I am really excited that I finally have space and time to bring back a daily meditation session for my Self... So I was looking for ideas!
Please do share your routines... Some Q's to reflect on:
Do you have special meditation routines?
Do you have a special place at home to do it in? If yes, how do you keep that spot inspiring to your meditation work (decorations, colours, fabrics etc)?
What time(s) of the day do you prefer?
Do you go with the flow or do you have set steps that you go through?
Do you use audio material (guided, meditation music, bells etc) or prefer silence?
All thoughts welcome!
Thanks in advance 😀
My meditation often follows yoga practice, so I start with doing some yoga or gentle stretching, being aware of my breath and how I am feeling in my body and mind. I then usually either lie down in Corpse posture in the front room, or if it is nice and early I'll go and sit in my back garden.
I tend to go with the flow rather than have a routine and I don't often use audio materials. I use my breath mostly - focusing on my breath, getting it nice and deep and even, then just relax into it and every time my mind goes off on a wander I gently bring it back to the breath.
Sometimes I use another Yoga method of scanning through my body slowly, taking my awareness down to one of my feet, focusing on my toes and then breathing out any tension until they feel all relaxed and tingly, then slowly moving my awareness up my legs and over the rest of my body, using the breath to release tensions and aches. It's more of a relaxation technique, but I find it does help empty the mind and bring awareness to the present moment by using the body.
This meditation is my Rainbow Chakra Cleansing:
I usually start sitting cross legged. I close my eyes, take a few long deep breaths and then imagine a bright illuminescent white bubble of light that's bouncing in the air above my head. I can see it dancing and brimming with white energy. I imagine my base energy as a spiralled brush that cleanses and removes any negativity and darkness travelling up through my spine, starting with a red spiral, then orange, then yellow, then green, then blue, then dark blue, then violet as it spirals upwards through my crown chakra to meet the dancing bubble. The spiral then penetrates the bouncing bubble allowing the white energy just to explode and cascade down in a glittery shower of energy and protection. The spiral then envelopes the showering bubble with all it's rainbow colours. When all the colours have settled down and finished dancing, I imagine that they all collect together, like a big globule and enter into my crown chakra, and slowly snake round each chakra from top to bottom, collecting all the positivity from the white light and polishing each chakra till each one is gleaming and spinning brightly. Each chakra is cleansed and as it gets back down to the root, I imagine each chakra gently folding in on itself and strong roots start to anchor me from my banda point (the perineum). The roots grow down deeper into the earth with each long steady breath. After a few breaths, I open my eyes and feel like a new person!