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Shadow side meditation

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I'm doing some shadow side work on myself at the moment & wonder if anyone can recommend any shadow side meditations? To read, listen to or watch-don't mind which.

Yvonne x

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Noticed you posted this couple of weeks ago, I haven't actually heard of this Yvonne what is it about? Have you managed to get more info from somewhere?

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Hi Yvonne I have a great shadow side meditation cd that I got from I started doing this kind of work when i did my Karuna Master training. I dont know if you might find it on amazon or ebay coz the postage from america is expensive. It may be on his site as a download. Also try u tube there are a few exercises there.

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Jeannie - very basically - your Shadow Side contains all the things you want to disown & deny such as shame fear & anger. When you try to ignore this aspect of yourself you are not being authentic & this can lead to constant fatigue/angry outbursts/lack of knowing what to do in life - you are not being 'you'.
I thought that guided meditations would lead pehaps supplement the work I am already doing - but I haven't had any real success in finding anything that really resonates.

Linda- thanks -I've checked the website & it looks good but no download available & it's not on Amazon or ebay 🙁 it's a shame as I would like a CD now to use as I don't have a computer in the bedroom -where my Shadow is waiting for me to find it 😀

Yvonne x

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Hi Yvonne. I did an excellent shadow work meditation with Davina Mackail last spring, and I've subsequently used my own version on clients - it's very powerful work, wonderful to reclaim part of yourself that you left behind. I think it's very similar to soul retrieval really.

Unfortunately, I don't currently have this in a format to pass on, except by talking people through it. If you google Davina Mackail you might find something.

Good luck with it 🙂

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I'm doing some shadow side work on myself at the moment & wonder if anyone can recommend any shadow side meditations? To read, listen to or watch-don't mind which.

Yvonne x

Hi Yvonne .

What Is the shadow self In your eyes?

Can you converse with this shadow self?

What does One do with the shadow self?

x daz x

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I explained in my last post what my understanding of the Shadow side is. I am looking for meditations to meet/confront it - will then see what - if anything it has to say.


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I explained in my last post what my understanding of the Shadow side is. I am looking for meditations to meet/confront it - will then see what - if anything it has to say.


Hi Y .

Sorry I didn't notice what your understanding were of the shadow self In an earlier post . 🙂 .

I have had some experience of this type of Inner work and It (In my eyes Is necessary to address when the time Is right I would say) .

I wish you well In this regard . .

x dazzle x

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Thanks Daz.

What resources did you use? And did you talk to (

and get answers from your Shadow self)?

I think

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In a workshop I attended earlier this year, we did work on our Shadow self. We meditated with crystals (selecting ones that we found we didn't like or actually felt repellent); created a list of our positive and negative qualities (this was an exercise from the Barefoot Doctor) and then made a statement which started "I contain all these contradictions. I am this and that....."

We used crystal nets and Gem Essences. We worked with Archetypes and Sub Personalities (e.g. Victim, Prostitute etc) through meditation and did a Shamanic Journey to meet our Inner Saboteur. We also did an exercise where we selected a particular Archetype from a list and with a helper asking specific questions, did a form of meditation where we answered questions such as "how long has this archetype been in my life" etc.

It was a very revealing weekend and it was also very useful to approach the Shadow Self as sub personalities.

It is certainly something I would like to take further.

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Thanks Daz.

What resources did you use? And did you talk to (

and get answers from your Shadow self)?

I think

Hi Again Yvonne .

I have been self enquiring for about 20 years now and I kind of got of to slow start (lol) because there was so much that stood In-between what I thought I was / Am and to that of which I am (If that makes sense)

Many like the analogy of a onion In a way that with every layer of the onion that Is removed another aspect of the self Is realized . That’s kind of how It Is / was for me . Half way through peeling back the layers I had an overwhelming sadness that stayed with me for about 3 years In total .

Meditation Is the only way / process I know that can home In on any Issues that our Individual soul / spirit has attained .

I started to work through many Issues of past lives all at the same time (lol) but there was something still unresolved that was causing this deep sadness .

One particular day whilst meditating I could feel some apprehension as If something was about to surface and I was In mind taken back to a castle and I remember going up the stairs etc and being drawn to a particular room where the door was open . I felt enormous anxiety as I came face to face with an elderly man . This man was me . I was acknowledging a part of my self . The door was then shut In my face and the man seemed threatened by my presence (So there was Interaction of some level) . This aspect of myself didn’t want to acknowledge the aspect of the self that was willing and open to resolve the Issue .

It probably seems more confusing than It Is but what was basically happening was that I was Interacting with a part of my self that was hiding great pain and shame because of actions done within this life time .

A part of me didn’t seem ready to release the sufferings because In order for that to happen I needed to accept that I had carried out such atrocities In the first place and part of me couldn’t believe that I had done such things . I (denied) it for a little while but the energies drew me In deeper and deeper within that aspect of myself until the two parts Interconnected and the love and the forgiveness of self dissolved the Issue and the root cause .

The sadness then dissolved but It did take nearly three years from start to finish . . This was something that a part of myself had wanted to bury and not acknowledge for a very long time (500 years and many other lifetimes to be exact) .

It doesn’t matter how long we leave Issues or how long we deny them .

I think many Individuals will have a different definition of what the shadow self Is, In one respect the shadow self Is anything that contains an expression of an energy whether It be emotionally or mentally charged that doesn’t not emanate from the true self .

Sorry that It was a long winded reply ...

x daz x

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Daz- thanks for sharing that. I really 'got' most of it apart from the last sentence of the explanation-I thought the Shadow Self does emanate from the True Self -just the parts you don't 'like'-so ignore/hide/repress them?

Meurighj - sounds great - where was the Workshop? I'd love to do that.

Anyway - think I may be acknowledging 'Shadowy' too much - been full of anger & frustration 🙁 but at least now dealing with it 🙂


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Daz- thanks for sharing that. I really 'got' most of it apart from the last sentence of the explanation-I thought the Shadow Self does emanate from the True Self -just the parts you don't 'like'-so ignore/hide/repress them?

Hi Yvonne . 🙂

Thanks for the conversation .

What we are can be expressed through our various energy bodies / mind-sets . So In regards to what many refer to as their true self what Is In emanation of that will be a pure representation of love thats filtered In to our many expressions .

That's why Love Is referred to as being real and fear an illusion
. The shadow self that can be linked with a fear / hate based expression Is therefore not a true representation of what we are .

The key Is to acknowledge the fear and the shadow side by not suppressing It or denying that It has an Influence within your mind . The realization will come that the shadow side Is not a true / real expression .

So the shadow self Is perhaps like a byproduct of allowing our mental connection of emotions to overcome and become us . We temporarily get lost / blinded within them . That’s why people say that they lose themselves In emotional love and In anger (lol) Emotions can devour you .

When you enter a state of self realization the shadow self Is no longer present In any shape or form, there is no mental communication being had within the silence and there are no emotions felt and yet all there Is - Is love . All there Is - Is what you are .

x dazzle x
