When I was a student, I really loved a phrase saying:"the world needs you as you are". Well, sometimes, I feel a bit lonly.
I really beleive that we're all connected and that the new comunity is ready... but some days are feeling like pretty long...!!!
Please react to this and do not leave me on my own with this statment..........
:hippy:Hello Denis,
yes i agree we are all related. you go back in time and you will find a link somewhere, the world is a big place, and its easy to feel alone, when you feel that time is long.
take care
Thanks Blackcorrw
It is good to ffeel the heat of human beings.
I know that it is hard to make it eal sometimes, but still, what is real?
I want to know who's reading without posting? Who are you?
Post a desagreement but talk!!!
I'm not saying that I expect everyone to post an answer but if you visit, leave a track please.
Quote "I want to know who's reading without posting? Who are you?"
but Denis, sometimes we read and have nothing to add
But hello anyway..............:)
Hello Denis:wave:
Yes I believe we are all connected. We are all one, come from one source and go back to the same place.
I do have moments when I really feel that connection and I'm touched how every soul in it's unique way tries to make it's way back home...but those are moments are still a bit rare in my case:)
I want to know who's reading without posting? Who are you?
Post a desagreement but talk!!!
I'm not saying that I expect everyone to post an answer but if you visit, leave a track please.
I know you say that sometimes you feel lonely but demanding people reply to you is probably not the best way to get people to respond. A lot of people browse the forums reading threads but just have no interest in replying to that particular topic. Everyone is different..... but.....
In energetic, and scientific terms, you could say that because Mass equates to Energy and therefore everything in the Universe is energy, that energy must be bonding together in some ways to form different masses, physical forms etc. If energy can bond in such ways then there's no reason to doubt that even the most solidly appearing physical forms also have some energetic connection between them. Hence, we are all one.
Love and Reiki Hugs
thank you Guys
It was good to open the forum this morning and to find messages.
Thank you for this.
I am pretty new on HP and so I don't know yet how it works at this level.
All the best.
here's a buddhist based take on your question:
the notion of a self is an illusion that arises out of awareness.
the notion of a separate subject and object, as self existing entities, is just the attemp of the illusiory self to enterpret experience.
no subject; no object: what is left?
only interrelationship with everchanging loci of awarness...
in fact relationship is awareness... love... as all other experienced emotions [anger and jealousy etc] are based on the delusion of a separate self and and self existing other.
therefore: love is all there is.
peace and love
I know you say that sometimes you feel lonely but demanding people reply to you is probably not the best way to get people to respond.
It worked for me. Hiya Denis.
Loneliness is proof that your innate search for connection is intact.
- Martha Beck
Is not love a delusional emotional of the mind?
Therefore: nothing and everything is all there is.
Love and Reiki Hugs
Is not love a delusional emotional of the mind?
Therefore: nothing and everything is all there is.
i think the answer to this conondrum lies in trying to look at what the word "love" represents:
to continue the argument based on no-self; if love is a word that represents an emotion of attachement to any thing that is an object of perception then this falls into the category of "delusional" emotion.
and under these conditions love is a delusion and you are back at the point where all entities are empty of intrinsic existence and yet all still appears as transient form in interrelationship: nothing and everything is all there is.
my point is that from this position we can establish in experience, a certainty of existence tha i call "love". mahayana buddhist call this variously enlightened nature, enlighened mind and realm of truth.
interestingly a provisional enlightened mind (relative boddhicitta) should be cultivated by the mahayan buddhist in all that he/she does. relative boddhicitta ia a compassionate desire to work to become enlightened in order to liberate all beings from suffering.
perhaps the final delusion is empathetic compasion and lovingkindness because it is based on a perception of self and others?
but perhaps the final delusion is really to doubt that empathetic compasion and love is not merely the means of attaining enlightenement but is enlightenement itself? and that the ground of all being, the sources of all being and the end of all being is love?
peace and love
Is not love a delusional emotional of the mind?
Love and Reiki Hugs
Why then not 'Delusional emotion of the mind and Reiki Hugs'?:)
Well, when you put it like that.... 😉
Because the love is given without attachment rather than attached love.
