Hi there - just wondering whether any members have much experience with Relax Kids stuff or indeed if there are any Relax Kids teachers on here?
If so just wondering how you get on with it all?
Thanks in advance
(PS sorry mods if this would be better in children's health - wasn't too sure!!)
Hi, I am a Mum and was intrigued by your Relax Kids question. I have not heard of it before and wondered if you could tell me a bit more about it.
Thanks in anticipation,
Emma x
I have just sold on my Relax kids bits. I assume your talking about the ones on Dragons Den?? I still have the relaxation cds though. I found they really worked in getting my son to learn and use different ways of expressing himself.
The books i didn't find worked to well for us.
The flash cards where good and was a good way to talk about feelings something my little angel(his halo has slipped at the moment)doesn't do.
Wish i hadn't sold them now as he is having difficulties with his anger again and is kicking other kids when he gets frustrated. So i am trying to deal with that at the moment.
Hi there - Easylifer has put up a link to their site (Thanks :o) )
My main query really is how people have got on with the various aids (books and cds etc) but also whether anyone has been to any of their classes or run any classes themselves.
Easylifer seems to have had some good success with the cds but not the books.
My interest is really because one of my long-term aims is to incorporate children and families more into my nature based workshops, and although I am happy to run these without any 'official' accreditation (I will have CRB though) I know some parents prefer to see a name that they know, and I feel that Relax Kids is a really good brand with a really positive message for children.
So . . . . . . . any more thoughts?
Thanks in advance
We love Relax kids in our house. I first came across them as my daughters teacher was using them during fruit time to calm the kids. We use the CDs at night time to help relax my daughter before bed. We also listen to them if we've had a particularly stressful day.
The voices are lovelay and the music beautiful so a big thumbs up from me.
Sally x