This is my first post on here and I've managed to make it a slightly embarassing one so I hope no one minds!
I'm really hoping that someone can give me an idea on the following as I'm puzzled and would like to know what is going on.
I do a Japanese breathing meditation based on the 'hara' each day (it's from a tradition form of Reiki) and I always get strong sensations of, ahem, arousal (that's as much as I want to say!). When I first started practising this form of meditation a couple of months ago I sometimes saw colours in my mind's eye but more recently this has been happening....Anyone heard of this, experienced it, or know what it's about? :confused:
Hi, and I'm wondering if you are a man as well as a mouse .. sorry, couldn't resist that.
In men, Kundalini rising through the sacral chakra is known to cause an erection. Just watch your thoughts and pictures like clouds in the sky and continue.
Try not to get to ttached to signs of progress or the reverse. These things are said to unfold at their own pace.
Nice one! :), no I'm female. Hmmm...I wonder, also have heat at the base of my spine, not sure if that is part of whatever is going on. Am trying to remain detached but it does seem strange...
Hello Mouse welcome to HP there is a chapter on this kind of thing in a book called The Liquid Light of Sex by Barbara Hand Clow, it's about Kundalini rising and key life transitions, if you want to read it I recommend asking your local library as it is quite expensive and although an excellent book it doesn't quite warrent the price.
Rebecca x
Nice one! :), no I'm female. Hmmm...I wonder, also have heat at the base of my spine, not sure if that is part of whatever is going on. Am trying to remain detached but it does seem strange...
Hi Mouse
13 years ago I was on holiday in India and had a spontaneous kundalini awakening. I had no idea what was happening - but I found myself very.....aroused:D. (Too much information, I'm sure and No, I don't want to go into detail.:cool:)
Anyway, what's happening to you is sure to be lower chakra activity. At least you know about stuff like this and can take things slowly and take advice. As you continue meditating your higher chakras will come into play and the energy will rise. Don't worry - go with the flow. It's a real privilege and honour. It's like you're one of the chosen ones:p and very blessed. Keep us posted and don't freak out....
'gopi krishna kundalini' into Google will reveal a great many results, many to his book, of which this one gives an excerpt:
It's long, but hopefully of interest, and ... possibly ... a gentle warning.
With all due respect, Hol, I have to say that Gopi Krishna's book is possibly not the best place to start an investigation into Kundalini nowadays. It's quite old now and is, as you say, pretty scary. I don't think it's necessary for anyone to go through the kind of thing that he did and he suffered because he had no access to information. Nowadays with the web and Google there are far more modern, western based accounts of how to manage this kind of awakening. Best advice I think is not to force anything, just to take it easy and let it unfold at its own pace. (Or I should say Her own pace, as Kundalini is seen as an aspect of the Goddess.)
This video on youtube gives a much less frightening account of a kundalini awakening:
Thanks to everyone for your helpful comments - especially the book recommendation from Rebecca (had a quick look on Amazon and it's available for a tenner!). They are much appreciated. This sounds like a scary thing but all I've done is my little meditation (eeeek)! Will keep you posted.....
Don't worry, Mouse. It's all good! But do bear in mind that no one has the definitive version - everyone's experience is unique. Just because something happens to someone else, don't assume that it will happen to you in the same way. But it IS an awakening - your eyes (all your eyes!) will be more open from now on. You will be aware....
I now have very warm feet and legs... and in my irreverent way I'm hoping that this part will continue for the Winter!
Dora from Ancient Magik, Ely
Hi Mouse
Seeing colour is quite common during mediation, especially when you do Reiki. Being a Reili healer myself, you will find that the colours are connected to energy especially green and purple, the more you practice the more you are likely to see.
A good introduction to Kundalini energy and exercises to help with it are detailed in a book called "Kundalini and the Chakras" by Genevieve Lewis Poulson:
I would certainly recommend this book as an introductory and practical one.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
A good introduction to Kundalini energy and exercises to help with it are detailed in a book called "Kundalini and the Chakras" by Genevieve Lewis Poulson:
I would certainly recommend this book as an introductory and practical one.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Thanks, I did buy this one recently - good to hear it comes recommended! To be honest I'm not sure whether to do specific exercises to help things along or to just carry on meditating in the same way and see what happens. I feel there is a balance between these that I need to reach...
