Springtime meditati...
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Springtime meditation and an invitation!

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Happy Spring Equinox everyone!

i wondered if anyone would be interested in joining in another cyber group meditation, this time for the spring equinox!

Even if you don't celebrate the solstices it is lovely to welcome in the spring and we've certainly been having some gorgeous spring weather lately!:)

The idea is everybody does their own meditation or ritual, in their own space,
At the same time!

Our group is planning on 9pm tonight,
it would be lovely if you could join us, everyone is welcome!

Here is a guided meditation if anyone would like to try it, I think I'm planning to do this one this evening, it is a lovely one to actually do outdoors!

This spring meditation is in honour of the spring equinox!
But please feel free to use it whenever you need an energy spring clean and to welcome in new energy! 🙂

Imagine you are wandering down a beautifully picturesque winding woodland path, embraced by the newly leaved branches of trees and bordered with sights and smells of nature's springtime return.

You can feel the twigs and leaves under your feet, the last traces of winter, dissolving away into the woodland floor, and you see the beginnings of vibrant green new growth everywhere.

The path takes you along the edge of a bubbling, glistening stream. It freshly sparkles by, giggling playfully with new energy.

You can see the golden spring sunshine glinting through the newly budding tree branches, and hear the birds chirping a merry song heralding the return of spring.

Breathe in the clear, fresh, vibrant air and feel the gentle warmth of the sun on your face.

Your heart is beginning to open, bathed with a feeling of new energy, new life, hope, and infinite potentials.:)

You arrive at a small secluded clearing in the woods, and find yourself overwhelmed with its beautiful green energy.

New green growth is pushing up through the woodland floor, tender green buds being born to the world, sheltered by the swaying limbs of an ancient tree who has seen nature's cycles coming and going for so many years.

Resting yourself against this welcoming, ancient tree, you close your eyes for a moment.

Becoming aware of the woodland floor beneath you now. The last traces of winter melting into the earth and the beginning of the new growth of spring.

Really feel a growing awareness of the infinite depth beneath your feet and that powerful energy coming up from the earth.... An eternal unstoppable surge of nature's mighty recreation.

As you rest so comfortably, so peacefully, against the beautiful tree, Imagine you can feel its roots going deep into the earth.

This tree has strong, alive and ancient roots, extending deeply, further than its height to the tip of it's branches, does it extend deeply into the earth below.

Feel that you too have these roots, one going from the base of your spine, and one from each of the soles of your feet.

Allow them to entwine with the roots of the tree and feel them as equally as strong, alive, healthy, and deep.
Extending so deeply until they reach the core of the the earth.

Imagine that they are drinking in this powerful life energy from the earth, right up into and through your body, into your feet and legs, up through your abdomen, your body, into your heart, down your arms and out your finger tips, up into your chest, neck, and head, and right out through the top of your head.

Imagine the energy flowing the same way as the life energy moves through the tree from its roots to the tips of its branches.

Allow waves of this energy to flow continuously up from the earth and through you.

Be aware of the budding woodland flowers, the new growth on the trees, birds nesting, the trickling stream.

The life energy here is so vibrant and positive and filled with joy and love!

Really allow yourself to become filled with life, and joy, and hope, as this energy surges through you, and just like the tree, as if you were sprouting new leaves or flowers.

Now focussing on your breathing.
On an in breath, let the energy of the woodland, of the trees, the flowers, the stream, the spring sunshine, fill you up with the beautiful white light of new cleansing energy.

Feel yourself becoming recharged, revitalized, awakened and enlivened, and completely filled with new, fresh love and light, more uplifting and joyous than you have ever felt before!

on the outbreath, feel the light cleansing you of the weight of your worries, of the things you no longer want or need, of the darkness of winter, of all heavy, old energy, of all that may have accumulated from any point in time.... completely releasing and being instantly transformed by the light.

Keep breathing in this way several times, breathing in new life and energy breathing out all you no longer need. Each breath cleansing and enlivening your energy and your whole being.

Now you are really feeling the vivid vibrant green energy of the new life and of the nature around you, start to imagine this light being a beautiful green.

As you breath, allow the greenness around you to fill you with vibrancy, with fresh, new energy and life.

When you feel fully cleansed and recharged, imagine your roots gently untwining from the roots of the tree, with awareness, love and thanks.

say goodbye to the woodland clearing, silently thanking the tree and the space for such a special sharing, and begin to walk back down the path by the meandering stream, becoming more and more refreshed and energized with each step.

Maybe see you later in cyber space

With Love Peace and Light,


5 Replies
Posts: 3846
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It's now 22.22 and I'm about to start this meditation a bit late but can't resist it.

Thanks for posting pure-ki.

Love Binah

Posts: 6211
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that a beautiful poetic meditation pure-ki, with giggling streams, and
this part...
New green growth is pushing up through the woodland floor, tender green buds being born to the world,

it really is lovely and inspiring........:)

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🙂 22.22 somehow seems to be the exact right time to be doing it Binah!;)
I think I may have left it a bit too late to post!

Thank you fleur! I am glad you like it. 🙂 and right back at you...it is your meditations that I find so beautifully poetic and inspirational.:-)

Love and sweet dreams to all x

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Drat and double-drat! Thanks to me messing with my user panel settings I didn't know of this idea til today.

I would have liked to join in. Perhaps using the Reiki distanthealing symbol I could join in retrospectively! ..better still, maybe next time.

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Drat and double-drat! Thanks to me messing with my user panel settings I didn't know of this idea til today.

I would have liked to join in. Perhaps using the Reiki distanthealing symbol I could join in retrospectively! ..better still, maybe next time.

Hi David! Actually I think it was my timing that was all wrong! If I'd got my act together sooner and not left it so late on the day to post it, maybe you would've seen it before!

Totally agree with your idea of time travelling with the reiki symbol...for me it transcends time and space and brings everything to the here and now...

I do this spring meditation anytime I need an uplift or energy cleanse, even in the middle of winter!

I really enjoy these cyber style meditations, i find them a lovely and special way to connect with people. 🙂

With love and spring sunshine,
pure-ki 🙂
