I am in the middle of reading a really interesting book and in it a chap tells his son that all books have a soul and that every person that reads them leaves a bit of their soul/spirit in there to be passed on to the next person. Interesting concept, never though of books having a soul before!
Interesting question. I don't think they have souls, but they do carry energy from the author or previous reader.
Second hand books carry information as does jewellery.
I don't think they have souls, but they do carry energy from the author or previous reader.
But is the soul not the person's energy?
But is the soul not the person's energy?
No, I can see how you have linked it, as in a soul is a bundle of energy that is able to leave imprints and information.
However, the question 'do books have souls?' asks would a book have it's own soul? I believe there is more to a soul than a small amount of energy.
I would not be able to gain much information about the previous reader or author from the small trace of energy that is left on a book.
Never really thought about it, but could mean why (6th sense or something) I cannot abide the spine of the book being bent, or am I just being silly ? ! 😀
I think books have souls and love to be loved, therefore I always give my books away once I have finished with them, often leaving them around for someone else to pick up and add their bit of love to it also.
Books of course like any object carry the energy of their life-journey, which is how psychics do psychometry.
Books also carry hidden messages within messages, which is how hypnotherapy works. So it is quite possible, for example, that you read a paragraph and within it is (usually unwittingly) a message that causes insomnia.
I also use books to help with muscle-testing. For example, I open an anatomy book on a page listing certain muscles, point to each one as I muscle-test the client. Now, I'm not good with muscle names, and the client usually has never heard of them, but the book carries their names, and those names have a universal consciousness the client's body talks to me about. I find this a great way of healing stubborn joint pain.
Interesting discussion btw!
This is an interesting topic! I've always wondered whether trees have souls and if trees have souls and books are made up of lots of trees - do books have many souls? I don't think one thing could have more than one soul so I think they all have energy but I don't think they have souls. But I'm not sure! I suppose we can only speculate. Did that make sense? I'm not sure.
But Lavandula, you could argue that the combined souls of seperate trees become one soul if all are connected as One in the universe. Therefore there is never more than one soul in anything whether you consider it in a singular sense or in a collective sense. e.g. you can say that a person has got a soul, but you also say that, when many people get together (for example for a party) then that party has a soul to it, created by the collective souls as One.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
You have a good point Energylz - I hadn't thought of it like that.
It is that reader create soul of book. The same book is so different to different readers. If all people would see my writings as a same way I must feel I failed with that one. Story is print of paper and someone draw cover for it but no one else than you cannot read it like a way like you just did.
I like books, it is material, it is quality of paper, it is weight of it, size of it, smell of it, everything what I can feel but the soul of book, that is what it make me see and feel.
I've read this thread several times in the past and only now feel I want to post on it...
My own thoughts...
Firstly I am thinking of what we mean by a soul in this context as there are various definitions of "soul" and all seem to relate to features of people rather than inanimate objects.
I'm now thinking of what actually is a book. Book is such a generic term and relates to several things. We have the wood or the living tree that was used to create the paper; the bindings of the book that hold all that paper together; the ink on the page that could come from various places... chemicals produced from sources such as oils which are dead trees from millions of years ago, or natural vegatable inks from recently living plants; the words that have been written by an author (or authors) and the editing and re-writing that has been done through the editor and proof readers etc.; the art work for any pictures within the book and on the covers; the people involved in actually creating the paper, printing it (choosing the typeface, inks, machinery etc.), binding it, packaging it, shipping it, unpacking it, selling it and then us ourselves reading it. Is it not all of these things that create the "soul" of the book?
So everyone has a part in creating the book, from the authors and makers, to the reader.
If I take just the commonly expected example of the words of the author, and just look at that a little more...
The author has created a "world" inside their mind, with situations, explanations, characters (real or otherwise), and an expectation of where the book will start, where it will end and what needs to go in-between. They allow that world to play out in their mind over and over again whilst they 'test' storylines and check and double-check that it will go where they want it to go, changing things if necessary to ensure it does. Their creative power is used to put that world down in words, those words being constructed in a fashion that they have learnt from their parents, teachers, friends and from the society in which they live.
We, the receiver of those words, are reading them with our own understanding of the world and who we are in it. We create our own "world" from those words, whilst most commonly we only create it from the start and let it build up as we go along, without any knowledge of where it is leading to. Words are so limiting; We could not possibly be in the same world as the original author, without the forsight of the intentions the author had, without the society and teaching of the author, without the mind of the author.
So, I guess I conclude, that whilst there are "imprints" of the energy from the various sources involved in the creation of the book (the books own "soul" or being) we are taking the book to ourselves and allowing it to give us an insight into our own world, our own "soul", our own "self". We are perhaps opening ourselves up to the recognition of our interdependence with everything connected to the book, so if it is linked with positive happy things we feel our connectedness to that positive happy side of ourselves and if it is linked with negative or dark things we feel that negative and dark connection within ourselves, recognising that we have all these "soul" concepts within us, but that these are our concepts of "soul" and not the "soul" of others.
The same applies to things written elsewhere, such as the words on internet sites, posts on forums, or even words conveyed across other media such as TV and radio. How many times do we find ourselves reading something a second time and getting a different perspective or feeling about it? How many times do we find ourselves hearing/reading words and understanding it differently to someone else.
So a book has a soul, we have a soul, and the touching of these souls triggers us to see ourselves, but I don't feel that we actually take on other souls.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
You have a point there that I can associate with very much.
Any point in particular, or just the whole concept of soul that I came up with while writing that. (I had to read it all again, it was that long ago!) 🙂
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Hi Energy.
I once read a book about the after life. In this book this newly arrived soul, was shown the library in this beautiful place in the spirit world.
As he read the titles of some of the books,the soul realised there were auras coming off the books.
He felt that some books which were about (shall we say horror,murder etc were displaying very muddy or dark auras while those about love,pure love were showing the most beautiful colours he had ever seen.
Alright,this story was only fiction but it made me think that books in their way were alive in the sort of way that made the stories within them show life. I can't prove that books have souls, but we ourselves make them come alive by our very vivid imagination.
Hope that makes sense.
Thanks SHO, that makes perfect sense.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Put in simple terms is - yes we do have have a soul, and rest of our multi dimensional selves too. If we didn't we would not a self here in this world.
This thread isn't really about whether we have souls or not (although it does relate), but whether you feel books have souls?
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Hello, the soul of the Tree also lives within each page of a book, I feel.
love and blessings
lightwinds x
V interesting, what does this mean for ebooks and books on the kindle?
Good topic. Not sure on this one, but I certainly know that books aren't souless...I think that if books have souls they are grown and nurtured i.e. some books can live beyond the lifespan of an author; would this mean that books that aren't regarded highly don't have a soul? hmmm, as I said before, V. Interesting!
Wow - what an interesting question.
I would say no, however the person that wrote it had a soul, and the book could be seen as an extension to their energy/being.
I feel it is quite often accepted that inanimate objects resonate on a level of those who have used them: some psychics can use a piece of jewellery as an anchor to a person, for example. I use photographs of horses to do animal communications with them, and that object hasn't been anywhere near them, so where is that energetic link? to me it is simply a link that is a pin in the map which says "here is the animal you want!" With that in mind, I'm sure there is no reason why a book cannot take on a link to those who have read it, or created it. It feels right to say that. not sure if it has a soul of its own, but an energy unique to that story, that particular piece of paper, the ink, those who have handled it... Oh, to be such a fine-tuned energy worker to unwind the stories a well thumbed book could really hold!
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