Evening all,
I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to give me a simple shutting down chakra meditation that i may use after my healing.
Many thanks
Hi Starishaw,
To cleanse I move my hand 6x counter clockwise and to strengthen/closing 6x clockwise on the chakra or a few inches above.
I am sure there are other methods that one can practice and I am curious to see the answers to your question from fellow HPer myself.
Open a flower bud to fully open , then close to a bud again, in the appropriate coloured flower.
Chrysanthemum for crown,
Iris for third eye.
Blue forget me not for throat
Pink Carnation for the heart.
daffodil for the solar plexus
Marigold for the sacral
Deep Red rose for the Root.
Sorry fleur,I thought it was dark green for heart:confused::confused:
Sorry fleur,I thought it was dark green for heart:confused::confused:
as far as I am aware star 99 it can be pink or green..
pink for when it vibrates to learning to love ourselves unconditonally
green for when we are learning to love others unconditionally
or maybe it;s the other way round..... 🙂
A simple one is to ask a client to visualise a cross of light within a circle of light over each chakra, or if you are healing yourself or meditating do the same visualisation.
Very interesting,thanks fleur,did not know that;
Flower meditation chakra therapy
Hello. I've never done any conscious 'healing' (wish I could - perhaps one day) but having been told that some of my chakras are too open, draining me at times, and that I need to learn /develop a self-protective thermostat, as it were, I would like to discover how to focus on how my energies are flowing & learn to control them a little.
Meditation sounds good. I'm so bad at noticing my body & its functionings & feelings. (Typical Aquarian air-head here, always up in the thought-clouds of analysis, ponderings & imagination. I need balance & grounding.)
Fleur, I really LOVE your flower correspondences to the chakras! It sounds delightful - I must try it.
A few years ago one summer, I was lying in a sunny garden with a lovely gay friend, relaxing, with my eyes shut dreamily, when I felt him touching me gently.
(I only mention that he's gay meaning no sexual frisson to invade the mutual calm). He told me not to open my eyes ...
I felt so calm & sort-of whole & balanced & cared-for...
When I finally moved, I found he had placed flowers of corresponding colours on my chakras. I wish I could remember them ... I only recall white orange-blossom for the crown, marigold for the sacral, perhaps fuchsia for the root. It was a blissful time. I miss him now.
Your post reminded & inspired me, Fleur. THANKS! 🙂
Evening all,
I wonder if anyone would be kind enough to give me a simple shutting down chakra meditation that i may use after my healing.
Many thanks
If you are using a visualisation method that indicates a reduction of the opened Chakra. Then Fleur's flower bud is about the most popular method.
If you are using spirit guides then all you need to do is to shut down and and it will be done for you.
Always try to remember that you never shut or close your chakras completely, you only return them to their normal balanced state.
I felt so calm & sort-of whole & balanced & cared-for...
When I finally moved, I found he had placed flowers of corresponding colours on my chakras. I wish I could remember them ... I only recall white orange-blossom for the crown, marigold for the sacral, perhaps fuchsia for the root. It was a blissful time. I miss him now.
Your post reminded & inspired me, Fleur. THANKS! 🙂
How thoughtful and caring of him,,,,,that gent would be at home in the Angel Post box thread 🙂
I sometimes use this method.
I wrap a huge ribbon around each chakra and tie a knot and then a bow and then a double bow.
I visualise it like wide florist ribbon, and it surrounds the whole body horizontally so that in the end you look a little like a decorated mummy!
for the crown chakra I use 'ribbon' to start from the feet and vertically up the body and tie a knot and double bow it at the top of the head.
heres a nice picture for you (its my model)
heres a nice picture for you (its my model)
...I have quite a funny method - I imagine that my torso is this very sturdy wooden and magnificent tall bouy chest of drawers. When I want to 'put my chakras away', I imagine each chakra as a small square of cloth in the relevant colour and I fold it up gently into quarters and put it away in the corresponding drawer and close the drawer. I was advised once that we shouldn't ask to 'close our chakras down', so have always been mindful not to do so.... Hugs xx
I use flowers - lillies - imagine them opening as I open the chakra and closing their petals as I want them to close
You can use anything that opens and closes - I also imagine roots growing out of my feet and into the earth to ground myself
thankyou all so much for all your responses. I do like the flower idea very much and will give that one a go.
Thanks again
Starisheaw x
The rainbow colours of the chakras tend to be a more modern (Western?/New Age?) thing as ancient texts on the chakras do no talk of them being in the Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet order of colouring. (Where's Venetian when you need him, he knows more about that side of things from what I recall. 😀 ). However, you should use whatever colours you are familiar with and happy using as it is the intent that matters.
My main concern would be people who are trying to close the chakras completely. According to the indian concept of chakras, if all the chakras of a person are closed then that person would be dead. Personally, I intend for the chakras to be open and flowing clearly; I certainly wouldn't want any of my chakras closed. 😉
All Love and Reiki Hugs
My main concern would be people who are trying to close the chakras completely. According to the indian concept of chakras, if all the chakras of a person are closed then that person would be dead. Personally, I intend for the chakras to be open and flowing clearly; I certainly wouldn't want any of my chakras closed. 😉
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Energylz - I agree with you with reference to "closing" chakras in my opinion a better word to use would be to "strengthen" the chakras 🙂
I've been told it's best to have 'thermostat valves' on the chakras, as it were, so that instead of visualising them as all totally shut or open (a bit extreme - often unneccessary & sometimes dangerous, by leaving us too closed off or else too drained & vulnerable,) we should instead learn to gently control them to suit the circumstances (like our mental, physical & emotional health & wellbeing, & various stress factors etc.)
