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Not a good day for it

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Well this morning I thought I would try meditate as it just seemed the right day to do it.:D Usually I have shyed?? away from it as I always seem a little uneasy in my house. A lot of questions surrounding Spiritualness and whether my path leads to being spiritually awakened in some way.

Anyway Popped a new Meditation CD on. Held 2 new crystals of mine which were an Apophylite Pyramid and Moldavite and tried to relax.:) (Maybe too strong)

I tried to find a nice relaxing and quiet spot. Tee hee 1st my female cat who had joined me started snoring, a door started banging with the wind, could hear the trains going past and just couldn't seem to go with the flow. :rolleyes:

I kept getting distracted and just knew the door was going to open any second. I asked for the spirit (who I have never seen but only felt) in my house to show herself and come through it.........the door opened (my heart stopped a little) and my other cat walked through. Hehehehehe scared me a little. 😮

Will try another day and wear big ear plugs and see what happens lol :p

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Maybe they are your spirit guides.Yes it is hard to get some quiet time,I have tried meditation before,but just as I am going DEEP,I panic,in case I dont come back.While in Labour with my daughter I had a near death experience,I remember seeing the nurses around me and could not hear what they were saying.Next thing I was flying down this white tunnell,then in some miraculous way I heard a nurse calling me and woke up.Just a thought now,perhaps I should do some EFT,first,before I TRY again.Anyhow,just to ask,what does it like to feel this spiritual presence??

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Thanks for your reply Star99.

I have been going through a strange phase recently. I have always been scared of the dark but recently have become terrified of sleeping without the light on if my partner doesn't come to bed with me.

I had some very physical?? dreams/nightmares last month with different spirits shaking me. One in my house at the bottom of our attic stairs and a Monk at a hotel I have never been to. (We have a female spirit in the house and it wasn't her)

On one occasion that I prepared myself to be brave and turn the light off I felt someone sit on my side of the bed. How I didn't scream I don't know.

I feel that this sillyness is passing but it was as if I was being tested perhaps to get over my deepest fears.

I think being attuned to level 2 Reiki has certainly opened up new doorways for me over the last 2 years and I think it is newness on my part that doesn't really know what to do next Spiritually and what it should feel like. Kinda like waiting at a crossroads and not knowing what direction to take yet.

Thanks for listening to my rambling x x

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When you are meditating do you ground yourself in anyway? I have Black Tourmaline crystals at each corner of the bed. Maybe that will help you feel safer?

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Probably not as much as I should,may purchase some tourmalite,would tumblestones do or should I invest in some crystals

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Hey guys, you really really don't need crystals or any other paraphernalia for meditation. Nor is there any need to 'ground' yourself for there is no reason to feel unsafe in any way. Some people take to meditation and others don't. But just sitting quietly with spine erect for five minutes at least every day is soooo beneficial. Twice a day is better. And 20 mins each time is great. Try and make it part of your daily routine and don't even consider whether you're doing it 'right' or not.

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Hey guys, you really really don't need crystals or any other paraphernalia for meditation. Nor is there any need to 'ground' yourself for there is no reason to feel unsafe in any way. Some people take to meditation and others don't. But just sitting quietly with spine erect for five minutes at least every day is soooo beneficial. Twice a day is better. And 20 mins each time is great. Try and make it part of your daily routine and don't even consider whether you're doing it 'right' or not.

Thanks for that helpful info Sunanda. I must admit that I am a little on edge at the moment so I think that having the crystals around me helps ease my mind a touch more. Reassuring to know that they are not essential. Thanks again x x

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Absolutely fine. Sometimes I meditate with a crystal in each hand. The great thing about meditation is that there are no hard and fast rules. Go with the flow....

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Hi all,

There may not be any hard and fast rules but there are some important principles. At least I think it would be reasonable to say that meditation was about loosening the focus of attention on thinking. To do this we need to practice with some kind of alternative object to rest our attention upon.

The universe of possible experience is like the inside surface of an observatory and the focus of our attention is like a torch beam we point at one spot. We can only see that spot and cannot see what we are not focussing our attention upon. The spot we normally focus our attention on is thinking. This part of the universe of possible experience is not only just one small part of possible experience, it actually disables quite a bit of processing in other areas of what then becomes "unconscious."

When we begin to loosen our focus of attention on thinking, other processes start to become more active. This can result in feelings or ideas or other kinds of experiences being released vividly; what was being held back begins to unwind.

This is where grounding is useful because some people can get caught up in the experience of different processes that start to happen when the attention begins to move from a focus on thinking. Much of the processes that have been blocked by our addiction to thinking are in the way we experience our bodies. As these processes release, we can get carried away by feelings that then get rapped up in fantasies and proliferation of thought. We get dissociated from our bodies even more. It makes a lot of sense to work with meditations that focus on awareness of the body to stop this from happening.

This is a big part of what grounding is all about. It's about embodiment and bringing our awareness to the wonderful processes of being here and now and not getting carried away with fantasies that we create as we experience releases of feeling we have locked away.

As we become more in tune with our bodies our experience stabilises and grounding isn't so important. Thinking settles more quickly with practice as we become more familiar with being in our bodies. Things settle and then we can start to explore the more subtle aspects of reality.

Have fun!


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Think I will pop along to a meditation I have been invited to in Leeds to get me started as I think I would prefer to try meditating away from my usual surroundings. It may be easier to switch off that way. Thanks for the great advice 🙂

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I have always made it my New Year resolution every year for the past oooh - 5? To start making meditation part of my life... but never quite managed, until a few weeks ago. Somebody gave me a CD which has 5, 15 and 30min guided mediation on, so you can work out how much time you can "afford" then do the relevant one. It's been great, and means that I always fit in one every day, and it's now very much part of my routine.

It's Tony Stockwell, called Mind focus, and as it's guided, it kind of helps you focus and makes you feel amazing afterwards!!!

Love x

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That sounds like a great CD!!

I love listening to CD's but feel I need for someone to be speaking on the CD and there to be soothing music in the background too. I find it difficult to chill out and imagine things so think it would help someone kinda prompting my visualisations.

Hope that makes sense lol :p