Thanks, I did buy this one recently - good to hear it comes recommended! To be honest I'm not sure whether to do specific exercises to help things along or to just carry on meditating in the same way and see what happens. I feel there is a balance between these that I need to reach...
If I were you, I wouldn't even consider trying to 'help things along'. Just carry on meditating and let it all unfold in its own good time.
Yes..think you're right. Need to let things unfold...it's well beyond my understanding anyway, think I know this deep down but get anxious or over-analytical!
Find yourself a good spiritual teacher, do some regular practice of meditation and let your energy purify and raise at your own pace as Sunanda so rightly says.
Albert Einstein said "those who would preserve the spirit must also look after the body to which it is attached". I would add to that in my experience the emotions and mental attitudes need also to be purified for progress spiritually to be made.
Find yourself a good spiritual teacher, do some regular practice of meditation and let your energy purify and raise at your own pace as Sunanda so rightly says.
Albert Einstein said "those who would preserve the spirit must also look after the body to which it is attached". I would add to that in my experience the emotions and mental attitudes need also to be purified for progress spiritually to be made.
Finding a good spiritual teacher is, I'm afraid, much easier said than done. I feel it's more the case that they find you. I am already doing regular meditation, which may be why this is happening.
Finding a good spiritual teacher is, I'm afraid, much easier said than done. I feel it's more the case that they find you. I am already doing regular meditation, which may be why this is happening.
I couldn't agree more, Mouse. When you are ready, a teacher will present him/herself. Meanwhile though, keep alert, watch the papers/posters to see if anyone will be speaking near you. Have a browse through the MBS section of a good bookshop; if a book falls off the shelf at your feet (as has been known to happen), buy it! Just be aware and follow the signposts. It's like a treasure hunt really and can be great fun. Be open to everything and just put one foot after another. Keep us posted. (And don't forget that one man's spiritual teacher is another's ripoff. We are all one - but different!;))
I couldn't agree more, Mouse. When you are ready, a teacher will present him/herself.
My teacher arrived by a series of coincidences through a friend - it is a two way thing I know they say when the pupil is ready the master will appear - so the 'readyness' can often be a spiritual longing and part of your process in spiritual development.
As you start the work on yourself you become like a magnet and attract to you the right person at the right time. Be open to synchronicities once you are on the path - it might be a leaflet you see somewhere, or a friend recommending someone. It is of the time, of the essence of the moment, as without so within, as above so below. 🙂
Om Namah Shivayah
Yes..think you're right. Need to let things unfold...it's well beyond my understanding anyway, think I know this deep down but get anxious or over-analytical!
I think your right on both counts. Let things unfold naturally, yes. And part of this is not to get into traps of thinking about things too much. A big part of meditation is about getting a little distance from our thought processes. We magnify or distort so much of our experience with the way we get into thinking traps trying to work out what's going on or what we need to do.
And when it comes to a teacher, that can be just another thought trap. A good teacher helps to reassure us not to get worried or anxious. I'm not pretending that a good teacher might not help in other ways but I think that helping us not to think too much about things is a big part of it.
It may take quite a lot of self confidence to be able to not get caught up in our thinking without a teacher but it's not so unusual to find a way through without reliance on a guide or guru. In fact relying on a teacher can be just another thought trap we will one day have to let go of.
We can learn from many people, some may be some kind of teacher, some may not. And our own experience has all the lessons we need along the way and they these lessons may come from nowhere else at all apart from deep inside our own selves.
Thought I'd put a little update on here and if anyone is experiencing the same, or has done in the past, I'd love to hear from you!
It's all about heat at the base of the spine now - for most of the day and pretty intense. Also extends down legs. I'm sitting at work feeling like there's a heater inside me! Wonder what will happen next? I know it's not good for me to question or try to analyse too much...but feeling just a little freaked!
