A friend just gave me some tapes of Theta waves meditation to listen and meditate with.
They are 30 mins long and she says to sit quietly and try to concentrate on the sound for a long lasting deep meditation.
Sound very interesting and easy.
Does it have the same effect of normal meditation, i.e. closing eyes and try to let go of thoughts without controlling them...
What's the long term use?
Anyone have try them before?
Thanks 🙂
A friend just gave me some tapes of Theta waves meditation to listen and meditate with.
They are 30 mins long and she says to sit quietly and try to concentrate on the sound for a long lasting deep meditation.
Sound very interesting and easy.
Does it have the same effect of normal meditation, i.e. closing eyes and try to let go of thoughts without controlling them...
What's the long term use?
Anyone have try them before?
Thanks 🙂
Meditation is simply meditation.
Meditation with other things are for other purposes. Using different sound frequencies, has been shown to have an effect on the way the brain signals fire, and thus can assist in quietening thoughts for the purpose of reaching a meditative state. Different frequencies, such as those used in binaural beats, monaural beats and isochronic tones, can be used for what is terms "brainwave entrainment" which can assist the brain to re-wire the neural pathways in a way that can make it operate in a more "regular" way (for want of a better way of putting it) and this has been shown to lead to improvements in health, emotions etc.
If you want more information, I can PM you some to look at.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Thank you Energylz.
I would appreciate it 🙂
Have sent you a PM.