(the gift of...) Love and Reiki Hugs
Hi Denis, Of course we are all connected, by all manner of things. Love, emotions, life. The air we breath and the water we drink, by race and creed.
What we dont always do is communicate with each other very well.
There is always seems to be barriers to break down first.....with race, religion and even just points of view......
But rest assured we are ALL connected in some way
Oakapple xx
Web of Life - a Native American prayer
Teach your children what we have taught our children - that the Earth is our Mother.
Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth.
If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves. This we know.
The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth. This we know.
All things are connected like the blood that unites one family.
All things are connected.
Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons and daughters of the Earth.
We did not weave the web of life;
We are merely a strand in it.
Whatever we do to the Web, We do to ourselves.
Chief Seattle
Mitakuye Oyasin, ..........which means for all our relations.
Thank you all for your comments.
It is good to just read what you know sometimes.
That's probably another sign of connection.
I know, you know, we know, but the need of hearing it again...
I want to know who's reading without posting? Who are you?
Post a desagreement but talk!!!
Well, okay. I did have a thought on the subject title, but then when I read your OP, it seemed less relavant. But now that you said this, I'll post my thoughts anyway.
I do believe we are all connected. I believe the most accurate model of the universe is what it is as a whole - that is, the one thing that it is in its entirety. Human beings have evolved to perceive the separate and independent objects that make up the universe, and this to us is the most intuitive view, but it's intuitive only because this is the best way for our species to relate to the universe given the roll that we play in it - that is, in order for us to survive in the unique environment we have been placed in.
I believe that the universe, in its current state (with countless material bodies and enormous amounts of energy scattered across vast distances of space) is an expression of the singularity it once was at the moment of the Big Bang. Every stage or point in the unfolding of the universe is a different way of expressing this singularity. It's like looking up words in a dictionary. The word itself is a singular unit, but in order to express its meaning, it must be articulated as a series of words (a sentence) - sometimes multiple sentences - sometimes examples - some dictionaries even give a hostorical account of the word's origins. Or it's like a mathematical equation: 1 = 0.5 + 0.5 = 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25 = 0.1 + 0.1...
So every component of the universe, including each and every one of us, is a vital part that the universe could not be what it is without.
I don't know if that's what you meant by "connected", but I gathered you like responses nonetheless.
You're so right
You're so right,
I like answers. You can't imagine how much I love answers.
With time, I am starting to be more interested with the questions.
Trust is for me the key word.
When it's becoming too cerebral, it is a bad sign... I think that our brain is pretty bad to translate our emotions.
Your text looks to me like you were trying to translate your emotions.
It's fine and you are more than welcome anytime to come back to me with your emotions.
Warm wishes
Yeah, I guess there was some emotion in my post. I do feel passionate about all this deep, philosophical, spiritual stuff and so I let a lot of emotion flow into my writing.
What do you mean my trust? Is this your way of establishing a connection with others? I can see this being opposed to "cerebral" as you put it - what with our always trying to justify, with rational and sober thought, why we should trust one another.
Spot On
Hello Gib,
That's exactly what I wanted to say...
I think that love does not need our brain and that our brain is often a parasite to emotions.
let it be and enjoy.
I am talking to myself too.
It is very easy to forget and get "asleep" again!!!
Warm wishes
the World is Connected
Hello All,
Yes the world connects in that way that we are interlocking to the apparent connecting matters that come forward through the particulars of the day as this brings about the partnering prospects we see that we are not alone to create a time through the day reality is a creative way to bring about the projective increments of the ways that we look at the balancing that is possible in everyday life so the days may be long the projective creation is a part of the ways that we move the particulars to the journeys Interests is a possible way to look at where and what we are doing....
Hello All,
Yes the world connects in that way that we are interlocking to the apparent connecting matters that come forward through the particulars of the day as this brings about the partnering prospects we see that we are not alone to create a time through the day reality is a creative way to bring about the projective increments of the ways that we look at the balancing that is possible in everyday life so the days may be long the projective creation is a part of the ways that we move the particulars to the journeys Interests is a possible way to look at where and what we are doing....
Eh? I think we have a faulty connection there Gypsee.:)