teacher-pupil experience. Mind you, that gets far more complicated!! :p
Where is the spirituality? And is this course for us? Not having begun, I can't comment on the first. You know, I do suspect that all of us thinking about doing this on HP already have our prime and core spiritual Paths underway and clear to us, and that this is just an add-on, right? It's true for me, and it sounds like it's true for us all here, that we are not exactly "seeking" or desperate. So to begin, we might view it as a 'spiritual game'. I don't mean to demean the originator, but online courses with a bit of a hard sell do (at least from a UK consciousness) have to be viewed that way to begin. We might all get surprised! And maybe one gets out what one puts in.
I'd not have kept interest were it not that we can try it out together, and be fairly honest maybe about what we think?
I think its a good thing not to have too many expectations about anything in life. Otherwise it can turn out to be just as you thought in the first place.;)
I have no idea what it's going to be like. I find it good to keep an open mind. Otherwise you're negative before you start.
Qabalah works in funny ways - it's all about balance and it does show up our imbalances even the techy challenges can highlight an imbalance of Hod (which i do admit to having a smidgin of myself).
Your post reminds me of what a Jewish client of mine said to me when I told her I was studying Qabalah. She said to me what do you want to do that for it will send you mad.:rolleyes:
Just popping in here as Binah's remark above reminded me of something. Two friends of mine have just gone through a very nasty divorce. They were a very happy, devoted and together couple until the husband decided to do a Kabbalah course over the internet (I think he also spent quite a lot on books)
The wife says that from day one of the course he started to change, became agressive, selfish and focused just on his needs and wants and excluded her and his children from his life. He then went off and met another woman and whereas before he would have considered the effect on the whole family as well as his wife, he had changed so much that the whole thing got out of hand.
I'm not trying to knock Kabbalah David - I really don't know anything about it, (apart from the fact that it is mystic Judaism) but Binah's remark reminded me of this and of two very unhappy people. Obviously too, I'm sure that there are many different courses and teachers, some good, perhaps some bad. I guess too that when you get focused on any hobby or religion, others around you can feel excluded. And of course, the divorce might have happened anyway, but certainly this is where his ex-wife puts the blame - she feels it affected him mentally, so maybe Binah's client was right in certain circumstances! :p
Love and peace,
Two friends of mine have just gone through a very nasty divorce. They were a very happy, devoted and together couple until the husband decided to do a Kabbalah course over the internet (I think he also spent quite a lot on books)
The wife says that from day one of the course he started to change, became agressive, selfish and focused just on his needs and wants and excluded her and his children from his life. He then went off and met another woman and whereas before he would have considered the effect on the whole family as well as his wife, he had changed so much that the whole thing got out of hand.
Whoops. Sorry, Judy, but this sounds like fundamentalist panic, big LOL. I don't, TBH, think you have absorbed the vibe of the thread? It's pretty light-hearted. For myself (not wanting to demean the originator of the course, mind you), I've already suggested that we consider it a kind of spiritual 'game'. Rather like that belief-net quiz.
I do realise you were trying to be caring and helpful. Er - nope: it missed the mark. But I for one appreciate the intent. I just find your words to be uninformed (sorry!!) as I think we are all clued in here about what we think about this.
:p:D No divorces, suicides, loss of mind or brainwashing is going to be the result. :D:p
No, hang on ...... I take that back. 😮 The sun has gone down! 😮 I am indeed starting to change. Aggressive, selfish. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
LOL. You were not serious, right?
V xxxx
LOL. You were not serious, right?
V xxxx
Well, I did end it with a :p! As I said V, Binah's remark simply rang a bell and I just posted what came to me - it wasn't fundamentalist panic, I'm sure that my friend's experience was a totally different course with a different teacher. It was simply an observation, not meant to upset anyone, but simply stating what happened in that particular case.
'nuff said. I hope that all of you on this thread continue to have a fun time! 😉
Love and peace,
Hi Judy
Sorry to hear about your friend Judy I don't quite know what to say about their relationship. Out of curiosity what was the online course he did (you can pm me) because i really do believe that if anyone puts this stuff on the web they do have a responsibility to offer support and guidance where needed.
That is why I always worked face to face in groupwork with the assistance of a teacher, which was sound.
Hi Binah,
I so agree - face to face learning in every area of life has to always be the best way, where you have backup from the groups as well, or if you have no option but to use the internet, then you should at least check for credentials, and get references.
Obviously, anyone can post anything on the internet these days and there are a lot of un-principled (excuse the pun) individuals out there, out to make a quick buck and using whatever "product" they latch onto, without perhaps knowing much about it and also unable to offer the support you get in a group or with a teacher you can connect with and feel their honesty and genuiness.
I'm not by the way suggesting that this is the need on this particular thread! 😮
As for which course it was, I'm afraid that because the wife works for me, I've had to back her and have lost touch with the husband, (who also used to work for me, but in a different capacity) or I would ask him.
Love and peace,