I've never done Reiki, but have heard about this in other types of meditations & practices.
Any comments please?
After doing some spiritual work I have left the wonderful sacred space and had to venture out on the tube and home. This is pretty uncomfortable if you are wide open as the energetic exchange can be sometimes unpleasant. So I nearly always close down the SP chakra for travelling around in its wide open state it would draw in too much lower psychic stuff.
I personally never shut down my chakras, I prefer to remain open but grounded and protected.
To do this, I make sure I'm fully grounded at the end of meditation or healing, that the chakras are evenly balanced as best they can be, and then protect my entire energy body/field with a white light bubble, or shield or whatever works for you.
If you are going into a particularly heavy energy situation, you could use the mirror shield, so that anything unwanted is deflected completely. I tend to adjust this protection according to the circumstance, sometimes it can be more like a light filter, allowing good energy in and dark energy out...remember, we need to let out our own heavy stuff too!
I agree with you Binah about the solar plexus...and here sometimes I visualize a mirrored disc, at the outer edge of the chakra to totally protect it from attachments or negs. 🙂 i also ask Archangel Michael to give me his protection in those circumstances, he seems to be particularly good with this.:)
I feel the more you unfold the chakra journey, the easier to hold your energy it is and therefore the less need to worry about protection and grounding. If you raise your vibration sufficiently and can hold it, then it is you impacting the environment and energy around you. 🙂
Regarding having some chakras uncomfortably open, or 'overactive' I think it is really important to develop an awareness from the inside for yourself about your own energy centres, and to apply whatevr technique based upon this, rather than a blanket one size fits all approach.
Then, you can look at the whole system, the energy centres and pathways and how they are interconnecting with each other, and why there may be an imbalance.
In my case for example, my third eye is often uncomfortably open, and this is because in my case I am naturally ungrounded and find it very easy to become top heavy with energy, and am more prone to be out of body. So in my case, I would work on moving energy away from the third eye down into the lower chakras...
Also, often by not focussing upon the overactive chakra and bringing the focus to others the energy disperses more evenly throughout. It is not often just the case of the chakra but the pathways in between too. The aim being balance, with all chakras even, open and flowing, fully connected and grounded.
I agree, they are very much like valves! and it's a bit like having a number of radiators in the house where one is boiling hot and the others are cold, you need to find the blocks to get the whole thing flowing.
In my experience once you've gained a level of internal knowledge, the path to flowing energy for healing or for any other use becomes one you experientially own.:)
When looking an individual chakra, you may want to consider why one in particular is blocked or overactive by thinking about the associations and correspondencies with that chakra. For example if your sacral chakra was overactive, could you be very needy and externalizing your feelings, making others responsible for them? Or if your solar plexus was overactive could you be controlling and manipulative? There are so many ways to work with chakras, but I feel personally you gotta get down inside them, and do the practice.
And that was rather long and boring, I'm really sorry! Loads to say and just blabbing it out because I love this stuff.:)
With love and shining light to all
I found that very interesting, enlightening and not boring at all pure-ki 🙂
🙂 I'm glad! I loved your flowery chakras fleur! 🙂
🙂 I'm glad! I loved your flowery chakras fleur! 🙂
but sometimes those fleurry chakras of mine can droop with drought, the petals fall off, or I might prick me thumbs on the thorny stems..
and sometimes they can emit the most beautiful aroma, have velvety petals, or sparkle with dewdrops..:)
Wow. That was so helpful, pure_ki. Thank you. And thanks to Binah too.
This is Starisheaw's thread, not mine, but I've been following it with great interest.
" once you've gained a level of internal knowledge, the path to flowing energy for healing or for any other use becomes one you experientially own.:) "
This is what I want & need to discover how to do more effectively - or indeed, at all!
And I see that there's great wisdom in the psychological approach you talk about, asking why our energy-centres behave as they do. I can already see why some of mine are true for my personality.
I already do the 'protective bubble' thing, and sometimes the 'mirrored bad-stuff-deflector' too. I find them powerful techniques when I'm feeling too open or vulnerable. But my energy is extremely 'top-heavy', (I live in my head) and I need to become more in touch with my body & grounded. The postings on here are most helpful.
Thanks a lot! 🙂
Oh Fleur, you are so lovely! Who else could write this?!
" sometimes those fleurry chakras of mine can droop with drought, the petals fall off, or I might prick me thumbs on the thorny stems..
and sometimes they can emit the most beautiful aroma, have velvety petals, or sparkle with dewdrops..:) "
Not fair how some people get all the artistic & poetical talents! 😡 😉 😀
Not fair how some people get all the artistic & poetical talents! 😡 😉 😀
😮 :1kis:
Thanks Pure Ki for all of your insightful messages they give me much to contemplate.
I was thinking about the symbology of the Cross of Light within a Circle of Light and being an astrologer I realised this is the symbol for the Earth. So i guess the reasoning behind placing the symbol on the chakras is basically to ground the energy, which sounds quite logical to me following either healing or meditation. A lot of groups I go to always have a bite to eat afterwards presumably to have the same grounding effect.
I always think that the fact that we walk on the ground here.... that is and can be our natural grounding effect.
When I travel on the train, I only ask for protection if I feel the need to.
That has only been once so far, and I prayed for Love to be with us, not just for me, but for us all who were together on that particular journey.
I didn't know to pray till it arose and then it was what I held onto with the whole of my being.
Since, then, I do feel much more confident about travelling around... and perhaps another time, if something similar arose then just the simply asking for protection would be enough...
because, I don't want to "shut down" myself in fear and not be able to share what might be possible in any given situation.