Hi mouse,
I've never had heat in the sacrum and down the legs but I have had intense heat in other places in the body. In my experience the heat has been there mainly during meditation. But one occasion it was all down the left side of my torso and lasted for the best part of a whole week, while I lay in bed. I have had intense heat in my toes and often get sensations of warmth in the belly, the chest area and the at the top of the back in and between the shoulder blades. I have found and continue to find these sensations very pleasant and somehow and think they are having a healing effect.
I've had all sorts of other sensations that move through the body and I still haven't really had a sensible explanation from anyone about what is going on. I'm just telling you this to let you know that you're not the only person in the world who has come up with similar sensations and doesn't really understand them.
As with all sensations in meditation practice, it is best to bring a gentle curiousity to them but not let your attention get drawn too much into them. If your mind starts to get into a busy mode go back to an object to rest your attention on like your breath. If you're getting caught up in thinking or worrying about these sensations at work try and go for a five minute break and make a cup of tea. Just keep you mind observing the feelings in different parts of your body or just on your breath as you walk. I'd also recommend very gentle forms of yoga. But above all remember to make a note to be gentle to yourself every moment. And you cannot be gentle to yourself if you don't think about others in the same way.
Getting caught up in fear is not good so try not to be freaked. In the end it's just a process of things and I believe it's a good one and a sign of an increasing sense of love that is gently clearing blockages in your subtle body, whatever that is. Try to see that whatever is happening is a process of a loving presence moving though your body and in your experience. Some say this process is the work of a goddess as you know.
It's all about heat at the base of the spine now
It's kundalini, Mouse, opening your lower chakras. It will move up eventually. Norbu's right - don't obsess about it. And don't fear.
Hi mouse,
I've never had heat in the sacrum and down the legs but I have had intense heat in other places in the body. In my experience the heat has been there mainly during meditation. But one occasion it was all down the left side of my torso and lasted for the best part of a whole week, while I lay in bed. I have had intense heat in my toes and often get sensations of warmth in the belly, the chest area and the at the top of the back in and between the shoulder blades. I have found and continue to find these sensations very pleasant and somehow and think they are having a healing effect.
I've had all sorts of other sensations that move through the body and I still haven't really had a sensible explanation from anyone about what is going on. I'm just telling you this to let you know that you're not the only person in the world who has come up with similar sensations and doesn't really understand them.
As with all sensations in meditation practice, it is best to bring a gentle curiousity to them but not let your attention get drawn too much into them. If your mind starts to get into a busy mode go back to an object to rest your attention on like your breath. If you're getting caught up in thinking or worrying about these sensations at work try and go for a five minute break and make a cup of tea. Just keep you mind observing the feelings in different parts of your body or just on your breath as you walk. I'd also recommend very gentle forms of yoga. But above all remember to make a note to be gentle to yourself every moment. And you cannot be gentle to yourself if you don't think about others in the same way.
Getting caught up in fear is not good so try not to be freaked. In the end it's just a process of things and I believe it's a good one and a sign of an increasing sense of love that is gently clearing blockages in your subtle body, whatever that is. Try to see that whatever is happening is a process of a loving presence moving though your body and in your experience. Some say this process is the work of a goddess as you know.
Thank you for your thoughtful words. Am probably being a bit of a baby but the heat is all day, not just when I meditate and I'm surprised by the intensity (especially today, when it seems to be amping up like crazy!) Sometimes I think, this is so strange I must be imagining it but it's an obvious feeling so know that I'm not. It's good that you find the heat sensations pleasant, if you have a feeling that they are healing I'm sure you are right.
The thing is all sorts of things can grab our attention and they can grow in our awareness when this happens. I don't honestly know what is going on in your experience but the same rule applies to all experience from my point of view. Just be with it, let it be, acknowledge it with a non-judgmental awareness, with curiosity, with gentleness, just one moment at at time. If you can, go back to watching your breath to keep the mind from running round and round in circles.
If you have any doubt, go and see your doctor and get a medical opinion. There may be some organic cause but the same rule of how to be with it is the applies whatever the cause (outlined above). And whatever the actual cause for the sensations you experience, this approach will help your body to respond naturally to heal itself or even transform itself.
