The Art Of Meditati...
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The Art Of Meditation ..

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Another forwarded email on meditation .

Meditation is the art of being and not being.

Spirit (Ling): Greetings.

‘Meditation’. A controversial subject in so much as for every hundred questions asked, two hundred answers are given! (Mirth) I know it is discussed but basically meditation is the art of being, and not being. It has various aspects as to what you achieve. But, the basic necessity is to divide the material from the spiritual.

Now in talking to you people, I feel sure you realise that you have a material body, but there is something else which is also you. In meditation, you are for a short time putting aside the physical, and in doing this you must forget every aspect of it, other than where the spirit, (or whatever you like to call it) is.

Now the centre of your spirit being is personal. People say it is their head, or their heart, or their solar plexus, they can even advocate their big toe if they wish. This does not matter.

So in your meditation, you are forgetting the physical. So much so, that you are thinking that you are not feeling... in other words, the body does not belong to you. The spirit form is still using the brain, but the body, is no longer controlled by the brain, other than the automatic things that must go on for survival. When you are completely relaxed, most people are still aware of that centre, of self. If you get no further than that, you are still meditating in a light manner. You are breaking free of the physical body sufficient that the spirit can wander; not physically, remember that the spirit has no body!

So while the physical body is being looked after by the automatic part of your brain, your spirit, still in contact with certain aspects of your brain, is relaxed and in some cases if it wishes to can move on.

Now this, for many people is not possible, but you should be able to control your brain sufficiently to be able to bring your spirit to one point. By all means, if you are able let your spirit travel, but if you are not capable of this, control your brain sufficiently that your spirit, or under the control of spirit your brain, is focussing on one thing. The sort of thing that is best is of light tone in colour, round and glowing.
So you presumably are looking at a ball, and it may glow like a crystal, or it may just have one colour for you. At this stage your brain is probably saying, “I’m physical, how about the leaves, the birds, the pudding, the clothes”… you name it. It will want to wander. But if you have got your bright ball it will come back to that more easily, in most cases, than anything else.

Initially, of course, before you start your meditation, you must have a period of relaxation. I don’t mean hours, but it is no good rushing in from the office, throwing down your case, charging in to your study, sitting down and meditating. It would be most unusual if it works. Instead, come in from whatever you are doing, put down your things, wander over to the window, enjoy the view if you have one, or go and stroke your pet - a very good means of relaxing. Just enjoy your world for a few minutes, then stretch, wiggle your toes or your fingers, then go into your den. That has given time for your physical body and brain to realise that it must relax. You the spirit will then have more control.

Sit in a comfortable seat, make sure your clothes are comfortable... everything comfortable, so there is no distraction, and then try your meditation. If you can control yourself, your physical body and your spirit, to look at that light for only five minutes, and I would say no longer than fifteen, you are doing very well. Because in that light... I’m finding this difficult to say; to put into words... it could be the manifestation of life, of God. You haven’t reached it, but you are looking and trying to hold it.

Don’t go aiming too high. Stick to your light. You may never get any further, but when you leave your room you should feel refreshed. When I say ‘further’, I mean, to see something more of our world. But does it matter if you don’t, because you are going to come here one day... you can’t get out of that and I’m sure you don’t want to.
Because, in looking at that light as a crystal, you are seeing a colour... now I cannot say this as positive, but I have been told by people who in their physical bodies were blind, that they still saw what they now understand, was the white light, with the crystal colours. It is not a physical thing you are manifesting for yourself, it is the spiritual essence, which amongst other things, is colour, which of course is light, and music.

On this aspect of meditation, is there anything you would like to ask?
Sitters: No thank you.

Spirit: Good. If you have the opportunity in your circles with friends, to go on ‘Guided meditations’, don’t say “No, that’s not what to do”, because it is good practice. It is discipline and I cannot emphasise enough, in your physical selves, and in your spiritual selves... discipline!

Sitter: Ling I have heard that trying to find a light... Kundalini Light or some such name, in meditation is dangerous. Is that so?
Spirit: Well if it is, I do not understand why. The only thing I can suggest and this could happen perhaps to some people, that you don’t travel with the light. Don’t follow it if it moves.

Now in meditation you would be seeing this light, and physically you would feel that it was just in front of you, perhaps a foot from your face... I’m trying to put this as you may feel it, or see it, do you understand?

Sitters: Yes.

Spirit: Now don’t follow the light. Just enjoy it. Don’t want to possess it therefore follow it. Just relax and enjoy that gift that has been given to you for a short time. I cannot see that it could harm anyone. Unless they are unfortunate and are unbalanced, which is another aspect of our being... ‘Balance’!

In everything you do, there should be balance. If you wash too much your skin becomes dry. If you drink too much your body retaliates. If you smoke too much, look what happens. If you sleep too much, if you walk too much, if you eat too much of the one food, if you read too much, ... “You are gaining knowledge” you say, “so why can that do any harm”? But you are living on earth with a physical body that needs exercise and food - therefore there must be balance.

And this applies too to your spiritual thinking. You are on earth, in a physical body, which you must look after, not necessarily pamper but look after, and learn the lessons that you have come to earth to learn, and to enable you to do this you must have balance. So, though you are interested in life, eternity, remember you are on earth and must balance one against the other... in other words, to use what I imagine I have heard you people use... “Don’t go overboard”. Keep ‘balance’, in all your comings and goings and thinking; and in your relationship to human beings too, don’t be over judgemental - keep ‘balance’.

I hope you have understood what I am getting at.
For this morning we will leave you with the wish… that God’s blessings, God’s light, may shine on you and yours.
Good morning.
