Hi everyone!:)
Happy Solstice!
I was going to put this in the paganism forum, but I'm not a pagan, just someone who celebrates the solstices! please move it if this is the wrong place!
A small group of us from our small online community are joining together in 'cyber space' do a 'virtual' solstice meditation at
9PM tonight,
this solstice night!(Sunday)
the idea is people practice their own meditation,
at the same time,
in their own way,
in their own space!
You would all be so very welcome to join us, the more the merrier! 🙂
I will definitely be lighting a candle and contemplating the return of the light.:-)
Here are a couple of lovely winter solstice meditations if you are stuck for ideas:
Thanks for reading.
With love and Light,
pure-ki 🙂
Hi Pure-ki
Thanks for the invitation, I will be joining you in cyber space at 9 pm.
Hi Mike,
I'm glad you'll be joining in, I'll 'see' you later! 🙂
Love and Peace
pure-ki 🙂
I shall join in the meditation this evening too. I look forward to it on this special day. 'See' you both later.
Count me in too.
Happy Re-Birth of the Light! 🙂
I'll be there....:)
Thank you...
I'm really glad you lovely people joined in!:)
There were atleast 5 others too.
I had a very peaceful meditation, and was aware of a lovely energy. 🙂
I do like cyber virtual meditations, they are a way for people to be in a group who, for whatever the reason, can't physically get together and I really appreciate the experience of togetherness.
Thank you! 🙂
I hope you all have a deep, peaceful and blessed sleep, and may every heart awaken to a new day filled with love and hope, with the return of the sun.
Much love and solstice blessings
pure-ki :nature-smiley-008:
Thank YOU! I did my meditation & little ritual alone, knowing others were too.
It helped me a lot & felt wonderful ... calming & energising both at once. I feel inspired with fresh Hope.
Happy Solstice! 🙂
Thank you for suggesting it:)
I particularly enjoyed having a group meditation tonight as I was feeling disappointed because the one I was meant to attend had been cancelled at the last moment.
So thank you very much pure ki for getting this together on such an auspicious day.
Love and Light
Just like to say thank you pur-ki....had a wonderful meditation and journey to a guided tape called Winter Snow.....very seasonal.....