The way we experience things is as much about our nervous system as what is going on in the rest of our bodies. Strange sensations do seem to happen when we integrate our thinking, feeling, sensing with our physiology. I wonder if you have ever tried doing a body scan? If you haven't I'd recommend it. Just lie on your back, relax, sink into the weight of your body, watch the sensations of your breath, each outbreath sink a little deeper into the weight of your body, relax a little more. Then slowly pass your attention over every part of your body, and imagine breathing into it and out of it. Just see if there is any feeling there. If there is just notice it and if there isn't just notice that too. When you have finished just lie there and breath into and out of your whole body for a while. Then when you have finished stretch and slowly get up. Do this everyday and see what happens. Things seem to happen after a week or two of carrying out this practice. What it does is makes new nervous connections to the way you sense all different parts of your body. It integrates your nervous system with your body, it balances things out, and brings into awareness parts of your body that might be holding things and so can bring into awareness in dreams of feeling things that you have buried somewhere. Doing this helps any transformative process take place without obstruction. It helps to unblock blockages and let the energy of nervous sensations move more easily through your body, not getting blocked at certain points.
If you have any doubt, go and see your doctor and get a medical opinion. There may be some organic cause but the same rule of how to be with it is the applies whatever the cause (outlined above).
Ooh, I doubt that your doctor would have a clue...he'd probably put you on either painkillers or antidepressants! I read a book about kundalini awakenings that mentioned one woman generating such heat that she left a scorch mark on a wooden table.
Just a quick google on 'heat generated by kundalini awakenings' produced this:
Kundalini heat is generated by the nervous system. It is felt mostly in the pelvis, and up the spine, especially on the left side of the body, but the entire body temperature is raised a little as well. The majority of the heat produced during kundalini occurs in the sacral and lumbar spine
There are loads of entries. Why not have a look?
Ooh, I doubt that your doctor would have a clue...he'd probably put you on either painkillers or antidepressants!
Yes I know you're right here. It's good you picked this up. It's always a difficult ethical issue. I guess I think people should always be encouraged to think about the options.
Hmmmm, will try the body scan. Am generally feeling a bit calmer about it now... well until the next weirdy thing happens! Did some research on the net to see if there are any medical conditions that cause heat sensations like this but couldn't find anything. Will check out the kundalini heat stuff there. I shudder to think what my Doctor would say if I went but know what you mean, it's best to be practical. Before any of this started I had an urge to read books on the subject, and still have. It's taken me ages to think oh, could it be that? Sometimes you can't see what's in front of you and I'm still thinking no, not me, can't be!
Glad to hear you are feeling a bit calmer about the physical sensations you have been experiencing from your meditation practise. I did a little research on the net and found this book which looks to me quite interesting.
Balancing the Chakras by Maruti Seidman. I read through some of it and I liked what I read.
Always check out any strange sensations with your medical practitioner, they're not all adverse to the spiritual path (at least my GP isn't).
Hi mouse,
Yes, it's good you're feeling calmer about the sensations. Just a couple of things... Earlier I mentioned the heat sensations in the context of meditation. Actually the heat sensations I get in the shoulder blades, between the shoulder blades and in the chest and abdomen are often there. particularly after meditation. They're not intense heat sensations as the experience with heat down the left side of my body when I stayed in bed for a week. After doing the body scan I started to get quite intense heat sensations in my toes, mostly during the body scan and in some parts of my fingers. There's also quite often sensations of heat in the palms of my hands.
Other sensations that seem to be associated with chackras (gently pressure), channels and meridians (flowing or trickling) seem to come into focus during meditation but are often there when I'm not meditating. It's all very strange, I must admit, but it kind of just gets to be an interesting part of life. They do change from time to time and even develop in different ways and maybe one day they'll just fade away. I kind of think that might be a shame though!
A lot of these sensations developed when I started on quite a dedicated routine of sitting meditation a while back. I did this for a number of reasons but one specific reason was to see if a painful knot in my shoulder blade would release. It has got a lot better and the there seem to have been quite a bit of release that has come about following this.
If anyone has any has any idea of what is going on it'd be interesting to hear.