This is my first post on here and I've managed to make it a slightly embarassing one so I hope no one minds!
I'm really hoping that someone can give me an idea on the following as I'm puzzled and would like to know what is going on.
I do a Japanese breathing meditation based on the 'hara' each day (it's from a tradition form of Reiki) and I always get strong sensations of, ahem, arousal (that's as much as I want to say!). When I first started practising this form of meditation a couple of months ago I sometimes saw colours in my mind's eye but more recently this has been happening....Anyone heard of this, experienced it, or know what it's about? :confused:
Let it be. whatever it is. I am not a fan of kundalini. Mine awakened when I was very young so lots of phenomemon and plenty so called spiritual experiences happened. But what was the value in it? Nothing! No peace, no deepening of awaareness, no surrender...just empty circus of meditations and sensations. I often wonder what was that all about!!
I'm inclined to agree. Most of the 'phenomena' I've detailed previously in this thread is still happening but to what end? Not sure, it will have to show me, I can't figure it out!
hiya mouse really enjoyed following your thread.....
has i was trying to get answers ,for when i meditate...got a few,
but still not the answers i wanted..
nice to see you came back..was wondering how you are...:)
🙂 What answers were you after, I'm curious!
Hello Jnani,
Would you say that a Guru was always necessary? Did or do you have a Guru?
..sorry Mouse for stepping onto your thread like this....
Hi Wildstrawberry
There can be instances of sudden enlightenment, where a guru is not needed, there was not even a 'seeking' that led to it, just out of blue, but that happens rarely... where mind just gets wiped away for a short time and reality is seen as it is...That is not the norm though. For instane I could not hope and pray for sudden enlightenment.
I know guru is a tabooed word in West, but from my own experience, unless there is a deep heart connection with a guru, mind cannot drown in its own source.
The subtle traps of mind are laid bare only when one is in deep heart connection.
Yes. Osho has been my root guru( he was not in body when I fell in love with him) but through being in love with him guidance from living gurus/teachers as and when they were needed.
My path (if one must use that word) ended with Ed Muzika. Through his guidance and in heart connection with him, finally dissolving happened.
I can say that without this heart connection with Ed, the root of suffering would have still been in place, no matter how clever, wise, peaceful, expanded etc etc etc I had become.
Your open heart to a guru is only thing needed to burn that seed fo suffering. Thats the biggest challenge there is- mind is looking to cop out, to save itself. In saving itself its loosing it!
OK - Thanks Jnani.
Really interesting thread especially hearing of your experiences. Kundalini is slowly awaking. Keep on meditating and try to remain detached observer and allow what may come, come.
Just wondering apart from the heat, are you experiencing things like headaches etc.
Really interesting thread especially hearing of your experiences. Kundalini is slowly awaking. Keep on meditating and try to remain detached observer and allow what may come, come.
Just wondering apart from the heat, are you experiencing things like headaches etc.
Very slowly I would say! 🙂 I no longer meditate daily and am more detached about it, part of my life now as it is always there to some extent.
I do get the odd flicker of headache but I sustained a concussion a year ago and developed post concussion syndrome so it is probably to do with this.
Hi mouse16,
I've just been reading this very interesting thread and I thought I'd share whats been going on with me. I don't know if you'd class this as a 'similar' experience, but for about a year or so, whenever I meditate, I get this involuntary rocking going on which seems to originate somewhere within my body (not always sure exactly where) and slowly becomes a physical movement. Sometimes the rocking is more of a circular movement. Then occasionally there is an occasional shudder or jolt. Eventually it dies down, but sometimes starts off again! Don't really know what to make of it and no one has really been able to give me an acceptable explanation for it. Also different people say different things! Well....these days, I just try to relax into it.....but a part of me is always intrigued!
Crystal elf
Hi mouse16,
I've just been reading this very interesting thread and I thought I'd share whats been going on with me. I don't know if you'd class this as a 'similar' experience, but for about a year or so, whenever I meditate, I get this involuntary rocking going on which seems to originate somewhere within my body (not always sure exactly where) and slowly becomes a physical movement. Sometimes the rocking is more of a circular movement. Then occasionally there is an occasional shudder or jolt. Eventually it dies down, but sometimes starts off again! Don't really know what to make of it and no one has really been able to give me an acceptable explanation for it. Also different people say different things! Well....these days, I just try to relax into it.....but a part of me is always intrigued!
Crystal elf
Ah yes, I definitely had this rocking thing when I used to meditate. I think it is energy moving somehow. Perhaps when you meditate the energy of pent up stress/tension/anxiety etc. is able to release and flow? I think we 'hold' ourselves in tension quite a lot in daily life.....Either that or it is some kind of tuning into the universe type thing! 🙂
Can so relate to this. Even after 8 years of meditating I sometimes I get it, not always but sometimes. My master explained that it would be to do with blockages on the different layers of our being. So advised to be as relaxed as possible, detached observer and just witness.
It's all good as you are starting to stir things within so these things sometimes happen I guess 🙂
Hi mouse16,
I've just been reading this very interesting thread and I thought I'd share whats been going on with me. I don't know if you'd class this as a 'similar' experience, but for about a year or so, whenever I meditate, I get this involuntary rocking going on which seems to originate somewhere within my body (not always sure exactly where) and slowly becomes a physical movement. Sometimes the rocking is more of a circular movement. Then occasionally there is an occasional shudder or jolt. Eventually it dies down, but sometimes starts off again! Don't really know what to make of it and no one has really been able to give me an acceptable explanation for it. Also different people say different things! Well....these days, I just try to relax into it.....but a part of me is always intrigued!
Crystal elf
[Ah yes, I definitely had this rocking thing when I used to meditate. I think it is energy moving somehow. Perhaps when you meditate the energy of pent up stress/tension/anxiety etc. is able to release and flow? I think we 'hold' ourselves in tension quite a lot in daily life.....Either that or it is some kind of tuning into the universe type thing! :)]
Hmmm......I suppose that could be going on, but I do wonder why it only started relatively recently. Have I suddenly become more tense and anxious? Or has my body just decided that it no longer wants to habitually hold on to this any longer when it was perhaps okay in the past.
Also, I briefly experienced a buzzing as well for about a week or so about a month ago though it wasn't as strong as what you seem to have experienced and was quite localized in the perineum area.
Can so relate to this. Even after 8 years of meditating I sometimes I get it, not always but sometimes. My master explained that it would be to do with blockages on the different layers of our being. So advised to be as relaxed as possible, detached observer and just witness.
It's all good as you are starting to stir things within so these things sometimes happen I guess 🙂
Ha......perhaps I have lots of blockages!!!:eek:
Ha......perhaps I have lots of blockages!!!:eek:
Me too, meditation I suppose is the equivalent of strong bleach 😀
Also, I briefly experienced a buzzing as well for about a week or so about a month ago though it wasn't as strong as what you seem to have experienced and was quite localized in the perineum area.
That may well be Kundalini stirring, it started like that with me.