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Meditation groups in Durham

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Hi there,

Does anyone know of any meditation groups in the Co. Durham area?

I found that there is one group who meets on a Wednesday in Durham that I am thinking of trying, does anyone go and what is it like?

I can't do Tuesday's, but any other weekday is a possibility.


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aw what a shame, I'm doing one tonight at 7.30pm-9pm, we meet once a month.

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Hi there, I am sure Durham library have meditation meetings, I am going there today so will check and get back to you.

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That is a shame. *sigh*

Come July my Tuesday's will be free again (unless I do another evening course which lands on a Tuesday).


That would be fabulous, thank you. I'm at college this evening so will see if they do any too.

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That is a shame. *sigh*

Come July my Tuesday's will be free again (unless I do another evening course which lands on a Tuesday).


That would be fabulous, thank you. I'm at college this evening so will see if they do any too.

check the website out that I gave you as she offers many different courses on different days and evenings.

where was the other group that you said you had found?

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There is a Buddhist meditation group that meet on a Wednesday between 7:30 and 9pm at the Clayport Library in Durham City.

They also have a group that meets on Tuesdays in Barnard Castle.

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thanks for that, may well pop along to one of those.

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Ah glad you found one, I never did get to the library and was popping by here to apologise.

If you go do come back and let me know what you thought of it. 🙂

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I have just spent a lovely morning meditating at St Antony's Priory, Claypath, Durham. They have a session once a month on a Saturday morning 10 untill 12.30. It is an ecumenical centre for people of all faiths or non. It is a lovely peaceful setting just off the centre of Durham with lovely gardens. They also do quiet days. Look them up on . I want to get into the habit of taking time out on the weekend that the love of my life is working.
The next date I can make it is May 14th the week before our wedding so the time out will be appreciated!!!:)

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Hi Karren,

Thank you so much, Saturday meditation sessions will be very welcome. I've just got onto a project which means I'm away from Wednesday until Friday, so its restricted my ability to do anything during the week now.

Will put it in my diary and see if I can get to the next one.


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I went to the one at Durham library. There wasn't much in the way of meditation to be honest.

It was more about Buddist teachings and trying to get you on the Buddist foundation programme.

Did you get to the one at the priory?

Chakra Chick
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I attended the 4-week 'course' run by the Darlington Buddhist group in Sunderland, and I must agree with Kevin - there was little of substance in terms of actual meditation. I was rather disappointed, as the meditations consisted of simply focusing on 'your breath moving over your nostrils...', which didn't hold much appeal and certainly didn't hold my attention. As it was a beginners' class it seemed unrealistic to hope this thought would hold everyone's mind for 20 minutes (far too long a spell without any structured guidance or visualisation support I felt). Everyone felt a bit let down, and disappointed that they were 'failing' as their minds kept wandering. This was such a pity, as some seemed to have been turned off by the whole idea of learning to meditate, feeling they just couldn't do it. I simply ended up practising my own techniques every week, and while it was nice to meditate within a group for a change I didn't feel I actually gained anything or learned anything new.

I went along to meet like-minded people, and I certainly enjoyed the discussions and friendly ambience but have no plans to return for the next programme.

The Saturday session at the priory sounds great, and I may pop along to that. Thanks for the info.


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Hmmmm.... This makes me wonder whether there is a need for a meditation group that does do guided meditations.... A little research in order me thinks.

Who would be up for joining me if I can find a suitable venue and what would be suitable times for people?

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I'm up for that.
I'm happy to contribute to them too as a qualified meditation tutor.

Chakra Chick
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I agree meadowsweet, that sounds like a great idea and I'd certainly like to take part. I may be able to contribute in some form or other too. Weekends are best for me but I am always flexible.

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Weekends are most definitely the best times for me as weekdays are rather hectic. Will see what I can find out. 🙂

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I would be interested,too -weekends would suit me also.
Yvonne x

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Excellent. 🙂

I'm actually feeling really excited about this. teehee

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Excellent. 🙂

I'm actually feeling really excited about this. teehee

Yes it will be good. I spoke to my friend today and she is happy to lend a hand also. Am happy to attend or lead, let me know how I can help.

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I don't have experience of leading meditations myself, but very happy to learn. If we can get a group set up then we could take turns as I appreciate if you are leading then it is more difficult to get into a meditative state.

I have access to a Community centre in Crook on Sunday afternoons if that suits people? If people need public transport could potentially move it to Saturdays, or maybe we can sort out car shares? Would just need to work around their other bookings. I'll obtain some dates and get them up on here for everyone to consider.

There is a small charge for the centre, so as long as we can cover the cost then its all good. 🙂

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Any further forward with this? I'm still interested 🙂

Yvonne x

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Oh thanks for reminding me on this. I can get a room at St. Catherine.s Community Centre in Crook on a Saturday, for an hour or so. I still need to phone round some of the Durham centres see if those would be more central to everyone.

I have been doing a little research and it would be best if we had public liability insurance, so will look into that also seen as I'm having to do that for a few other things anyway. 🙂

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Weekly meditation classes in Durham

Hi, my name's Jacinta Taylor and just to let everyone know that I will be running weekly meditation classes in Durham every Tuesday night from 7.30pm to 9pm starting on Oct 25th at a cost of £7.00 per class. I'm also a Reiki Master Teacher and run the classes from my home, where I also have The Springwell Sanctuary treatment room. I use beautiful, gentle creative meditations and visualisations to help relax the body and still the mind - letting the real you shine through 🙂
If this appeals to you, please contact me on 07968 071330 or 0191 383 0209 for more info.....Jacinta

Here are two simple steps for dealing with stress: One: Don't sweat the small stuff. Two: Remember that it's all small stuff.:p

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meditation in Durham

Hi, There are very good guided meditation classes in Durham held every tuesday evening at a lady's house in North End. I highly recommend them!

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Hi Ishmana,

Thank you for the information. Could you PM me her details maybe so I can give her a call, not sure we should have her details open on here esp without her consent.

I think there are quite a few of us who would like to be involved in meditation group so maybe a bunch of strangers showing up on her doorstep would be a bit unnerving for her though.



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hi I would not mind some info on this really must get into it more.

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Meadowsweet and Crystal Rose, I've sent you both a PM. As I'm new here I'm not sure how much info I'm allowed to put on here! I have texted the lady who does meditation and she's happy for her number to be given out x

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Details may be shared via the PM system upon members request.

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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Any further forward with this? I'm still interested 🙂

Yvonne x

Hi there, just a thought on this, short meditations are something we can look at during the Holistic Share Night.

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I think that would be a great idea actually.

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